Records made by John Brenan

Records: 7

The following is a list of the records made by John Brenan in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
81447Combretum molle17 Sep 1947JPM Brenan
JPM Brenan 7868 Dry woodland, with thicket areasMumbwa, in dry woodland, S. of the Namwala road about 6 miles from Nambala Mission with Lonchocarpus, Brachystegia spiciformis.0Zambia1527A1S0

Tree about 25 ft. high, with smoothish grey bark, several-stemmed. Young leaves grey-green. Infl. axis and calyx grey-green. Petals and stamens yellow.

81448Combretum molle07 Oct 1947JPM Brenan
JPM Brenan 8053 On fixed sand hills, clothed with low woodland of Haplocoelum, Eugenia, Baphia etc. Fort Rosebery, picked up under tree. On fixed sand hills, clothed with low woodland of Haplocoelum, Eugenia, Baphia etc. by L. Bangweulu N. of Samfya Mission.1120Zambia1129B3W0

Small tree with broad flattened crown, up to about 10-15 ft. high. Bark grey, closely reticulate, young leaves golden-velvety above, brownish-grey-tomentose beneath. Infl. axis dull pale green. Upper receipt. purplish. Calyx tube dull green below, red-purple-tinged above. Petals reddish-yellow. Sta. fil. greenish-yellow, anthers pale yellow. Dead mature leaves.

81908Diospyros batocana11 Aug 1947JPM Brenan
JPM Brenan 7679 Barotse. District; Sesheke.0ZambiaB0

Bushy-topped tree, c. 15-20' high. Leaves rigid, deep rather glossy green above pale glaucous green beneath. Fruit on woody twigs, clustered, deep brown-velvety. Bark deep grey, coarsely reticulate.

81911Diospyros chamaethamnus08 Jul 1947JPM Brenan
JPM Brenan 7646 Kalahari Sand.Barotoe, District; Sesheke, west of Zambesi. On the boundary of the Caprivi Strip, ca. 10 miles west of river Zambesi on Kalahari Sand.0ZambiaB0

Suffrutex 6"-8" high. Leaves mid-green above, pale glaucous green below. Fruits oblong-ellipsoid, brown-hairy. Flowers brownish.

82078Ekebergia capensis22 Aug 1947JPM Brenan
JPM Brenan 7735 F White In fringing forest, with Syzygium cordatum, Phoenix reclinata, Croton barotsensis, trichilia emeticaSouthern District; Livingstone; by bank of River Zambezi, just above Katombora. 0Zambia1725C4S0

Tree ca 60ft high with broad rounded crown and grey, very finely reticulate bark. Young shoots green, older olive grey with small whitish green above, pale green beneath. Buds and inflorescence green

82079Ekebergia capensis09 Oct 1947JPM Brenan
JPM Brenan 8079 NKB Robson On rocky slope by shore of L. BangweuluFort Rosebery District; on rocky slope by shore of L. Bangweolo in the Rest House Garden by Samfya Mission1120Zambia1129B3W0

41262Isoetes schweinfurthii29 Aug 1942PJ Greenway
JPM Brenan
PJ Greenway JPM Brenan 8012 SRGH
S. Bank in front of Main FallsVictoria Falls240Zimbabwe1725D4W0

Caespitose perennial with glossy medium open grass-like leaves


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Botswana: Records made by John Brenan., retrieved 3 January 2025

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