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The following is a list of the records made by Peter Smith in species name order.
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No | Species | Record date | Recorder(s) | Coll. | Det. | Conf. | Herbaria | Habitat | Location | Loc code(s) | Outing code | Planted code | Country | QDS | Grid ref. | FZ Div | Alt. (m) | Notes | Lat | Long | Loc Acc Code |
92709 | Bergia pentheriana | 4 Jul 1983 | PA Smith |
PA Smith 4335 | SRGH BR |
In clay in the dry bed of an ephemeral rainwater pan in mopane woodland/scrubland mosaic. | Near Ngamiland/Chobe district boundary road. | 0 | Botswana | 1923B2 | N | 0 | Prostrate stemmed herb with a woody rootstock. Flowers with white petals with magenta centres. |
-19.161667 | 23.883333 | 5 | |||||
92710 | Bergia pentheriana | 17 May 1976 | PA Smith |
PA Smith 1741 | SRGH BR |
Seasonally flooded Cynodon dactylon grassed floodplain | Benqa, Mogohelo River Floodplain | 0 | Botswana | 1923D1 | N | 0 | Low prostrate herb with small woody rootstock sending out long stems. |
-19.561667 | 23.679167 | 5 | |||||
67922 | Dipcadi glaucum | 29 Nov 1974 | PA Smith |
PA Smith 1201 | SRGH BR |
Riverine woodland | Along the Thamalakane River, Okavango Delta near Maun | 164 | 0 | Botswana | 1923A4 | N | 950 | -19.483333 | 23.433333 | 5 | |||||
67921 | Dipcadi longifolium | 19 Feb 1975 | PA Smith |
PA Smith 1250 | SRGH BR |
In open floodplain, sandy soil, moderately compacted | At Xamatshaa Island, Okavango Delta | 164 | 0 | Botswana | 1922B2 | N | 970 | 1.5-2 ft. tall plants. Greenish flowers. |
-19.058333 | 22.800000 | 5 | ||||
21885 | Grangea anthemoides | 9 Oct 1978 | PA Smith |
PA Smith 2490 | SRGH |
In clayey soil on the beach of a rain water pan in mopane (scrub and tree). | Block 1823D1 (Botswana). | 0 | Botswana | 1823D1 | N | 0 | Perennial herb with yellow round flower heads. Some plants with white woolly hairs, others not woolly and appearing a much darker green. |
0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | |||||
77303 | Hippocratea indica | 21 Feb 1985 | PA Smith |
PA Smith 4656 | SRGH |
In rocky ground on basalt outcrop in mixed woodland. | Commissioners Kop. | 0 | Botswana | 1725C3 | N | 935 | Shrub with very small flowers. |
-17.782790 | 25.166480 | 6 | |||||
94293 | Hippocratea parviflora | 26 Feb 1983 | PA Smith |
PA Smith 4144 | SRGH |
In sandy soil on the edge of a Mopane patch on the crest of an undulation. | Near the TFC Savuti-Selinda road | 0 | Botswana | 1823C2 | N | 953 | Shrublet to 40 cm tall forming a group (connected by rhizomes?). No Flowers or fruits available. In very open (tree/scrub) grassland. |
-18.648300 | 23.412500 | 5 | |||||
73965 | Holubia saccata | 13 Dec 1986 | PA Smith |
PA Smith 4936 | SRGH |
In disturbed Enneapogon/Tragus grassland with low scattered shrubs (Acacia, Grewia) | Besides Francistown-Gaberone road | 0 | Botswana | 2326B3 | SE | 936 | 25 cm tall herb with trumpet-shaped flowers |
-23.351667 | 26.719167 | 7 | |||||
68972 | Kedrostis foetidissima | 18 Feb 1975 | PA Smith |
PA Smith 1261 | SRGH |
From an antheap on the floodplain on the North side of Island, at the base of a Sclerocarya tree | Xamatshaa Island, Okavango Delta | 164 | 0 | Botswana | 1922B2 | N | 971 | A small herb giving off an unpleasant smell. Fruit red. |
-19.058333 | 22.800000 | 6 | ||||
68987 | Kedrostis leloja | 10 Jan 1980 | PA Smith |
PA Smith 2947 | SRGH |
Creeper scrambling over large boulders and partly entwining other vegetation on steep rocky slope. | West slope of one of the larger Kgwebe Hills | 0 | Botswana | 2023C1 | N | 1030 | Fruit deep reddish-orange in colour (mature). Flowers with greenish petals with bright orange centres. |
-20.646667 | 23.071667 | 6 | |||||
68986 | Kedrostis leloja | 25 Feb 1973 | PA Smith |
PA Smith 451 | SRGH |
On a termitarium within the floodplain | Gwetshaa Island, Okavango Swamp | 164 | 0 | Botswana | 1923A1 | N | 900 | Creeper |
0.000000 | 0.000000 | 2 | ||||
68982 | Kedrostis leloja | 20 Feb 1990 | PA Smith |
PA Smith 5218 | SRGH |
In Acacia hebeclada thicket on a ridge extending into floodplain | Bodumatau floodplain, Okavango Delta | 164 | 0 | Botswana | 1923A4 | N | 950 | Creeper rooted in hard loam with Cynodon grass |
-19.296667 | 23.440000 | 6 | ||||
102249 | Lessertia benguellensis | 13 May 1976 | PA Smith |
PA Smith 1732 | SRGH K PRE |
Nxaxumo, Gomoti River, Ngamiland District | 164 | 0 | Botswana | 1923A4 | N | 950 | Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 3 part 7: 15 (2003) |
-19.469170 | 23.418060 | 5 | |||||
80187 | Oplismenus burmannii | 14 May 1973 | PA Smith |
PA Smith 583 | SRGH K |
Moanachira, Okavango Delta | 164 | 0 | Botswana | 1923A1 | N | 961 | Cited in Flora Zambesiaca Volume 10 part 3, 1989: 6. |
-19.088810 | 23.097290 | 5 | |||||
69016 | Salacia luebbertii | 10 Oct 1982 | PA Smith |
PA Smith 3956 | SRGH |
In patches under upen Acacia erioloba woodland in very sandy soil. | At the foot of Maxwixwe sand ridge on Savuti - Linyanti rd, Chobe National Park. | 0 | Botswana | 1824C1 | N | 940 | Shrublet mostly 1 m tall growing in discrete patches like low thickets. Possibly an evergreen species, leaves always seem to be glistening |
-18.560000 | 24.055000 | 6 | |||||
69017 | Salacia luebbertii | 25 Feb 1984 | PA Smith |
PA Smith 4390 | SRGH |
In heavy sand in open Burkea/Teminalia/Combretum woodland | Xaru Peninsula, edge of Okavango Panhandle, near Hauxa, Southeast of Shakawe | 0 | Botswana | 1821B4 | N | 995 | Bushy shrublet to 0.75m tall; only old dired and insect damaged fruit available. |
-18.423333 | 21.943333 | 6 | |||||
41407 | Salvinia molesta | 9 Feb 1987 | PA Smith |
PA Smith 4960 | SRGH |
Free-floating, mat forming aquatic fern in Madiba, channels and Swamps in Xini | 0 | Botswana | 1923A4 | N | 0 | An introduced weed, the subject of an eradication campaign in this area |
-19.383333 | 23.487500 | 5 | ||||||
74111 | Sesamothamnus lugardii | 20 Nov 1978 | PA Smith |
PA Smith 2517 | H-D Ihlenfeldt | SRGH |
Among Commiphora sp. and Catophractes alexandri in hard loamy soil in open grassland with few small Terminalia prunoides. | !5.5 km from Mopipi village bound on track to Rysana Pan | 0 | Botswana | 2125A1 | SE | 918 | Tree 2-3.5 m tall with trunk swollen at base but tapering into branches like a baobab. Dark yellowish-green papery bark. Flowers trumpet-shaped white inside but tinged purplish outside. |
0.000000 | 0.000000 | 2 | ||||
74227 | Sesamum calycinum subsp. baumii | 31 Jan 1978 | PA Smith |
PA Smith 2328 | H-D Ihlenfeldt | SRGH |
In open grassland on an island edge well above water level. | Along the Cuando-Linyanti system. | 0 | Botswana | 1823A2 | N | 960 | A 1 m tall herb with woody rootstock. Elsewhere noted at the drier limits of floodplains well away from perennial swamps. Scattered distribution. |
-18.118333 | 23.361667 | 6 |
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