Records determined by Benny Bytebier

Determinations: 16

The following is a list of the records determined by Benny Bytebier in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
106214Eulophia angolensis8 Feb 2018N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3565 B Bytebier K
Wet dambo. Roadside dambo on M3 between Kasama and Luwingu. 580Zambia1030B1 N1233

100589Eulophia hians var. nutans4 Feb 2018N Wightman
B Bytebier
B Bytebier Moist to wet dambo in black muck soil Kundalila Falls, Serenje Distr., Central Province 1210Zambia1330B1 C1501

106182Eulophia hians var. nutans4 Feb 2018N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman B Bytebier BB3538 B Bytebier K
At edge of dambo in full sunlight. Dambo above falls. 580Zambia1330A2 C1490

106193Eulophia latilabris6 Feb 2018N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3547 B Bytebier K
Wet dambo along river. Dambo along the road near the palace of the Chitimukulu. 580Zambia1031A2 N1217

106220Eulophia tanganyikensis8 Feb 2018N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3571 B Bytebier K
Wet dambo. Roadside dambo on M3 between Kasama and Luwingu. 580Zambia1030B1 N1233

106161Habenaria filicornis27 Jan 2017N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
N Wightman RE Bone K Yokoya RB439 B Bytebier K
"Wet dambo, flooded, grasses, sedges, Xyris, Polygala, small flowered Nymphaea species in ephemeral pools. Few Chikanda orchid species seen- mostly small green flowered Habenaria species. Locally common- several patches in dambos both sides of road." Dambo to side of unpaved road to Shiwa Ngandu. 20 m to right of road (when facing Shiwa House direction) 117580Zambia1131A2 N1469

106242Habenaria filicornis10 Feb 2018N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3593 B Bytebier K
Wet dambo. D94 road between Mansa and Samfya. 580Zambia1129A1 N1229

77328Habenaria kilimanjari19 Feb 2015C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer 4850 B Bytebier WIND
In depression next to road.Along road D3507 between Lake Liambezi and Ngoma.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724D3 924

First record for Namibia.

94753Habenaria kilimanjari28 Feb 2015C Mannheimer
C Mannheimer 4850 B Bytebier WIND
Seasonally inundated depression, black clay. Occasional, very localised. Full sun and semi-shade.Caprivi: Depression next to road D3507 between Lake Laimbezi and Ngoma.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724D3 924

Geophyte growing between grasses, height 0.25-0.30 m. Corm elongate-cylindrical. Flowers mature, carried in terminal raceme, white, with long spur. Fruit not seen.

101738Habenaria pasmithii8 Feb 2018N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
B Bytebier Wet riverside dambo in black muck soil South of Chilubula Mission, Kasama Distr., Northern Province 0Zambia1030B2 N1231

Tubers of this species are possibly used in the preparation of a local Zambian dish called Chikanda with wild populations threatened by overharvesting.

106216Habenaria pasmithii8 Feb 2018N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3567 B Bytebier K
Wet dambo; in 1 foot of water. Roadside dambo on M3 between Kasama and Luwingu. 580Zambia1030B1 N1233

106158Habenaria schimperiana27 Jan 2017N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
N Wightman RE Bone K Yokoya RB435 B Bytebier K
Wet dambo, flooded, grasses, sedges, Xyris, Polygala, small flowered Nymphaea species in ephemeral pools. Few Chikanda orchid species seen- mostly small green flowered Habenaria species. Passers-by on bicycles (with umbrellas in the rain) shouting "C Dambo to side of unpaved road to Shiwa Ngandu. 20 m to right of road (when facing Shiwa House direction) 117580Zambia1131A2 N1469

118694Habenaria subarmata6 Feb 2022C Conradie
B Bytebier Miombo woodland Mutiwila Farm, Kabwe Distr., Central Province, Zambia 0Zambia1428C2 C1134

In leaf litter in deep shade between farm field and dambo

106244Moraea carsonii10 Feb 2018N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3596 B Bytebier K
In grass in the garden, not cultivated. Grassy area beside paved pathway to Lodge rooms . 580Zambia1129A2 N0

106233Sebaea grandis9 Feb 2018N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
F Chipalo
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena F Chipalo BB3583 B Bytebier K
Dambo Koshima dambo c. 30 km N of Luwingu 580Zambia0929D1N1446

106240Sebaea grandis10 Feb 2018N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3591 B Bytebier K
Edge of wet dambo. M13 between Kawambwa and Mansa. 580Zambia1029A3N1263


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Botswana: Records determined by Benny Bytebier., retrieved 13 March 2025

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