Ficus verruculosa Warb.

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All records: View Botswana records only

Records of this taxon from all countries are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.

Click on a column heading to sort the entries in that column or re-sort results by: record number, altitude, date, QDS

Record number No of images Record date Recorder(s) Coll. Det. Conf. Herbaria Habitat Location Loc code(s) Outing code Planted code Country QDS Grid ref. FZ Div Alt. (m) Notes Lat Long Loc Acc Code
120630016 Apr 2023RD Kelly
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
At bottom of the valleyMbumbusi Falls, south of Gokwe0Zimbabwe1828B4 N1201-18.37476728.9025446
115170018 Apr 2021MA Hyde
MA Hyde
In garden8, Princes Close, Borrowdale12Zimbabwe1731C3 C1532-17.75646731.0947137
120368021 Jan 2020MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Open ground.Between Borrowdale Road and Celebration Centre fence.1,82Zimbabwe1731C3 C1532Tree; berries red.-17.78418331.0763787
106077026 Oct 2019MA Hyde
K van Laeren
A Sinclair
J Van Bel
K van Laeren
In groundsBorrowdale Park Vet Hospital, Harare12Zimbabwe1731C3 C1532-17.78541831.0775217
400371 Oct 2011R Burrett
R Burrett
WoodlandSilveira House, Chisawasha0Zimbabwe1731C3 C1573-17.80705631.2123927
31896018 Dec 2010MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
In tussocky bogChakoma, NE of Harare720Zimbabwe1731C1 C1460-17.69674031.1905100
32626114 Nov 2010WR Clarke
By secret dam in water course, Val D'Or120Zimbabwe1731C4 UR171269C15180
31729011 Nov 2010MA Hyde
Near dried-up perennial spingsRydal Court, Ruwa0Zimbabwe1731C4 C1590-17.92503031.2886700
26529013 Dec 2009MA Hyde
Wet grassland near streamVal D'Or120Zimbabwe1731C4 C1530-17.83820031.2736500
16202028 Apr 2007MA Hyde
Rocky riverine vegetation by streamRuwa Scout Park340Zimbabwe1731C3 UR115223C15200
3314124 Sep 2005MA Hyde
In clump of treesS of Mukuvisi R.1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 TR975256C14800
21593026 Apr 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Riverine vegetationIsland 4160Zambia1725C4 LL295272S9100
3346226 Sep 2004MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Edge of dam among rocksCleveland Dam, Harare1,30Zimbabwe1731C3 UR039268C1540-17.84071031.1492406
12459601 Apr 2002MA Hyde
MA Hyde
In vleiBesna Kobila570Zimbabwe2028B3 W1492-20.43814028.7422906
124527030 Mar 2002MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Rocky slopes near riverBesna Kobila570Zimbabwe2028B3 W1474-20.43717028.7489806
110519030 Nov 2001JE Burrows
JE Burrows
JE Burrows

Nera Ponta Milibangalala, Maputo Elephant Reserve. S. Mozambique.0Mozambique2632A4 M40Multi-stemmed shrub in wetland in reedbeds in coastal lake margins. Scarce2
18731017 Jun 2001MA Hyde
Near streamBushman Rock Farm, Goromonzi0Zimbabwe1731C4 UR249126C14400
9464701 Mar 2001BA Curtis
BA Curtis
C Mannheimer

Caprivi: Site A1. Mixed woodland near Sikanjabuka.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724D3 0Shrub; Notes: Growing under Diospyros. Milky latex. Shrub, 1.6 m high.-17.77694024.5038904
1131840 2001Maputo Elephant Reserve2260Mozambique2632B4 (QDS approximate)M0Listed in SABONET News 7(1), 2001 23-29 Provisional Plant Checklist of the Maputo Elephant Reserve.2
4457025 Nov 2000MA Hyde
Wet ground nr streamVal D'Or, Gardiner Rd, Arcturus120Zimbabwe1731C4 UR170270C15200
30587017 Sep 2000MA Hyde
In vleiGosho Park700Zimbabwe1831B1 UQ538889C16400
8232508 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Growing beside waterway with papyrus and Phragmites.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps 7km West of the North end of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N1062Woody shrub with ascending stems, extending out into the water. Occasionally occuring.0
30303019 Dec 1994MA Hyde
RB Drummond
W Fibeck
V Fibeck
Chakoma, NE of Harare720Zimbabwe1731C1 UR08-42-C14300
82324017 May 1994DK Harder
DK Harder
C Berg
Collection along river, among rocks, in mushitu and in miombo woodland. Chinsali District; Chipomo Falls National Monument, along Chimanabuwi River. 0Zambia1132C2 N1310Rare; among rocks in stream; synconia light green tinged with red with lighter spots.-11.74944432.4722225
82323022 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder
C Berg
Collections around Kundalila Falls. Rocky soils, quartz sand and basalt outcrops. Kanona District; Kundalila Falls Picnic Area, 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy.1210Zambia1330B1 C1590Small tree along stream; stems grey; young fruits light green, flushed red to deep red when mature.-13.15444430.7194445
63685027 Oct 1963EA Robinson
EA Robinson
R 5784
Peat bogChakwenga Headwaters area1710Zambia1529A2 C1075From E.A.Robinson's collection written by Bob Drummond-15.15210029.3537004
6368406 Oct 1963EA Robinson
EA Robinson
R 5690
Peat bogChakwenga Headwaters area1710Zambia1529A2 C1075From E.A.Robinson's collection written by Bob Drummond-15.15210029.3537004
296930 Feb 1953OB Miller
OB Miller

On stream bankBesna Kobila, Matobo570Zimbabwe2028B3 W1430Shrub to 3.5 ft high. Flowers reddish. Juice milky. [See note 16]0
284520No dateMA Hyde
Mukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C0Checklist 10
1216960No dateD de Swardt
In gardenMidsummer Hill Nursery, Glen Lorne12Zimbabwe C0Checklist 80
567190No date0Zimbabwe2028B4 0Tree Society mapping record0
567200No date0Zimbabwe1731C1 0Tree Society mapping record0
567180No date0Zimbabwe1831B1 0Tree Society mapping record0
567170No date0Zimbabwe1832B3 0Tree Society mapping record0
567160No date0Zimbabwe1829C2 0Tree Society mapping record0
567150No date0Zimbabwe1731D4 0Tree Society mapping record0
567140No date0Zimbabwe1731C4 0Tree Society mapping record0
567130No date0Zimbabwe1731C3 0Tree Society mapping record0
567120No date0Zimbabwe1731C2 0Tree Society mapping record0
567110No date0Zimbabwe1731A4 0Tree Society mapping record0
567100No date0Zimbabwe1730D2 0Tree Society mapping record0
567090No date0Zimbabwe1730D1 0Tree Society mapping record0
567080No date0Zimbabwe1730B4 0Tree Society mapping record0
567070No date0Zimbabwe1730B2 0Tree Society mapping record0
567060No date0Zimbabwe1730B1 0Tree Society mapping record0
567050No date0Zimbabwe1730A2 0Tree Society mapping record0
567040No date0Zimbabwe1629D4 0Tree Society mapping record0

Total records found: 47

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Botswana: Species information: Records of: Ficus verruculosa., retrieved 14 March 2025

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