Records made by Jacobsen

Records: 27

The following is a list of the records made by Jacobsen in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
53224Actiniopteris dimorpha subsp. dimorpha10 Jan 1966WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 2994 SRGH
Sengwa Research Station, Kariba district.0Zimbabwe1828A2N0

105737Afzelia quanzensis 1967WBG Jacobsen
Woodland on rocky hillside with copper containing soilsMolly South Hill, Mangula, Lomagundi District0Zimbabwe1630C3N1200

Listed by Jacobsen in Kirkia 6(1): 63-84, 1967.

105734Albizia antunesiana 1967WBG Jacobsen
Woodland on rocky hillside with copper containing soilsMolly South Hill, Mangula, Lomagundi District0Zimbabwe1630C3N1200

Listed by Jacobsen in Kirkia 6(1): 63-84, 1967.

52110Ampelopteris prolifera04 Feb 1966WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3000 SRGH
Edge of Lutope river, amongst grassSengwa Research station, Kariba0Zimbabwe1828A2N0

105746Bauhinia petersiana 1967WBG Jacobsen
Woodland on rocky hillside with copper containing soilsMolly South Hill, Mangula, Lomagundi District0Zimbabwe1630C3N1200

Listed by Jacobsen in Kirkia 6(1): 63-84, 1967.

105740Bobgunnia madagascariensis 1967WBG Jacobsen
Woodland on rocky hillside with copper containing soilsMolly South Hill, Mangula, Lomagundi District0Zimbabwe1630C3N1200

Listed by Jacobsen in Kirkia 6(1): 63-84, 1967.

105733Brachystegia boehmii 1967WBG Jacobsen
Woodland on rocky hillside with copper containing soilsMolly South Hill, Mangula, Lomagundi District0Zimbabwe1630C3N1200

Listed by Jacobsen in Kirkia 6(1): 63-84, 1967.

105725Burkea africana 1967WBG Jacobsen
Woodland on rocky hillside with copper containing soilsMolly South Hill, Mangula, Lomagundi District0Zimbabwe1630C3N1200

Listed by Jacobsen in Kirkia 6(1): 63-84, 1967.

105742Combretum molle 1967WBG Jacobsen
Woodland on rocky hillside with copper containing soilsMolly South Hill, Mangula, Lomagundi District0Zimbabwe1630C3N1200

Listed by Jacobsen in Kirkia 6(1): 63-84, 1967.

105731Combretum zeyheri 1967WBG Jacobsen
Woodland on rocky hillside with copper containing soilsMolly South Hill, Mangula, Lomagundi District0Zimbabwe1630C3N1200

Listed by Jacobsen in Kirkia 6(1): 63-84, 1967.

105749Diospyros kirkii 1967WBG Jacobsen
Woodland on rocky hillside with copper containing soilsMolly South Hill, Mangula, Lomagundi District0Zimbabwe1630C3N1200

Listed by Jacobsen in Kirkia 6(1): 63-84, 1967.

105729Diplorhynchus condylocarpon 1967WBG Jacobsen
Woodland on rocky hillside with copper containing soilsMolly South Hill, Mangula, Lomagundi District0Zimbabwe1630C3N1200

Listed by Jacobsen in Kirkia 6(1): 63-84, 1967.

22389Equisetum ramosissimum subsp. ramosissimum01 May 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 632 SRGH
Edge of Sengwa River, near mouth of Kove RiverGokwe, Sengwa Resarch station0Zimbabwe1828A1PK29-89-N0

105726Euphorbia matabelensis 1967WBG Jacobsen
Woodland on rocky hillside with copper containing soilsMolly South Hill, Mangula, Lomagundi District0Zimbabwe1630C3N1200

Listed by Jacobsen in Kirkia 6(1): 63-84, 1967.

105730Julbernardia globiflora 1967WBG Jacobsen
Woodland on rocky hillside with copper containing soilsMolly South Hill, Mangula, Lomagundi District0Zimbabwe1630C3N1200

Listed by Jacobsen in Kirkia 6(1): 63-84, 1967.

105735Lannea discolor 1967WBG Jacobsen
Woodland on rocky hillside with copper containing soilsMolly South Hill, Mangula, Lomagundi District0Zimbabwe1630C3N1200

Listed by Jacobsen in Kirkia 6(1): 63-84, 1967.

22458Microlepia speluncae22 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3887 SRGH
Deep shade near streamChimanimani, Cashel, Black Mt. Inn0Zimbabwe1932D2E1125

105752Ochna pulchra subsp. pulchra 1967WBG Jacobsen
Woodland on rocky hillside with copper containing soilsMolly South Hill, Mangula, Lomagundi District0Zimbabwe1630C3N1200

Listed by Jacobsen in Kirkia 6(1): 63-84, 1967.

105744Ozoroa reticulata 1967WBG Jacobsen
Woodland on rocky hillside with copper containing soilsMolly South Hill, Mangula, Lomagundi District0Zimbabwe1630C3N1200

Listed by Jacobsen in Kirkia 6(1): 63-84, 1967.

105741Parinari curatellifolia 1967WBG Jacobsen
Woodland on rocky hillside with copper containing soilsMolly South Hill, Mangula, Lomagundi District0Zimbabwe1630C3N1200

Listed by Jacobsen in Kirkia 6(1): 63-84, 1967.

105736Pterocarpus angolensis 1967WBG Jacobsen
Woodland on rocky hillside with copper containing soilsMolly South Hill, Mangula, Lomagundi District0Zimbabwe1630C3N1200

Listed by Jacobsen in Kirkia 6(1): 63-84, 1967.

105743Rotheca wildii 1967WBG Jacobsen
Woodland on rocky hillside with copper containing soilsMolly South Hill, Mangula, Lomagundi District0Zimbabwe1630C3N1200

Listed by Jacobsen in Kirkia 6(1): 63-84, 1967.

105732Securidaca longepedunculata 1967WBG Jacobsen
Woodland on rocky hillside with copper containing soilsMolly South Hill, Mangula, Lomagundi District0Zimbabwe1630C3N1200

Listed by Jacobsen in Kirkia 6(1): 63-84, 1967.

41866Selaginella dregei09 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3817 SRGH
Mossy humid pockets on granite NW side of Mare Dam, Inyanga54,1550Zimbabwe1832B4VQ75-77-E1980

52529Thelypteris confluens23 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3067 SRGH
In ravine in open sedge swamp with CyperaceaeSheba Forest Estate, Mutare district0Zimbabwe1832D4E1800

Rhizomatous erect fern

105745Vangueriopsis lanciflora 1967WBG Jacobsen
Woodland on rocky hillside with copper containing soilsMolly South Hill, Mangula, Lomagundi District0Zimbabwe1630C3N1200

Listed by Jacobsen in Kirkia 6(1): 63-84, 1967.

105753Xerophyta equisetoides var. equisetoides 1967WBG Jacobsen
Woodland on rocky hillside with copper containing soilsMolly South Hill, Mangula, Lomagundi District0Zimbabwe1630C3N1200

Listed by Jacobsen in Kirkia 6(1): 63-84, 1967.


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Botswana: Records made by Jacobsen., retrieved 15 January 2025

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