Flora of Botswana: Utilities: Herbarium specimen images of Scrophulariaceae

Images for each species

The purpose of this page is to display images of herbarium specimens for each species within a particular family.

Note that all herbarium specimen images are shown, including any that are 'hidden' and any on other websites.

Separate pages exist which display living plant images only and all images for this family.

Antherothamnus pearsonii SE No herbarium specimen images found
Anticharis senegalensis N No herbarium specimen images found
Aptosimum albomarginatum N,SW,SE No herbarium specimen images found
Aptosimum decumbens N,SE No herbarium specimen images found
Aptosimum elongatum N,SW,SE No herbarium specimen images found
Aptosimum junceum SW No herbarium specimen images found
Aptosimum lineare N,SW,SE No herbarium specimen images found
Aptosimum lugardiae N,SW,SE No herbarium specimen images found
Aptosimum marlothii SW No herbarium specimen images found
Aptosimum procumbens No herbarium specimen images found
Buddleja madagascariensis No herbarium specimen images found
Buddleja saligna No herbarium specimen images found
Buddleja salviifolia No herbarium specimen images found
Diclis petiolaris N,SE No herbarium specimen images found
Diclis reptans SE No herbarium specimen images found
Gomphostigma virgatum SE No herbarium specimen images found
Hebenstretia angolensis No herbarium specimen images found
Hebenstretia integrifolia No herbarium specimen images found
Jamesbrittenia aurantiaca SE No herbarium specimen images found
Jamesbrittenia burkeana SE No herbarium specimen images found
Jamesbrittenia concinna No herbarium specimen images found
Jamesbrittenia elegantissima N No herbarium specimen images found
Jamesbrittenia integerrima No herbarium specimen images found
Jamesbrittenia micrantha N,SW,SE No herbarium specimen images found
Limosella australis
Limosella australis

Photo: Kevin Murphy

Limosella capensis N,SE No herbarium specimen images found
Limosella grandiflora SE No herbarium specimen images found
Limosella maior N,SE No herbarium specimen images found
Manulea conferta SW No herbarium specimen images found
Melanospermum foliosum SE No herbarium specimen images found
Nemesia fruticans No herbarium specimen images found
Nemesia lilacina SW No herbarium specimen images found
Selago albomarginata No herbarium specimen images found
Selago angolensis N,SW No herbarium specimen images found
Selago cecilae SE No herbarium specimen images found
Selago densiflora SE No herbarium specimen images found
Selago dinteri subsp. dinteri N No herbarium specimen images found
Selago dinteri subsp. pseudodinteri SW No herbarium specimen images found
Selago lacunosa N No herbarium specimen images found
Selago welwitschii var. holubii N No herbarium specimen images found
Selago welwitschii var. australis No herbarium specimen images found
Sutera levis SE No herbarium specimen images found

42 species found

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Botswana: Utilities: Herbarium specimen images of Scrophulariaceae.
https://www.botswanaflora.com/speciesdata/utilities/utility-display-herb-images-by-family.php?family_id=207, retrieved 31 March 2025

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