The purpose of this page is to display all images (whether of herbarium specimens or of living plants) for each species within a particular family.
Elaeodendron matabelicum |
N |
Photo: Mark Hyde New Years Gift Estate, Chipinge district
Photo: Mark Hyde New Years Gift Estate, Chipinge district
Photo: Rob Burrett Rowallan Park, Matobo National Park
Photo: Nicholas Wightman Lilayi Lodge, Kafue Distr., Lusaka Province, Zambia
Photo: Nicholas Wightman Lilayi Lodge, Kafue Distr., Lusaka Province, Zambia
Photo: Nicholas Wightman Lilayi Lodge, Kafue Distr., Lusaka Province, Zambia
Photo: Nicholas Wightman Lilayi Lodge, Kafue Distr., Lusaka Province, Zambia
Elaeodendron transvaalense |
N,SE |
Photo: Mark Hyde 6, Stafford Rd, Hillcrest, Bulawayo
Photo: Bart Wursten 6, Stafford Rd, Hillcrest, Bulawayo
Photo: Bart Wursten 6, Stafford Rd, Hillcrest, Bulawayo
Photo: Bart Wursten 6, Stafford Rd, Hillcrest, Bulawayo
Photo: Bart Wursten 6, Stafford Rd, Hillcrest, Bulawayo
Photo: Bart Wursten 6, Stafford Rd, Hillcrest, Bulawayo
Photo: Bart Wursten Ngepi Camp, Kavango River
Photo: Bart Wursten Ngepi Camp, Kavango River
Photo: Bart Wursten Ngepi Camp, Kavango River
Photo: Bart Wursten Ngepi Camp, Kavango River
Photo: Bart Wursten Ngepi Camp, Kavango River
Gymnosporia buxifolia |
Photo: Bart Wursten Leopard Rock Game Reserve, Vumba
Photo: Bart Wursten Leopard Rock Game Reserve, Vumba
Photo: Bart Wursten Leopard Rock Game Reserve, Vumba
Photo: Mark Hyde Bridal Veil Falls, Chimanimani
Photo: Mark Hyde Bridal Veil Falls, Chimanimani
Gymnosporia heterophylla |
No images found |
Gymnosporia maranguensis |
No images found |
Gymnosporia senegalensis |
Photo: Bart Wursten Cecil Kop NR, Mutare
Photo: Petra Ballings Val D'Or
Photo: Petra Ballings Val D'Or
Photo: Bart Wursten Along road no6 between no2 and no3, Gorongosa National Park
Photo: Bart Wursten Along road no6 between no2 and no3, Gorongosa National Park
Photo: Bart Wursten Ewanrigg Botanic Garden
Photo: Bart Wursten Ewanrigg Botanic Garden
Photo: Bart Wursten Chitengo, Gorongosa National Park
Photo: Bart Wursten Chitengo, Gorongosa National Park
Photo: Mark Hyde By Mazowe River, Hippo Pools
Photo: Meg Coates Palgrave Hippo Valley Wildlife reserve
Photo: Meg Coates Palgrave Hippo Valley Wildlife reserve
Photo: Meg Coates Palgrave Hippo Valley Wildlife reserve
Photo: Mark Hyde Hatcliffe South Extension
Photo: Mark Hyde Hatcliffe South Extension
Photo: Mark Hyde Hatcliffe South Extension
Photo: Mark Hyde Hatcliffe South Extension
Photo: Bart Wursten Along road from Chironde Camp to Mungari Airstrip, Coutada 12
Photo: Bart Wursten Along road from Chironde Camp to Mungari Airstrip, Coutada 12
Photo: Bart Wursten Along road from Chironde Camp to Mungari Airstrip, Coutada 12
Photo: Bart Wursten B8 road through Bwabwata near Mwitiku
Photo: Bart Wursten Along D3508 Kalimbeza road
Photo: Bart Wursten Along D3508 Kalimbeza road
Photo: Mark Hyde Picnic area, Haka Game Park, Harare
Photo: Mark Hyde Picnic area, Haka Game Park, Harare
Gymnosporia tenuispina |
SE |
No images found |
Hippocratea africana var. richardiana |
N |
Photo: Bart Wursten Island 2, Katombora, Zambezi
Photo: Bart Wursten Island 2, Katombora, Zambezi
Photo: Bart Wursten Island 2, Katombora, Zambezi
Photo: Bart Wursten Along road East of Casa Banana
Photo: Bart Wursten Along road East of Casa Banana
Photo: Bart Wursten Inhamitanga Forest, Cheringoma
Photo: Bart Wursten Inhamitanga Forest, Cheringoma
Photo: Bart Wursten Inhamitanga Forest, Cheringoma
Photo: Bart Wursten Inhamitanga Forest, Cheringoma
Hippocratea buchananii |
N |
Photo: Bart Wursten By Umvumvumvu R.
Photo: Bart Wursten Chiyire R. bridge, by Mutare to Birchenough Br. rd
Photo: Bart Wursten Chiyire R. bridge, by Mutare to Birchenough Br. rd
Photo: Meg Coates Palgrave TCT-CatapĂș
Photo: Bart Wursten Inhamitanga Forest
Photo: Bart Wursten Inhamitanga Forest
Photo: Bart Wursten Inhamitanga Forest
Photo: Bart Wursten Inhamitanga Forest
Hippocratea indica |
N |
Photo: Bart Wursten Along western boundary road, Zambezi National Park.
Photo: Bart Wursten Base of Mt Bunga, Gorongosa National Park.
Photo: Bart Wursten Chironde area, Coutada 12, Cheringoma
Photo: Bart Wursten Chironde area, Coutada 12, Cheringoma
Photo: Bart Wursten Zambezi Private School area, 3 km from Katima Mulilo
Photo: Bart Wursten Zambezi Private School area, 3 km from Katima Mulilo
Photo: Bart Wursten Zambezi Private School area, 3 km from Katima Mulilo
Photo: Bart Wursten Zambezi Private School area, 3 km from Katima Mulilo
Photo: Bart Wursten Zambezi Private School area, 3 km from Katima Mulilo
Photo: Bart Wursten Zambezi Private School area, 3 km from Katima Mulilo
Hippocratea parviflora |
N |
Photo: Bart Wursten B8 c. 17 km West of Katima Mulilo
Photo: Bart Wursten B8 c. 17 km West of Katima Mulilo
Photo: Bart Wursten B8 c. 17 km West of Katima Mulilo
Photo: Bart Wursten B8 c. 17 km West of Katima Mulilo
Photo: Bart Wursten B8 c. 17 km West of Katima Mulilo
Maytenus peduncularis |
No images found |
Maytenus undata |
SE |
Photo: Bart Wursten Gardiner Farm, nr Arcturus
Photo: Bart Wursten Gardiner Farm, nr Arcturus
Photo: David Hartung Umwinsi River
Photo: David Hartung Umwinsi River
Photo: Michelle Harvey-Hyde Near summit of Hill Complex, Great Zimbabwe
Photo: Mark Hyde By road to Harava Dam
Photo: Mark Hyde By road to Harava Dam
Mystroxylon aethiopicum subsp. schlechteri |
N |
Photo: Rob Burrett National Botanic Garden, Harare
Photo: Meg Coates Palgrave Lilongwe, Malawi
Photo: Meg Coates Palgrave Lilongwe, Malawi
Photo: Bart Wursten Marydale Point Lake Chivero Recreational Park
Photo: Bart Wursten Marydale Point Lake Chivero Recreational Park
Photo: Bart Wursten Marydale Point Lake Chivero Recreational Park
Photo: Bart Wursten Road to Chikukwa at Mussapa pequeno river crossing
Photo: Bart Wursten Road to Chikukwa at Mussapa pequeno river crossing
Photo: Stefaan Dondeyne Mucudzo River, Gorongosa District
Photo: Bart Wursten River Above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park.
Photo: Bart Wursten River Above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park.
Photo: Bart Wursten River Above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park.
Photo: Bart Wursten River Above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park.
Photo: Bart Wursten Slopes of Mt Belingwe
Photo: Bart Wursten Slopes of Mt Belingwe
Photo: Bart Wursten Slopes of Mt Belingwe
Photo: Bart Wursten Slopes of Mt Belingwe
Photo: Bart Wursten Nhahomba area, Chimanimani National Reserve
Photo: Bart Wursten Nhahomba area, Chimanimani National Reserve
Photo: Bart Wursten Nhahomba area, Chimanimani National Reserve
Photo: Bart Wursten Nhahomba area, Chimanimani National Reserve
Photo: Bart Wursten Nhahomba area, Chimanimani National Reserve
Photo: Bart Wursten Nhahomba area, Chimanimani National Reserve
Photo: Bart Wursten Chimanimani National Park.
Salacia luebbertii |
N |
Photo: Kyle De Nobrega Ncamasere, Okavango Panhandle