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Trees or shrubs, without scales or microscopic stalked glands. Leaves spirally arranged, often crowded in terminal rosettes, sometimes on short shoots. Flowers usually in axillary spikes with male flowers towards the apex, bisexual towards base. Male flowers stalked, bisexual sessile. Petals 0. Stamens usually 10, exserted. Ovary inferior. Fruit 2-winged (in ours). Worldwide: 150 species in the tropics Botswana: 8 taxa. Insects associated with this genus:
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Species | FZ divisions | Content |
brachystemma Welw. ex Hiern subsp. brachystemma | Description, Image | |
brachystemma × sericea | N | |
prunioides M.A. Lawson | N,SE | Description, Image |
randii Baker f. | N,SE | Description, Image |
sericea Burch. ex DC. | N,SE | Description, Image |
stenostachya Engl. & Diels | Description, Image | |
stuhlmannii Engl. | N | Description, Image |
trichopoda Diels | N | Description, Image |
Home | > | List of families | > | Combretaceae | > | Terminalia |