Shrubby herbs or shrubs. Cystoliths conspicuous, linear. Leaves opposite. Flowers single or in 3-7-flowered cymules aggregated into long raceme-like cymes. Calyx deeply 5-lobed into 5 equal linear-lanceolate or filiform lobes. Corolla usually red, but may be salmon-pink, scarlet or orange-red, hairy, sometimes glandular, on the outside; tube long and linear, divided above into 5 subequal lobes which are spreading or reflexed. Stamens 2, with 1-thecous anthers, included or shortly exserted. Ovary with 2 ovules per loculus. Capsule (2-)4-seeded, club-shaped with solid stalk-like basal part. Seeds borne on prominent hook-shaped retinaculas, without hygroscopic hairs. Derivation of name: For Prince Eugenio Ruspoli (1866-1893) Italian explorer, naturalist and botanical and zoological collector. Worldwide: 5 species in Tropical Africa, South Africa and Madagascar Botswana: 3 taxa. |