Glabrous trees or shrubs. Stipules small, free, caducous. Leaves all opposite, or subopposite to alternate on young shoots. Inflorescence pedunculate to sessile, regularly dichasial, in axils of foliage leaves or prophylls; bracts persistent. Flowers bisexual (in ours) or unisexual. Sepals, petals and stamens 3-5. Stamens united with base of disk. Ovary superior, 2-3-locular. Fruit drupaceous, hard or ± fleshy. Seeds 1-2(-3), without an aril. Derivation of name: from Greek: elaia meaning olive, dendron meaning a tree, referring to the fruit’s likeness to real olives Worldwide: 15 species in the Old World tropics, South Africa, Central America and West Indies Botswana: 2 taxa. |