Home | > | List of families | > | Rhamnaceae | > | Ziziphus |
Trees, shrubs or suffrutices; stipular spines usually paired. Leaves alternate, petiolate; lamina minutely serrate, 3-5-veined from the base. Cymes axillary or rarely terminal. Flowers bisexual. Sepals 5. Petals 0 or 5. Disk flat, covering the receptacle, 5-10-lobed or rarely entire. Ovary 2(-4)-locular. Fruit a drupe, usually 2-seeded. Worldwide: 86 species in tropical and warm areas Botswana: 2 taxa. Insects associated with this genus:
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Species | FZ divisions | Content |
mucronata Willd. | N,SW,SE | Description, Image |
zeyheriana Sond. | SE | Description, Image |
Home | > | List of families | > | Rhamnaceae | > | Ziziphus |