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Bjorå, C.S., Kwembeya, E.G., & Nordal, I. (2006) Crinum jasonii (Amaryllidaceae): a new endemic pan species of the Luangwa Valley in Zambia with notes on different seed structures in the genus Kew Bulletin 61 569-577
Kwembeya, E.G., Bjorå, C.S., Stedje, B. & Nordal, I. (2007) Phylogenetic relationships in the genus Crinum (Amaryllidaceae) with emphasis on tropical African species: evidence from trnL-F and nuclear ITS DNA sequence data Taxon 56(3) 801-810
Zimudzi, C., Archer, R.H., Kwembeya, E.G. & Nordal, I. (2006) Synopsis of the Amaryllidaceae from the Flora Zambesiaca area Kirkia 18(2) 151-168
Bulbous herbs. Scape flattened, solid. Leaves many, present at flowering time; apex truncate; margin hyaline, ciliate. Inflorescence a 1-25-flowered umbel. Flowers zygomorphic, often because of the deflexed style only, pale to deep pink or white. Tepals connate into a tube. Fruit indehiscent. Seeds with a thin corky covering. Derivation of name: Greek: lily Worldwide: 100 species, pantropical. Botswana: 11 taxa. Insects associated with this genus:
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Species | FZ divisions | Content |
buphanoides Welw. ex Baker | SE | Description, Image |
carolo-schmidtii Dinter | N | Image |
crassicaule Baker | N,SW | Description, Image |
harmsii Baker | N | |
lugardiae N.E. Br. | SE | |
macowanii Baker | N,SE | Description, Image |
paludosum I. Verd. | N,SE | Description, Image |
rautanenianum Schinz | N | Description, Image |
stuhlmannii Baker subsp. delagoense (I. Verd.) Kwembeya & Nordal | SE | Description, Image |
subcernuum Baker | N | Description, Image |
walteri Overkott | SW,SE | Description, Image |
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