Hoslundia opposita Vahl

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All records: View Botswana records only

Records of this taxon from all countries are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.

Click on a column heading to sort the entries in that column or re-sort results by: record number, altitude, date, QDS

Record number No of images Record date Recorder(s) Coll. Det. Conf. Herbaria Habitat Location Loc code(s) Outing code Planted code Country QDS Grid ref. FZ Div Alt. (m) Notes Lat Long Loc Acc Code
120361026 Apr 2023BT Wursten
F Andicene
BT Wursten
Margin of open woodland and riverine forest.Near Condue River, Gorongosa National Park.140Mozambique1834D2 MS225iNaturalist record-18.69617034.7858807
99464024 Dec 2018MA Hyde
BT Wursten
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Open woodlandMukuvisi Woodland, Chiraura Stream side1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1490-17.84046831.0869457
10120404 Dec 2018BT Wursten
JA Massunde
IAI Nuvunga
GB Chindere
AA Amade
CF Nhancale
AF Wilssone
BT Wursten
BT Wursten

Evergreen ForestNdzou camp area, Moribane Forest840Mozambique1933C2 MS614iNaturalist record-19.73336033.3382507
9855102 Aug 2018BT Wursten
AB Potter
I Kuziel
BT Wursten
By large termite mound in open deciduous woodland Panga panga - Chitengo road, Gorongosa National Park 140Mozambique1834C4 MS40-18.98431034.3427707
105847030 Jul 2018BT Wursten
AB Potter
I Kuziel
BT Wursten
Dense woodland with riverine forest influences Dingue dingue road along Pungwe River, Gorongosa National Park. 140Mozambique1834C4 MS40-18.99606034.3603907
96146110 Apr 2018BT Wursten
T Castigo
IAI Nuvunga
BT Wursten
In disturbed secondary fringe of shrubs alongside railway track Southern margin of Inhamitanga Forest near railway line, Coutada 12, Cheringoma 830Mozambique1835A2 MS227-18.23874035.3233806
9257357 Feb 2018BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
Very dense shady groove of woodlandMukolo Camp, Kavango River2070Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C4 959Inflorescences appear lax but otherwise matching-17.87970023.3421807
90869021 Jan 2018MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
T Alegria
MA Hyde
Sandy miombo woodland among rocksMbizi Game Park, picnic area0Zimbabwe1731C3 C1441-17.96413331.1261987
84698016 Apr 2017BT Wursten
T Castigo
IAI Nuvunga
BT Wursten
In rocky woodland on limestone slope Along road on plateau above Khodzue Gorge 2020Mozambique1834D2 MS224-18.56313034.8660907
85081012 Apr 2017BT Wursten
IAI Nuvunga
BT Wursten
Woodland near stream Swanepoel Concession, Cheringoma 1980Mozambique1835C1 MS133-18.67324035.1296207
7958002 Apr 2017BT Wursten
T Castigo
BT Wursten
Mixed miombo woodland Along road to Inhamitanga West of Chironde Camp, Coutada 12 1840Mozambique1835A4 MS220-18.31735035.3141607
85114027 Mar 2017BT Wursten
T Castigo
BT Wursten
Mixed miombo woodland with riverine influence at edge of dambo Entrance road to Chironde Camp, Coutada 12 1840Mozambique1835A4 MS170-18.32921035.3604007
101751020 Jan 2017BT Wursten
P Ballings
J Laing
BT Wursten
In open basalt stony ground in open mopane woodlandZambezi National Park1760Zimbabwe1725D3 W898iNaturalist record-17.83953025.6454606
76570115 Jan 2017BT Wursten
P Ballings
J Laing
BP Mpofu
BT Wursten
In open woodland on basaltZambezi National Park.1760Zimbabwe1725D3 W914-17.85317025.5965707
90654012 Apr 2016BT Wursten
T Castigo
BT Wursten
Margin of woodlandAlong road between Nhago Camp and airstrip, Coutada 121840Mozambique1835C2 MS60iNaturalist record-18.65097035.4613907
74985021 Jan 2016BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
Mixed woodland with riverine influencesNear Cottage no.3, Rest Camp Zambezi National Park.1760Zimbabwe1725D4 W899-17.89324025.8099907
76683020 Jan 2016BT Wursten
P Ballings
J Laing
C Robertson
J Nkomo
BT Wursten
In rocky woodland on slopes of small basalt ravine.Zambezi National Park.1760Zimbabwe1725D3 W927-17.87076025.6135006
69440016 Jan 2016BT Wursten
P Ballings
C Sharp
BT Wursten
In open Acacia woodland Umguza Nature Reserve, Bulawayo1830Zimbabwe2028B1 W1245iNaturalist record-20.04113028.5415807
69574012 Jan 2016BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
Disturbed but regenerating woodland. Pumba Safari Lodge, Gokwe. 0Zimbabwe1828B2 N1234iNaturalist record-18.20297028.9284907
72038026 Nov 2015BT Wursten
J Guyton
J Guyton
BT Wursten
Riverine woodlandDingue-Dingue Road along Pungwe River, Gorongosa National Park140Mozambique1834C4 MS0Small shrub in riverine forest. Spike of small white flowers.-18.99530034.3585007
72039026 Nov 2015BT Wursten
J Guyton
J Guyton
BT Wursten
Riverine woodlandDingue-Dingue Road along Pungwe River, Gorongosa National Park140Mozambique1834C4 MS0Small shrub in riverine forest. Spike of small white flowers.-18.99484034.3578407
72041026 Nov 2015BT Wursten
J Guyton
J Guyton
BT Wursten
Riverine woodlandDingue-Dingue Road along Pungwe River, Gorongosa National Park140Mozambique1834C4 MS0Small shrub in riverine forest. Spike of small white flowers.-18.99523034.3584407
72042026 Nov 2015BT Wursten
J Guyton
J Guyton
BT Wursten
Riverine woodlandDingue-Dingue Road along Pungwe River, Gorongosa National Park140Mozambique1834C4 MS0Small shrub in riverine forest. Spike of small white flowers.-18.99523034.3584407
62959018 Jan 2015MA Hyde
BT Wursten
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
In mixed mopane/ Brachystegia boehmii woodlandBy entrance road to Southern Cross Farm, Chegutu0Zimbabwe1830A1 C1170-18.11604030.2050407
64407011 Jan 2015MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
Riverine vegetationChiraura River, Mukuvisi Woodlands1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1480-17.84487031.0816807
6329816 Jan 2015BT Wursten
P Ballings
T Mutombeni
BT Wursten
Rocky deciduous woodlandAlong Mahenye rd, Ndowoyo CL.0Zimbabwe2132A2 E394-21.14557832.3047137
6428501 Jan 2015BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
In somewhat disturbed deciduous woodland. Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu.0Zimbabwe2030D4 S633-20.80305330.9178957
57421016 Feb 2014MA Hyde
TM Müller
Open rocky areaAt base of Chivarairwa Kopje, Canonkopje Crane and Game Sanctuary0Zimbabwe1730B1 N1280-17.19664030.6084607
77018031 Jan 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
C Sharp
BT Wursten
In mixed deciduous woodland on Kalahari sandChesa Forest land. 1960Zimbabwe1928C3 W1235-19.98463028.2243007
77075031 Jan 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
C Sharp
BT Wursten
Mixed woodland on Kalahari sand.Chesa Forest Land,Umguza District.1960Zimbabwe2028A2 W1306iNaturalist record-20.05346028.2775507
77105031 Jan 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
C Sharp
BT Wursten
Mixed woodland on Kalahari sand.Chesa Forest Land, Umguza District.1960Zimbabwe2028A2 W1263-20.01274028.2643007
76898030 Jan 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
Rocky deciduous woodlandEntrance parking White Rhino Cave, Matobo National Park.1700Zimbabwe2028B3 W1349-20.47586028.5238307
76923030 Jan 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
In deciduous woodland.Along main drive between "Mother and Child" and Chitampa Dam, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. 1700Zimbabwe2028C2 W1220-20.56102028.4316807
76944030 Jan 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
In open rocky mixed deciduous woodland. Near "Mother-and-Child"balancing rocks, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park.1700Zimbabwe2028C2 W1225-20.56330028.4327007
76961030 Jan 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
In mixed woodland Along Impala Loop, Whove Gamp Park, Matobo National Park 1700Zimbabwe2028C2 W1244iNaturalist record-20.57101028.4397107
65191028 Jan 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
Moist roadside grassland Along Bulawayo-Matobo road 0Zimbabwe2028B1 W1433-20.23164028.5799907
65267028 Jan 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
Mixed deciduous woodland at the base of rocky outcrop Along Fort Usher road, Matobo 0Zimbabwe2028B3 W1390iNaturalist record-20.40775028.5226407
71363025 Jan 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
Somewhat disturbed deciduous woodland Along Zvishavane - Mbalabala road 0Zimbabwe2029B3 W1127iNaturalist record-20.43320029.7097907
97268023 Jan 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
Rocky miombo woodland Slopes of Mt Belingwe 0Zimbabwe2029D2 S1150iNaturalist record-20.59455329.9003367
65441021 Jan 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
Disturbed roadside vegetation West of Masvingo on road to Zvishavane 0Zimbabwe2030B1 S1112-20.04496030.7401107
58409029 Oct 2013BT Wursten
S Dondeyne
K Dekoninck
BT Wursten
Cleared areas with bracken and regenerating vegetationAlong footpath from Muwawa to Zomba0Mozambique1933C3 MS232-19.90462033.2090807
58182026 Oct 2013BT Wursten
S Dondeyne
K Dekoninck
BT Wursten
Disturbed and cleared areas with some secondary vegetationAlong footpath from Zomba to Magorogodo0Mozambique1933C3 MS224iNaturalist record-19.88746033.2436407
58114025 Oct 2013BT Wursten
S Dondeyne
K Dekoninck
BT Wursten
Disturbed margins of secondary forest scrubZomba Community0Mozambique1933C4 MS188-19.87682033.2582607
57911024 Oct 2013BT Wursten
S Dondeyne
K Dekoninck
BT Wursten
Roadside vergeChimoio-Sussundenga road, just beyond Chimoio Airport turn off0Mozambique1933A2 MS675Common all over-19.15608733.4139875
57959024 Oct 2013BT Wursten
S Dondeyne
K Dekoninck
BT Wursten
Disturbed areas with some remnant treesRoad to Dombe at Chimokono0Mozambique1933C4 MS226-19.78795033.3515507
57979024 Oct 2013BT Wursten
S Dondeyne
K Dekoninck
BT Wursten
Remnant patch of secondary forestRoad to Dombe between Chimokono and Muwawa0Mozambique1933C4 MS220-19.81461233.3164706
58003024 Oct 2013BT Wursten
S Dondeyne
K Dekoninck
BT Wursten
Disturbed areas with some remnant treesRoad to Dombe at Muwawa Village0Mozambique1933C4 MS180-19.84792033.3039807
58026024 Oct 2013BT Wursten
S Dondeyne
K Dekoninck
BT Wursten
Disturbed areas of old cultivationAlong footpath from Muwawa to Zomba0Mozambique1933C4 MS155iNaturalist record-19.84664433.2952426
58038024 Oct 2013BT Wursten
S Dondeyne
K Dekoninck
BT Wursten
Disturbed areas of old cultivationAlong footpath from Muwawa to Zomba0Mozambique1933C4 MS157iNaturalist record-19.84657233.2919616
57848022 Oct 2013BT Wursten
S Dondeyne
K Dekoninck
BT Wursten
Disturbed area with some regenerating woodlandJust outside ISPN campus0Mozambique1933A2 MS700-19.04360033.4031107
51100010 Jan 2013MA Hyde
BT Wursten
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
Open miombo woodland at base of rocky hillNyahokwe Hill, Nyanga0Zimbabwe1832B1 E1460-18.14617032.6884207
50369028 Dec 2012MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
Rocky wooded river bankMazowe River, Maramba CL0Zimbabwe1731B2 N810-17.15160031.8473907
49998024 Dec 2012MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
Open miombo woodlandRoadside stop, by Harare to Shamva Road, Saratoga Farm0Zimbabwe1731C2 C1250-17.63349031.4007207
48455212 Apr 2012MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
Woodland edgeMphingue, Catapu820Mozambique1835A1 MS90-18.04025035.2018107
39010014 Jan 2012MA Hyde
BT Wursten
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
J Varden
In open miombo woodlandKopje Tops, Mavhuradonha Wilderness Area760Zimbabwe1630D2 N1220-16.58143030.8474707
3850909 Jan 2012MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
Roadside vergeBy road from Birchenough Bridge-Masvingo Rd to Lake Kyle Recreational Park entrance gate0Zimbabwe2030B2 S1060-20.14397030.9378007
3809606 Jan 2012MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
Rocky miombo woodlandBy Birchenough Bridge to Masvingo road0Zimbabwe1931D3 S1000-19.93689031.6916406
37289031 Dec 2011MA Hyde
P Ballings
Open disturbed vegetationBy road from EN1 to Nhancuco0Mozambique1834C1 MS520-18.55708034.0543107
37927127 Dec 2011MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
RoadsideRoad from Mt Selinda to Espungabera border post0Zimbabwe2032B4 E980-20.41890032.7560307
3468606 Jan 2011BT Wursten
P Ballings
Slightly degraded rocky miombo woodlandSmall dirt track off main road, c. 5 km East of Nyazura 0Zimbabwe1832C3 E1192-18.76331032.1920607
33383022 Dec 2010BT Wursten
P Ballings
Disturbed roadside with bamboo and pinesRoad to Nyamuakwarara River, John Meikle Research Station2100Zimbabwe1832D2 E731-18.69172032.9215807
41844118 May 2010D Gwynne-Evans
BT Wursten
Lower slopes Mt Mabu870Mozambique1636A4 Z700-16.29828336.4236426
4780201 Mar 2010M Coates Palgrave
M van der Bank
OG Maurin
OG Maurin
M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave


Just N of road 219, very close to the Zambezi river, where the road is closest to the river. About 5 kms before reaching Chupanga.0Mozambique1835B1 MS29-18.01563935.5675567
11012501 Mar 2010M Coates Palgrave
M van der Bank
OG Maurin
OG Maurin
M Coates Palgrave


Just N of road 219, very close to the Zambezi River, where the road is closest to the river. About 5 km before reaching Chupanga.0Mozambique1835B1 MS29UJ DNA No. MvdB4206-18.01563935.5675566
27540013 Jan 2010MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
WoodlandBy road to Khami Ruins0Zimbabwe2028A2 W1310-20.17113028.4351700
2723009 Jan 2010MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
Disturbed groundRobins Camp, Hwange NP50Zimbabwe1825D2 W970-18.62953025.9860900
2665205 Jan 2010MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
Woodland on Kalahari sand Hwange NP, on loop from Main Camp through Dopi Pan50Zimbabwe1826D4 W1060-18.75346026.8991800
110124026 Nov 2008JE Burrows
SM Burrows
JE Burrows
SM Burrows
JE Burrows



Ca. 3 km west from the airstrip, Quiterajo0Mozambique1140C4 N78Soft shrub to 1.2 m tall; in secondary scrub in degraded coastal woodland/forest mosaic. Frequent.-11.76055640.4005567
2065401 Jan 2008MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Grassy roadside vergeBy main Bulawayo/ Harare rd just NE of Shangani0Zimbabwe1929C2 QJ517147W13400
3256723 Dec 2007BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten

Riverine forestEntrance rd to Chitengo between Nhacapanda and 2nd new bridge, Gorongosa National Park.140Mozambique1934A2 MS35-19.00323334.2914677
4142001 Dec 2007BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten

Deciduous woodlandAlong road from EN1 to entrance gate Gorongosa National Park0Mozambique1834C3 MS164-18.93483334.1361677
32563411 Oct 2007BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten

Deciduous woodlandBy path from Chitengo to the Pungwe river, Gorongosa National Park140Mozambique1834C4 MS27-18.99071734.3526507
1167860 Apr 2007BT Wursten
A Mapaura
TM Müller
P Ballings
C Chapano
In woodlandMt Gorongosa40Mozambique1834A3 MS0Listed by Mueller et Al. (2012) in Vegetation survey of Mt Gorongosa Appendix 1: 39-52.2
41421113 Dec 2006BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
Secondary vegetationSchool site Nhancuco, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa0Mozambique1834C1 MS620-18.52014734.0528317
120907029 Nov 2006BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
In abandoned cultivated field. Near Morumbodzi River crossing, road to waterfalls, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa2Mozambique1834C1 MS435iNaturalist record-18.53961934.0189896
9377305 Mar 2006PF Horn
PF Horn
Not known
MM Hochobes

Caprivi: Near Kwando River, turn-off to Bum Hill campsite.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C4 0Shrub; Notes: Shrubs, about 1 m high. Flowers small. Seed fleshy, orange.-17.87500023.3750005
5300015 Jan 2006MA Hyde
BT Wursten
In sandy miombo woodlandKutsaga, nr Dam170Zimbabwe1731C3 UR010175C14700
580608 Jan 2006MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Roadside woodlandRimiti West, by Mutare to Birchenough Br. rd0Zimbabwe1932B3 VP512462E7100
11012305 Oct 2005JE Burrows
SM Burrows
JE Burrows
SM Burrows
JE Burrows

Near Matibane, on road to Mossuril, Nampula Province.0Mozambique1440D4 N30Soft shrub in open deciduous woodland.2
93357022 Jan 2005S Kruger
S Kruger
MM Hochobes

Caprivi: Mukwe District.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D4 9991 m high; Shrub; Notes: Small shrub, 1 m high. Stems woody. Leaves opposite, obovate, velvety. Flowers carried on tips of plant, white petals. Grows in stony to sandy soil.-17.90806022.9025005
93097020 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes

Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; side road going to Angola border, from Divundu-Kongola main road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C3 1057Shrub; Notes: Shrub with squared stem and tendrils. Inflorescence: terminal flowers white, minute. Leaves: whorled, margins dentate.-17.96528022.1033305
270804 Dec 2004MA Hyde
BT Wursten
In rocky Brachystegia woodlandCleveland Dam1,30Zimbabwe1731C3 UR038267C1540iNaturalist record-17.84161031.1482806
175415 Jan 2004BT Wursten
In rocky Brachystegia woodland. Twentydales ext., Epworth, Harare.0Zimbabwe1731C3 C1450-17.94785031.1412806
1752216 Dec 2003BT Wursten
Roadside woodland edge.Vumba rd, near Inn on the Vumba630Zimbabwe1932B1 E1178-19.02658032.6874806
115565025 Nov 2003BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
Margin of disturbed grassland and riverine forest.Katiyo Tea estates Club, Pungwe River.2360Zimbabwe1833A3 E588iNaturalist record-18.37739033.0558106
9441904 Mar 2003CJH Hines
CJH Hines
C Mannheimer

Caprivi: About 14 km south-east of Bukalo on the main Bukalo - Muyako road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724C4 940Shrub; Notes: Shrub, up to 1.2 meters high. Growing on side of termitaria. Flowers in terminal clusters, white. Fruits when young green, hard. When mature bright orange with distinct fruit, softly fleshy. Area of mopane woodland with scattered termitaria, numerous small pans. Soils largely clays and clay loams, blackish.-17.84639024.4438904
432908 Feb 2003MA Hyde
In sandy, often rocky, miombo woodlandCleveland Dam1,30Zimbabwe1731C3 UR037267C15400
2927205 Dec 2002MA Hyde
By path in woodland on rocky hill slopeGreat Zimbabwe, descending from Acropolis by modern path620Zimbabwe2030B4 S00
18629017 Nov 2002MA Hyde
Miombo woodlandChriston Bank70Zimbabwe1731C1 TR887545C13500
1131540 2001Maputo Elephant Reserve2260Mozambique2632B4 (QDS approximate)M0Listed in SABONET News 7(1), 2001 23-29 Provisional Plant Checklist of the Maputo Elephant Reserve.2
5453103 Dec 2000MA Hyde
M Silva-Jones
P Haxen
MA Hyde
In well-wooded garden29, Helensvale Road, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C1 C1510-17.73846031.1323806
14997025 Jan 1998MA Hyde
Roadside between woodland and the Matisi RiverSaunyama CL, Nyanga District0Zimbabwe1732D4 VR855352E9200
1427101 Jan 1998MA Hyde
A MacNaughtan
Sandy roadsideNr Weya, Weya CL, Makoni District0Zimbabwe1832A1 VR123072C13000
8252809 Mar 1997DK Harder
DK Harder
AJ Paton

Collections in roadside, degraded miombo on micaceous soils.Choma District; ca. 38.2 km N on M11 of intersection Choma-Namwala Road and Choma-Lusaka Roads, ca. 5.6 km S of Ngonga stream. 0Zambia1626B4 S1200Arching shrub; to 2 m tall; on flanks of termitaria; leaves light green; calyx very light green; corolla all white; fruit light green to cream to soft orange.-16.49111126.9394445
82527012 Mar 1996DK Harder
DK Harder
AJ Paton

In degraded miombo woodland along drivewayLusaka District; Lusaka East; Jellis Farm ca. 0.5 km from front gate. 1450Zambia1528A4 C1320Occasional; on dambo margin and on termite mounds; calyx light green-yellow; corolla white becoming brown; flesh around fruit orange.-15.32861128.4377785
14931018 Nov 1995MA Hyde
M Silva-Jones
RB Drummond
Near river, within area cleared for dam constructionEastern Highlands Tea Estate, Honde Valley0Zimbabwe1832B4 VQ761713E7000
8252906 Dec 1993MC Merello
MC Merello
AJ Paton

Open woodland at shores of Lake Tanganyika, Chilanga Rocks Campground. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park.1080Zambia0830D1 N900Scrambling shrub 3 m tall; perianth white; "generic herbal" fragrance. Very common.-8.55000030.6166675
82526019 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder
AJ Paton

Mushitu dominated by Syzygium, marshes and open waterKasanka National Park; Kalamafiala Forest. 990Zambia1230C1 C1170Shrub in forest patch; calyx green; corolla white, weakly wooded; style white, slightly aromatic.-12.57888930.2297225
22932026 Jan 1991MA Hyde
Common, on anthillsFalcon Golf Course, Hatfield10Zimbabwe1731C3 C00
2293101 Dec 1990MA Hyde
By bridge over streamNr Angus Road, Eastlea North10Zimbabwe1731C3 TR955290C00
22930027 Jan 1990MA Hyde
In sandy Parinari woodlandNE corner of the Mukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 TR985268C00
22929030 Dec 1989MA Hyde
By eastern boundary path, Mukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 TR985265C00
22928028 Oct 1989MA Hyde
Edge of riverMukuvisi River1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 TR965261C00
22927022 Apr 1989MA Hyde
On anthillMukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 TR969261C00
22926014 Jan 1989MA Hyde
By pathSouth of Mukuvisi River1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 TR970258C00
95589021 Dec 1988GL Maggs
GL Maggs
C Mannheimer

Caprivi: Balelwa - banks of channel.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1823A2 0subshrub; Notes: Straggly subshrub, 1 m or more. Stems brittle, 4-angled, initially with short brown indumentum. Lamina ovate, 50 x 18 mm, gradually tapering, dark green, more or less glabrous, thinly textured, margin coarsely dentate. Inflorescence axillary/terminal panicle; branchlets opposite. Flower 8 mm long, bilabiate, yellow-cream.-18.12500023.3750002
9564806 Dec 1988GL Maggs
GL Maggs
C Mannheimer

Caprivi: Nkasa Island - 'Chivumu' - on banks of pool.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1823B3 0Herb; Notes: Perennial herb, up to 1 m high. Stems rigid, 4-angled; branchlets densely pubescent. Lamina ovate - elliptic, 50 x 20 mm, dark green, margin dentate, minutely pubescent. Inflorescence terminal panicle. Flowers 6 mm long; sepals fused, extending 2/3 of length.-18.37500023.6250002
300030 Jan 1954OB Miller
OB Miller

Fringing forest Farm Besna Kobila, Matobo570Zimbabwe2028B3 W1490Shrub 8 ft high. Flowers white. Fruits orange coloured, edible. [See note 16]0
229910No dateMukuvisi Woodlands1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C0Checklist 10
281360No dateEdge of forestChirinda Forest60Zimbabwe2032B3 E0Checklist 40

Total records found: 110

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Botswana: Species information: Records of: Hoslundia opposita.
https://www.botswanaflora.com/speciesdata/species-display.php?species_id=150110, retrieved 13 March 2025

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