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Records of this taxon from all countries are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.
Record number | No of images | Record date | Recorder(s) | Coll. | Det. | Conf. | Herbaria | Habitat | Location | Loc code(s) | Outing code | Planted code | Country | QDS | Grid ref. | FZ Div | Alt. (m) | Notes | Lat | Long | Loc Acc Code |
124632 | 0 | 26 Nov 2021 | BT Wursten F Andicene | BT Wursten BW2262 | BT Wursten | BR LMA | Boggy montane grassland | Saddle between Nhamedimu and Mt Binga, Chimanimani National Park. | 168 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 1659 | iNaturalist record | -19.764400 | 33.094300 | 7 | |||
100521 | 3 | 14 Feb 2019 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Sibale | BT Wursten P Ballings PB2577 | BT Wursten | BR | In black cotton soil near stream in montane grassland | Near Dam 2, Nyika National Park | 180 | 0 | Malawi | 1033D2 | N | 2274 | -10.595490 | 33.808910 | 7 | ||||
117963 | 0 | 21 Dec 2018 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Shallow soils on rock in seepage area by stream | Nymuziwa Falls, Nyanga National Park | 54,155 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832B4 | E | 1941 | -18.252880 | 32.791290 | 7 | ||||||
99883 | 0 | 12 Dec 2018 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In black cotton soil at margin of vlei. | Sheba Vlei at entrance of Forestry Estate, Stapleford. | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832D2 | E | 1578 | iNaturalist record | -18.746910 | 32.798820 | 7 | ||||||
98299 | 3 | 9 Aug 2018 | BT Wursten A Iqbal M Siska | BT Wursten | In bog by lake on black cotton soil | Lake Kaulime, Nyika National Park | 180 | 0 | Malawi | 1033D2 | N | 2348 | -10.577830 | 33.760580 | 6 | ||||||
109622 | 0 | 27 Oct 2015 | JE Burrows SM Burrows | JE Burrows 14761 | JE Burrows | LMA BNRH | Lagoa Embache, a large wetland ca. 10 km NE of the Bilene-Macia road. | 0 | Mozambique | 2533A2 | GI | 17 | Growing on margin of a clear pool in peat bog; in an extensive coastal wetland. | -25.124250 | 33.285450 | 7 | |||||
50789 | 4 | 6 Jan 2013 | MA Hyde BT Wursten M Coates Palgrave P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings PB1878 | BT Wursten | BR | By stream | By Circular Drive, Nyanga NP | 54,155 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832B4 | E | 1870 | -18.281220 | 32.771230 | 7 | ||||
34632 | 6 | 5 Jan 2011 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings 1641 | Grassy vlei in black cotton soil | Road near entrance John Meikle Forestry Estate, Stapleford | 156,210 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832D2 | E | 1570 | -18.746630 | 32.798480 | 7 | ||||||
41944 | 1 | 27 Nov 2007 | S Dondeyne | BT Wursten | In boggy area next to big dam | Tandara plateau | 0 | Mozambique | 1932D2 | MS | 1750 | -19.619585 | 32.879719 | 7 | |||||||
28652 | 3 | 17 Apr 2007 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings PB514 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | LMU | In montane grassland in full sun on plateau, in very wet area along small stream | Plateau below Nhandore peak, Mt Gorongosa. | 4 | 0 | Mozambique | 1834A3 | MS | 1710 | -18.435833 | 34.045817 | 7 | ||||
42414 | 0 | 14 Dec 2006 | S Dondeyne | BT Wursten | Among grasses in peaty soil on quartzite | Plateau of Muvumodzi headwaters, Chimanimani Mts | 168 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 1700 | -19.770000 | 33.097000 | 6 | ||||||
70390 | 0 | No date | Mount Mulanje | 179 | 0 | Malawi | 1535D3 | S | 0 | Checklist 6 | 0 |
Total records found: 12
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