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Unarmed or spiny, annual, rarely perennial, monoecious herbs. Leaves alternate, long-petiolate, simple and entire or sinuate. Flowers unisexual. Bracts and 2 bracteoles present. Perianth segments (2-)3-5, free or connate at base, membranous. Fruit a capsule, indehiscent, rupturing irregularly or with a circumscissile lid. Seeds usually black and shining. Worldwide: 60 species, in both tropical and temperate zones Botswana: 10 taxa. Insects associated with this genus:
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Species | FZ divisions | Content |
dinteri Schinz | N,SW | |
graecizans L. subsp. graecizans | Description | |
hybridus L.[Agg] | N,SE | Description, Image |
hybridus L. subsp. cruentus (L.) Thell. | N | |
hybridus L. subsp. hybridus | SE | |
praetermissus Brenan | N,SW,SE | Description |
schinzianus Thell. | ||
spinosus L. | N,SE | Description, Image |
thunbergii Moq. | N,SW,SE | Description, Image |
viridis L. |
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