Unarmed trees or shrubs.
Stipules free, small, caducous or 0. Leaves alternate. Flowers in cymes, bisexual. Sepals 5(-6). Petals
5(-6), white, cream to greenish-yellow. Disk intrastaminal, single, convex to shallowly concave, entire
or shallowly (4-)5-10(-12)-lobed or angled. Ovary superior. Stigma 2-3(-4)-branched. Fruit a dehiscent capsule, without
outgrowths. Seeds 1-6(-8), glossy, red-brown, ± surrounded by a yellow, or more rarely a white or purple, aril. Derivation of name: from a Chilean name for the type species Maytenus boaria Botswana: 2 taxa. Insects associated with this genus: |