Collections made by Gibbs-Russell

Records: 18

The following is a list of the collections made by Gibbs-Russell in species name order. The records are of species which occur in Botswana (either as a native/naturalised species or as a cultivated species).

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
35844 Burnatia enneandra17 Apr 1974GE Gibbs-Russell
GE Gibbs-Russell 1630 SRGH
Emergent from water 20-30 cm deepMakolo Pan, 52 miles SE of Main Camp, Wankie (Hwange)National Park50Zimbabwe1927A2W1000

Bulb buried 2-4 cm in substrate

22397 Equisetum ramosissimum subsp. ramosissimum10 May 1972GE Gibbs-Russell
GE Gibbs-Russell 1945 SRGH
In mud beside river among grassesWankie, Katsatetsi River, Kazuma Range0Zimbabwe1825B3LK58-76-W1000

22408 Equisetum ramosissimum subsp. ramosissimum30 May 1972GE Gibbs-Russell
GE Gibbs-Russell 2011 SRGH
Among grass on riverbankHarare-Masvingo main Rd., Charter, Ngezi river0Zimbabwe1830D2C1200

22413 Equisetum ramosissimum subsp. ramosissimum6 Jan 1972GE Gibbs-Russell
GE Gibbs-Russell 1192 SRGH
In water with Xyris and sedges toward bank from thick stand of Typha, few plants onlyInyanga, near dam wall0ZimbabweE0

22391 Equisetum ramosissimum subsp. ramosissimum8 Sep 1973GE Gibbs-Russell
GE Gibbs-Russell 2595 SRGH
Rooted in Salvinia mat among other vegetationKariba, Lake Kariba, Sengwa River Estuary0Zimbabwe1728A1N700

69277 Erlangea remifolia2 May 1975HM Biegel
GE Gibbs-Russell
TM Müller
GE Gibbs-Russell TM Müller 5052 SRGH
On a rocky ledge in shadeBetween Samocimo and Tsodilo Hills1770Botswana1821D2 N1025

69887 Euphorbia transvaalensis30 Jan 1975HM Biegel
GE Gibbs-Russell
GV Pope
HM Biegel GE Gibbs-Russell GV Pope 4869 SRGH
c. 1 km West of confluence Musirizwi and Bwazi Rivers, Chipinge Distict0Zimbabwe2032D1E500

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 9 part 5: 378, 2001

41261 Isoetes schweinfurthii9 May 1972GE Gibbs-Russell
GE Gibbs-Russell 1892 Hicley SRGH
Rosted under water, tips of leaves emergentPan in Kazuma Pan area, Hwange0Zimbabwe1825B3W1000

35782 Limnophyton obtusifolium4 Jan 1972GE Gibbs-Russell
GE Gibbs-Russell 2064 SRGH
Chibuwe Pan, Chipinge District0Zimbabwe2032B1E0

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca Vol. 12 part 2: 10 (2009)

42478 Marsilea macrocarpa18 Apr 1972GE Gibbs-Russell
GE Gibbs-Russell 1672 SRGH
Marginal rooted in sand and in water with flooting leaves. Growing together with Scirpus roylei Shumba pan, 50 miles W of main camp, Hwange N.P.50Zimbabwe1826C4W1000

42479 Marsilea macrocarpa1 Jun 1972GE Gibbs-Russell
GE Gibbs-Russell 2084 SRGH
Large colony on dry sand at margin of pan Pan near Chibuwi, Chipinga0Zimbabwe2030B4E700

40871 Marsilea nubica var. gymnocarpa17 Apr 1972GE Gibbs-Russell
GE Gibbs-Russell 1629 SRGH
Rooted under water and on margins of pan.Makololo Pan 2, 52 miles Southeast of Main Camp, Hwange National Park.50Zimbabwe1927A2W1000

49634 Ophioglossum costatum9 May 1972GE Gibbs-Russell
GE Gibbs-Russell 1900 SRGH
Mopane woodlandNear Buffalo Pan, Kazuma range, Hwange district0Zimbabwe1825B3W1000

35044 Persicaria strigosa7 Jan 1972GE Gibbs-Russell
GE Gibbs-Russell 1215 SRGH
At margin of lakeConnemara Dam0Zimbabwe1832B2E2240

Some parts of plant emergent

69012 Salacia luebbertii23 Oct 1972HM Biegel
GE Gibbs-Russell
GV Pope
HM Biegel GE Gibbs-Russell GV Pope 4032 SRGH
Among porphyry bouldersEast face Gubatsha Hills, Savute, Chobe National Park0Botswana1824C1N940

Shrub 0.7 m; new growth measures 0.5 m. Area probably burnt the previous year

69013 Salacia luebbertii26 Oct 1972HM Biegel
GE Gibbs-Russell
GV Pope
HM Biegel GE Gibbs-Russell GV Pope 4071B SRGH
In deciduous woodland with Burkea africana, Terminalia sericea, Combretum psidioides on fine grained sand. c. 17 NNW of Savuti drift above Gubashe Hills, Siambiso0Botswana1823B4N940

Probably rhizomatous, many-stemmed shrub, regrown to 0.6 m after burn. Tufts of stems 1 per 2m sq. on area of c. 30 x 50 m.

41863 Selaginella dregei30 Jan 1975GE Gibbs-Russell
GE Gibbs-Russell s.n. SRGH
Shallow soil over rock near stream Stream 1 km W of Musirizwi and Bwazi river confluence, Chipinga0Zimbabwe2032D1E500

42107 Selaginella mittenii29 Jan 1975GE Gibbs-Russell
GE Gibbs-Russell 2654 SRGH
On moist rich shady bank above dry rocky streambed Chipinga0Zimbabwe2032B1E600


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Botswana: Collections made by Gibbs-Russell., retrieved 13 March 2025

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