Herbaceous or woody climbers, erect herbs, shrubs or small trees, sometimes with a grossly swollen massive trunk. Plants usually with tendrils. Stipules minute. Leaves alternate, sometimes simple and entire or variously lobed, or palmately dissected or digitate. Glands 1-2, usually present at base of lamina or at apex of petiole, sometimes elsewhere on lamina. Inflorescence axillary, cymose. Flowers unisexual or bisexual, usually greenish or yellowish. Sepals (4-)5(-6), free or partially connate into a tube. Petals (4-)5(-6). Corona poorly-developed or 0. Styles 3(-5). Capsule 3(-5)-valved. Seeds ± flattened, enclosed in an aril. Worldwide: c.93 species, found in Africa, Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka and Malaysia. Botswana: 5 taxa. Insects associated with this genus: |
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