Lianes, shrubs or small trees, rarely shrublets, with or without latex threads and without spines. Stipules small or 0. Leaves opposite, subopposite or alternate; lamina toothed or entire. Inflorescence 1-many-flowered, pedunculate or sessile, cymose, dichasial or umbel-like, without accessory branches. Sepals (4-)5(-6), the inner sometimes petaloid. Petals (4-)5(-6). Disk always developed, extrastaminal. Stamens (2-)3. Ovary superior; locules (2-)3, each with 2-8 axile ovules in 1-2 rows per loculus. Fruit a fleshy indehiscent berry, spherical or elongated, with a leathery exocarp, soft and fleshy mesocarp and mucilaginous endocarp. Worldwide: c. 200 species occurring thoughout the tropics and substropics. Botswana: 1 taxon. |