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Quarter degree square: 0933C4 Country: Zambia Habitat: Miombo covers most of the lower slopes small stretches of montane grassland,Along the streams are patches of riparian forest. Altitude range: 1200-2200 m Annual rainfall: 951-1050 mm Location (short): Northern Province Location (detailed): Area is 130 sq km. Isoka District. The most northerly block of mountains within Zambia's eastern highlands. As with the Nyika Plateau, the Mafingas straddle the inter-national boundary with Malawi. As well as Mafinga National Forest (No. 296) in the south of the area, the site encompasses all the land above about the 1500m contour which is largely uninhabited and rarely even visited. |
Miombo covers most of the lower slopes and in several places it reaches unusually high altitudes of over 2000m. In some areas this woodland is dominated by masuku trees Uapaca spp. Broken rocky terrain and scree cover large parts of the higher ground and there are small stretches of montane grassland and Pro tea scrub. Along the streams are patches of riparian forest, often in precipitous gullies, but there is only one large patch (40ha) of montane forest known as Mulangale (9°59'S 33°l8'E). Most forest is bordered by bracken briar. The Mafingas are an important catchment area and they contain the source of the Luangwa.
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