Records determined by Alistair Hull

Determinations: 33

The following is a list of the records determined by Alistair Hull in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
59198Afrohybanthus enneaspermus18 Dec 1997A Hull
A Hull Mixed Mopane/Combretum woodlandMatusadona NP1650Zimbabwe1728A2N666

59218Andropogon brazzae Feb 1992A Hull
A Hull In soak zone around pan in the Makalolo area of HNPMakalolo area Hwange NP50Zimbabwe1927A2W1026

59199Bacopa floribunda Jun 2004A Hull
A Hull Growing in sand in Sapi river bedMouth of Sapi river590Zimbabwe1529D1N349

100753Berchemia discolor31 Mar 2019MA Hyde
A Hull
A Hull In garden with areas of disturbed ground 20, Hawkshead Drive, Harare12Zimbabwe1731C1C1540

59213Bergia ammannioides Jul 1993A Hull
A Hull Teak woodlandMakalolo area Hwange NP50Zimbabwe1927A2W1026

59214Bergia pentheriana Jul 1993A Hull
A Hull Teak woodlandMakalolo area Hwange NP50Zimbabwe1927A2W1026

58981Boscia matabelensis15 Sep 1992A Hull
A Hull Mopane woodlandAbout two kilometers due south of the Mbera/Zambezi confluence, Mana Pools NP590Zimbabwe1529C2QN585595N360

58980Boscia mossambicensis15 Sep 1992A Hull
A Hull Mopane woodlandAbout two kilometers due south of the Mbera/Zambezi confluence, Mana Pools NP590Zimbabwe1529C2QN585595N360

58982Boscia salicifolia15 Sep 1992A Hull
A Hull Mopane woodlandAbout two kilometers due south of the Mbera/Zambezi confluence, Mana Pools NP590Zimbabwe1529C2QN585595N360

59188Cladium mariscus subsp. jamaicense10 Jan 2013A Hull
A Hull Growing amongst Cyperus laevigatusKalisho sulphur springs0Zimbabwe1628B2N424

Only place in the Valley I (AH) have seen this plant.

59193Coleus gracilipedicellatum 8 Dec 1998A Hull
A Hull Brachystegia woodlandMavhuradonha wilderness760Zimbabwe1631A3N1083

59222Coleus gracilipedicellatum 8 Dec 1998A Hull
A Hull Brachystegia woodlandMavhuradonha mountains760Zimbabwe1631A3N1083

58985Combretum mossambicense15 Sep 1992A Hull
A Hull Mopane woodlandAbout two kilometers due south of the Mbera/Zambezi confluence, Mana Pools NP590Zimbabwe1529C2QN585595N360

61146Dialium englerianum19 Aug 2014A Hull
A Hull In deep Kalahari sandBetween Umtshibi and Main Camp, Hwange NP50Zimbabwe1826D4W1077

59194Drimia indica Sep 1999A Hull
A Hull Mixed Mopane/Tamarindus/Combretum woodlandMana Pools NP590Zimbabwe1529D1N360

59037Faidherbia albida 1993A Hull
A Hull On floodplain in black alluvial soilChikwenya floodplain0Zimbabwe1529D1QN785655N351

59207Hirpicium bechuanense Feb 1996A Hull
A Hull Growing in degraded habitat with Dichrostachys being dominantWoodville Farm, Bulawayo810Zimbabwe2028B1W1317

67775Monadenium lugardiae25 May 2015J Varden
A Hull Chewore Safari Area590Zimbabwe1530C1N990

98319Neptunia oleracea13 Oct 2018A Hull
A Hull Growing around the periphery of a pan which was surrounded by typical mopane woodland. Sandy loam soil.Menswa Pan, Nyakasanga Safari Area.0Zimbabwe1629A1N456

59039Philenoptera violacea 1993A Hull
A Hull On floodplain in black alluvial soilChikwenya floodplain0Zimbabwe1529D1QN785655N351

94918Pleiotaxis eximia subsp. eximia May 2017J Varden
A Hull Open Miombo woodland/grasslands on granite, within the northern Great Dyke complex.Mavhuradonha Wilderness Area760Zimbabwe1630D2N1172

59200Plukenetia africana Feb 2001A Hull
A Hull Teak woodlandMakalolo Camp Hwange NP50Zimbabwe1927A2W1031

59215Rhamphicarpa fistulosa Oct 1993A Hull
A Hull Bank of Sapi River close to Zambezi/Sapi confluenceZambezi/Sapi confluence590Zimbabwe1529D1N349

59204Rotala tenella26 Apr 1997A Hull
A Hull In water in small streamTributary to Harudziva river, Matusadona NP1650Zimbabwe1728A2N993

59192Ruspolia decurrens1 Apr 1993A Hull
A Hull Mopane/Combretum/Terminalia woodlandChitake, Mana Pools NP590Zimbabwe1629A2N533

67777Ruspolia decurrens25 May 2015J Varden
A Hull BT Wursten Chewore Safari Area590Zimbabwe1530C3N450

59206Tinospora tenera13 Jan 1997A Hull
A Hull Riverine vegetation along small streamPfungwe Communal Land0Zimbabwe1632C4N557

59217Vepris zambesiaca5 Aug 1985A Hull
A Hull Mopane woodlandKachowe Camp, Chewore590Zimbabwe1629B1N542

59210Vernonia anthelmintica Apr 1994A Hull
A Hull Riverine forest. Tamarindus/Kigelia/Lonchocarpus/DiospyrosNear Sapi/Zambezi confluence590Zimbabwe1529D1N363

59189Vigna luteola24 Apr 1994A Hull
A Hull Usually in debris caught on stumps and treesIn Zambezi river, opposite Nyamepi Camp, Mana Pools590Zimbabwe1529C2N362

Usually found growing on dead material on stumps in river.

80117Vigna luteola1 Jul 2017A Hull
A Hull In Zambezi river, opposite Nyamepi Camp, Mana Pools590Zimbabwe1529C2N362

Same location as record 59189.

59201Vigna unguiculata Apr 1998A Hull
A Hull Mixed Mopane/Combretum/Terminalia woodlandMatusadona NP close to lake shore1650Zimbabwe1628D3N493

59219Vossia cuspidata29 Mar 1992A Hull
A Hull In shallow waterIn Zambezi River, opposite Nyamepi Camp, Mana Pools590Zimbabwe1529C2N358

Species found the whole length of the Zambezi river.


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Botswana: Records determined by Alistair Hull., retrieved 13 March 2025

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