Collections made by Dennys Fanshawe

Records: 14

The following is a list of the collections made by Dennys Fanshawe in species name order. The records are of species which occur in Botswana (either as a native/naturalised species or as a cultivated species).

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
80725 Acacia gerrardii var. gerrardii4 Nov 1972DB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe 2450 RE Gereau MO
Lusaka District; 8 miles from Chilanga along road to Kafue township.0Zambia1528C1C1022

Small tree, c. 6 m high, profusely flowering. Flrs white to pale yellow. Found on remnants of miombo wiidland on roadside in farming area.

80726 Acacia gerrardii var. gerrardii7 Nov 1972DB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe 2470 RE Gereau MO
Lusaka, University of Zambia campus.0Zambia1528A4C1300

c. 9 m high tree with short straight stem and roundish crown, just outside Biology Building, UNZA. Spines inconspicuous, flrs cream.

80727 Acacia gerrardii var. gerrardii31 Dec 1972DB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe 3736 RE Gereau MO
Along roadFeira District; 25 km from Feira along road to Katondwe Mission.0Zambia1530A4C400

Large tree, c. 12 m high with spreading, more or less umbrella-shaped crown. Flrs cream. Mopane woodland.

81452 Combretum molle29 Sep 1972DB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe 2210 Albizia woodland in sandy area near riverLusaka District; at Chongwe River N of Kasisi. (ca. 30 km NE-NNE Lusaka).0Zambia1528A2C1150

Shrub or small tree, 3-7m high. flrs yellow.

81453 Combretum molle4 Nov 1972DB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe 2441 Miombo woodlandMazabuka District; 2-5 miles from Kafue Gorge hydroelectric power stn along road to Kafue township.0Zambia1528C4S1100

Small tree on termite mound. Flrs yellow.

82070 Ehretia obtusifolia4 Oct 1972DB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe 2285 JS Miller MO
Lusaka/Mumbwa District; Iron ore outcrop at Sanje c. 37b km WSW Lusaka0ZambiaC1075

80302 Ipomoea fanshawei8 Mar 1960DB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe 5417 K

80424 Ipomoea fanshaweiNo dateDB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe 6001 K

Type, in Kirkia 6

68976 Kedrostis foetidissima12 Mar 1973DB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe 11-777 SRGH
Kalahari/Munga woodlandSesheke0Zambia1724A4B945

Herbaceous, delicate, tendril climber; leaves ovate, cordate, thin; flowers axillary, yellow; fruit globose, red, fleshy.

68980 Kedrostis foetidissima14 Mar 1961DB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe 6-422 C Jeffrey SRGH
Baikiea woodland on Kalahari sandNorth of Katundu0Zambia1724B3S990

Herbaceous tendril climber; leaves ovate, cordate, thin, denticulate; flowers pale yellow in short axillary racemes; fruit red, globose, hairy

68989 Kedrostis leloja4 Dec 1960DB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe 5943 C Jeffrey SRGH
On anthill in dambo edge woodland.Machili (Machile kuta)0Zambia1625C3S1025

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 4: 486 (1978).

69008 Salacia luebbertii19 Oct 1959DB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe 5246 K

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 2 part 2: 398 (1966)

80439 Vepris termitaria7 Dec 1953DB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe 538 DB Fanshawe K


80440 Vepris termitaria Jan 1958DB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe 4336 DB Fanshawe SRGH

K, holotype


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Botswana: Collections made by Dennys Fanshawe., retrieved 31 March 2025

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