Utilities: Location search results

Results for Location: 118 (Kapisha hotsprings)

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Family Name No Record date Recorder(s) Coll. Det. Conf. Herbaria Habitat Location Loc code(s) Outing code Planted code Country QDS Grid ref. FZ Div Alt. (m) Notes Lat Long Loc Acc Code
OxalidaceaeBiophytum kassneri 11664224 Feb 2022N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman
Escarpment miombo woodland Kapishya Hot Springs Lodge, Shiwa N'gandu Distr., Muchinga Province 1180Zambia1131B1 N1437-11.16480231.6100296
OrchidaceaeCynorkis debilis 7978726 Jan 2017N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
MG Bingham
High rainfall Miombo Woodland Kapishya Springs Lodge, forested inselberg (Chinsali Distr., Muchinga Province) 1180Zambia1131B1 N1441Determined as Cynorkis hanningtonii 6
OrchidaceaeCynorkis debilis 10614826 Jan 2017N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
J Mwaba
N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
J Mwaba
B Bytebier


"Among boulders (conglomerate rocks and granite); canopy of Albizia, and large evergreen shrub (sterile, Lauraceae?), mosses and Melastomataceae herb (sterile). Humic soils in shade. 25-35 plants at flowering maturity, plus some in bud and some seed" Inselberg near dambo at Kapishya, metamorphic rocks. 1180Zambia1131A2 N1438 6
OrchidaceaeDisa engleriana 7978826 Jan 2017N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
MG Bingham
Dambo/Grassland/High rainfall Miombo Woodland Kapishya Springs Lodge, forested inselberg (Chinsali Distr., Muchinga Province) 1180Zambia N0Tubers of this species are used in the preparation of a local Zambian dish called Chikanda with wild populations threatened by overharvesting. 0
OrchidaceaeDisa engleriana 10615426 Jan 2017N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
B Bytebier


"Opposite path from RB424 (Disperis). In humic soils with quartzite sand, leaf litter. Ca. 10 mature plants in are, + seedlings." Inselberg near dambo at Kapishya, metamorphic rocks. 1180Zambia1131A2 N1430 6
OrchidaceaeDisa erubescens subsp. carsonii 7980026 Jan 2017N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
MG Bingham
Dambo/Grassland Kapishya Springs Lodge, dambo by Mansha river (Chinsali Distr., Muchinga Province) 1180Zambia N0Subspecies not yet confirmed.
Tubers of this species are used in the preparation of a local Zambian dish called Chikanda with wild populations threatened by overharvesting.
OrchidaceaeDisa erubescens subsp. carsonii 10615026 Jan 2017N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
J Mwaba
N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
J Mwaba
B Bytebier


Sandy peat dambo with fine grasses, sedges and other orchids (small green Habenaria, Platycoryne including RB427).
Ca. 10-15 mature plants seen across dambo (area ca. 250 m x 250 m checked).
Dambo at Kapishya. 1180Zambia1131A2 N1427 6
OrchidaceaeDisperis katangensis var. katangensis 7978929 Jan 2017N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
MG Bingham
Miombo Woodland Kapishya Springs Lodge, forested inselberg (Chinsali Distr., Muchinga Province) 1180Zambia1131B1 N1443 6
OrchidaceaeDisperis katangensis var. katangensis 10614726 Jan 2017N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
J Mwaba
N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
J Mwaba
B Bytebier


Shady area at base of inselberg, humic soils with leaf litter from deciduous trees. Inselberg near dambo at Kapishya, metamorphic rocks. 1180Zambia1131A2 N1438 6
OrchidaceaeDisperis reichenbachiana 11664724 Feb 2022N Wightman
B Bytebier
SD Johnson
N Wightman
B Bytebier
SD Johnson
N Wightman
B Bytebier

Escarpment miombo woodland Kapishya Hot Springs Lodge, Shiwa N'gandu Distr., Muchinga Province 1180Zambia1131B1 N1432Growing in leaf litter over granite boulders 6
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeEriosema erici-rosenii var. erici-rosenii 10804226 Jan 2017N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
N Wightman
Dambo grassland Kapishya Hotsprings, riverside dambo on Mansa R., Muchinga Province 1180Zambia1131B1 N1430Moist to wet riverside dambo grassland growing in sandy loam soil -11.16950331.6062796
OrchidaceaeHabenaria goetzeana 10615326 Jan 2017N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
J Mwaba
N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
J Mwaba
B Bytebier

Sandy peat dambo with fine grasses, sedges and other orchids (Platycoryne including RB427, and Disa including RB428). Dambo at Kapishya. 1180Zambia1131A2 N1427 6
BalsaminaceaeImpatiens assurgens 10179726 Jan 2017N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
N Wightman
Riverside dambo in moist sandy loam soil By Mansa River by Kapishya Hot Springs Lodge, Shiwa N'gandu Distr., Muchinga Province 1180Zambia1131B1 N1430-11.16969931.6061426
IridaceaeMoraea brevifolia 11695524 Feb 2022N Wightman
B Bytebier
JC Manning
Riverside dambo grassland Kapishya Hot Springs Lodge, Shiwa N'gandu Distr., Muchinga Province 1180Zambia1131B1 N1434 6
OrchidaceaePlatycoryne buchananiana 10615226 Jan 2017N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
J Mwaba
N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
J Mwaba
B Bytebier

Sandy peat dambo with fine grasses, sedges and other orchids (Platycoryne including RB427, and Disa including RB428). Dambo at Kapishya. 1180Zambia1131A2 N1427 6
OrchidaceaePlatycoryne isoetifolia 10615126 Jan 2017N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
J Mwaba
N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
J Mwaba
B Bytebier
Sandy peat dambo with fine grasses, sedges and other orchids (Platycoryne including RB427, and Disa including RB428). Dambo at Kapishya. 1180Zambia1131A2 N1427 6
OrchidaceaePlatycoryne macroceras 10614926 Jan 2017N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
J Mwaba
N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
J Mwaba
B Bytebier


Sandy peat dambo with fine grasses, sedges and other orchids (small green Habenaria, Platycoryne, red Disa). Dambo at Kapishya. 1180Zambia1131A2 N1427 6
OrchidaceaePlatycoryne macroceras 7979926 Jan 2017N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
MG Bingham
Dambo/Grassland Kapishya Springs Lodge, dambo by Mansha river (Chinsali Distr., Muchinga Province)1180Zambia1131B1 N1430 6
OrchidaceaePolystachya concreta 10615626 Jan 2017N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
B Bytebier

Plant growing as lithophyte on free standing metamorphic boulder, with Xerophyta, Aloe, Pelargonium, Resnova (Hyacinthaceae). Inselberg near dambo at Kapishya, metamorphic rocks. 1180Zambia1131A2 N1442 6
GesneriaceaeStreptocarpus rhodesianus 9079026 Jan 2017N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
In shelter of rocky outcrops Sheltered rocky ledge in inselberg by Kapishya Springs Lodge 1180Zambia1131B1 N1440-11.16842431.6048746
PhyllanthaceaeUapaca lissopyrena 7658411 May 1977MG Bingham
MG Bingham
P Meerts
Chinsali District, Kapisha. 1180Zambia1131B1 N1446Trunk-11.17083331.6012504

Number of records found: 21

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Botswana: Utilities: Location search results: Kapisha hotsprings.
https://www.botswanaflora.com/speciesdata/utilities/utility-location-query.php?location_id=118, retrieved 22 February 2025

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