Collections made by De Castro

Records: 30

The following is a list of the records made by De Castro in species name order. The records are of species which occur in botambique (either as a native/naturalised species or as a cultivated species).

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
110791Andropogon schirensis11 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1379 AC Mashau BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI25

Dominant to subdominant species on deep, light brown to white sands in Julbernardia/Brachystegia woodland near coast.

110792Andropogon schirensis17 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1384 L Fish BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI0

Common to dominant grass in Julbernardia/Brachystegia woodland on deep, light brown sands.

110793Brachiaria arrecta19 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1378 AC Mashau BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI14

In seasonally inundated parts of the Govuru River floodplain in dense reed-beds dominated by Typha capensis, Phragmites australis and especially Cladium mariscus.

110794Chrysopogon serrulatus18 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1374 L Fish LMA
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI35

Plants co-dominant with Imperata cylindrica on periodically inundated and seasonally saturated light brown sands on upper edge of Govuru River floodplain.

109789Croton gratissimus var. gratissimus15 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1609 A De Castro BNRH
Temane district.0Mozambique2135C3GI45

Common shrub (up to 4 m tall) in dense thicket on red-brown loamy sand. Thicket habitat heavily fragmented by clearing for cultivation.

109494Cuscuta campestris04 May 2014A De Castro
A De Castro s.n. AM Makwarela BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI13

Abundant species parasitizing grasses and ferns, growing in a peatland (mire) of a coastal stream.

110795Digitaria milanjiana12 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1382 AC Mashau BNRH
Temane district.0Mozambique2135C1GI31

Common on brown sandy loams in short closed woodland dominated by Vitex payos, Piliostigma thonningii and Lannea stuhlmannii.

109511Eleocharis dulcis18 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1386 C Archer BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI0

Common in shallow (ca. 50 cm) standing water of permanent zone of a lake in the floodplain of the Govuru River.

109512Eleocharis variegata05 Mar 2014A De Castro
A De Castro s.n. C Archer BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C2GI9

Common to dominant species in marsh vegetation of peatland (mire) of a coastal stream.

110265Erianthemum dregei21 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1605 A De Castro BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C3GI58

Parasitic shrub parasitizing Julbernardia globiflora in Julbernardia globiflora/Brachystegia spiciformis short closed woodland (sensu Edwards 1983).-x000D- Altitude 58 m a.s.l.

109895Eriosema psoraleoides27 Mar 2015A De Castro
A De Castro 1604 A De Castro LMA
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2134D4GI47

On outer edge of the Goruvu River floodplain grassland dominated by Imperata cylindrica, Andropogon eucomus and Dactyloctenium geminatum. -x000D- Single-stemmed shrub up to 2 m in height sometimes forming dense stands.

110666Eulophia angolensis25 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1372 A De Castro BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1 GI13

In approximately 20 ha 'Flats Wetland', situated some 2 km from the coast, which is the source of the perennial stream. Plants rare and growing only in 1 m deep permanently saturated peat with patches of open water with Nymphaea nouchali. Vegetation

109513Fimbristylis bivalvis19 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1391 C Archer BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI0

In marsh vegetation of ephemerally flooded and seasonally saturated sand soils of a seasonal drainage line with[?in] the Govuru River catchment.

109515Fuirena umbellata18 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1387 C Archer BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI0

Common in 50 cm deep water on the margins of the permanently inundated zone of a lake on the Govuru River floodplain.

111195Heinsia crinita subsp. parviflora24 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1611 JE Burrows BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI30

Common shrub in understorey of 'coastal forest'.

109013Hermannia glanduligera24 Mar 2015A De Castro
A De Castro 1603 A De Castro BNRH
Temane district.0Mozambique2134D4GI47

Common in short open/closed woodland (see Edwards, 1983) on red-brown sandy clay loams. Dominant trees: Combretum molle Strychnos madagascariensis, Sclerocarya birrea and Combretum imberbe. Plant 50 cm tall, multi-stemmed shrub with pale pink flowers

110797Hyparrhenia filipendula14 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1383 A De Castro LMA
Temane district.0Mozambique2135C3GI31

Moist soils (not wetland soils); soils: brown sandy loams. Short closed woodlands in bottom land situation in very gently undulating terrain.

110380Nymphoides thunbergiana05 May 2014A De Castro
A De Castro s.n. JJ Meyer BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C2GI9

Common to dominant. Floating-leaved aquatic on margins of a peatland (mire) in coastal stream.

110806Panicum parvifolium23 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1376 AC Mashau BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI0

Common to sub-dominant species on peat substrates where dominant species is Trichopteryx dregeana. Habitat is a 150 m wide coastal valley-bottom wetland.

110823Polygala capillaris04 May 2014A De Castro
A De Castro s.n. MS Mothogoane BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI13

Common on white, hydromorphic sands that are organically enriched, on the margins of a mire (peatland) which forms the source of a coastal stream.

109517Pycreus nitidus05 May 2014A De Castro
A De Castro s.n. C Archer BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C2GI9

Common in marsh vegetation of peatland (mire) in coastal stream.

109519Rhynchospora holoschoenoides19 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1390 C Archer LMA
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI0

In marsh vegetation, seasonally saturated sands of a seasonal drainage line which forms part of the Govuru River catchment.

109520Rhynchospora rubra subsp. africana11 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1366 C Archer BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI25

Sub-dominant in seasonally saturated sands of coastal channelled valley-bottom wetland. Also occurs on patches of peat substrates in wetland.

109521Rhynchospora rubra subsp. africana22 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1389 C Archer BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C2GI9

Sub-dominant on permanently saturated peat substrates, dominated by Trichopteryx dregeana in a coastal perennial channelled valley-bottom wetland.

109518Rhynchospora rugosa subsp. brownii11 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1367 C Archer BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI25

Seasonally saturated white sands with thin organic horizon, on margins of coastal channelled valley-bottom wetland.

110808Schizachyrium sanguineum18 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1381 AC Mashau BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI18

Common on deep white to light brown sands in Julbernardia/Brachystegia closed woodland. Most abundant on seasonally moist sands along drainage lines.

109523Schoenoplectus scirpoides04 May 2014A De Castro
A De Castro s.n. C Archer BNRH
Inhassoro district, Nhagonzwene Village.0Mozambique2135C2GI3

Locally dominant emergent hydrophyte in coastal stream in transition zone between mangrove swamp and peatland (mire) habitats.

110268Tapinanthus dependens17 Feb 2015A De Castro
A De Castro 1607 A De Castro BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI46

Parasitic shrub on Brachystegia spiciformis in Brachystegia/Julbernardia short closed woodland on white to light brown sands in the Govuru River catchment.-x000D- Altitude 46 m a.s.l.

110810Tricholaena monachne23 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1377 AC Mashau BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI54

In Julbernardia/Brachystegia short closed woodland on deep, light brown sands near the coast. Common grass.

110251Utricularia scandens11 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1393 B. Busch BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI25

In coastal valley-bottom wetland. Growing in seasonally to permanently inundated central zone. Twining on stems of grasses and sedges.


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Botswana: Collections made by De Castro., retrieved 26 December 2024

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