Records determined by Isaac Mapaure

Determinations: 72

The following is a list of the records determined by Isaac Mapaure in species name order.

Click on a column heading to sort the entries in that column

NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
118370Acacia sieberiana var. woodii 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118407Acalypha crenata 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118415Acalypha segetalis 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118418Ageratum conyzoides 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118335Alysicarpus zeyheri 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118414Amaranthus hybridus 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118410Amaranthus thunbergii 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118394Annona stenophylla subsp. nana 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118385Asparagus aspergillus 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118420Bidens biternata 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118411Bidens pilosa 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118391Brachiaria brizantha 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118342Brachiaria dictyoneura 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118354Cenchrus macrourus 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118406Chamaecrista stricta 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118372Convolvulus sagittatus 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118357Cynodon dactylon 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118417Cyperus esculentus 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118369Dicerocaryum senecioides 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118386Digitaria milanjiana 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118383Diospyros lycioides subsp. sericea 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118382Dolichos kilimandscharicus subsp. kilimandscharicus 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118331Eragrostis capensis 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118345Eragrostis hierniana 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118377Eriospermum flagelliforme 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

Recorded as Eriospermum abyssinicum

118329Eulalia aurea 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118401Galinsoga parviflora 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118393Gnidia kraussiana var. kraussiana 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118363Gnidia microcephala 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118403Gymnosporia senegalensis 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118373Helichrysum nudifolium var. nudifolium 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118330Hemarthria altissima 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118397Heteropogon contortus 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118416Hibiscus panduriformis 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118355Hyparrhenia filipendula 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118343Hyparrhenia nyassae 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118351Hyparrhenia rufa 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118346Imperata cylindrica 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118426Ipomoea lapathifolia var. lapathifolia 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118380Julbernardia globiflora 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118384Laggera crispata 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118402Lannea edulis var. edulis 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118332Leersia hexandra 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118404Lippia javanica 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118344Loudetia simplex 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118392Melinis repens subsp. repens 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118412Nicandra physalodes 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118388Ochna pulchra subsp. pulchra 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118361Ocimum angustifolium 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118349Oldenlandia herbacea 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118421Ozoroa reticulata 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118328Panicum trichonode 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118423Parinari curatellifolia 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118352Paspalum scrobiculatum 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118389Pavetta schumanniana 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118379Piliostigma thonningii 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118398Pogonarthria squarrosa 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118422Protea gaguedi 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118400Richardia scabra 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118359Scabiosa columbaria 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118341Schoenoplectus corymbosus 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118340Senecio strictifolius 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118333Sorghastrum nudipes 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118408Tagetes minuta 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118356Themeda triandra 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118419Tithonia rotundifolia 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118409Tridax procumbens 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118413Triumfetta annua 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118381Vangueriopsis lanciflora 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118338Verbena bonariensis 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118348Vernonia glabra var. glabra 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

118360Vernonia oligocephala 1996RB Drummond
I Mapaure
RB Drummond I Mapaure Broadly vlei habitatHarare vlei species in Bowyer-Bower et al. (1996)10Zimbabwe1731C3C0


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Botswana: Records determined by Isaac Mapaure., retrieved 31 March 2025

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