Shrubs or subshrubs. Leaves 1–3-foliolate with a distinct petiole, or apparently simple, pulvinate; leaflets needle-like to flat and broad, sometimes lacking; stipules rarely present. Inflorescences terminal sometimes one-sided racemes, or flowers 1–few on short shoots; bracts and bracteoles small. Calyx with subequal often small lobes; standard yellow, elliptic to oblate, glabrous or hairy; keel often a little longer than the standard, curved, apically rounded to shortly and bluntly beaked. Ovary subsessile to stipitate, with fairly numerous ovules. Fruit pod membranous to coriaceous, subsessile to long-stipitate, flattened or less often inflated. Seeds oblong-reniform to oblique-cordiform, with a small hilum.
Worldwide: 35 species in southern Africa. Botswana: 1 taxon. |
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