Images taken by Warren McCleland

Records: 82

The following is a list of the images made by Warren McCleland in species name order.

Click on the number in the column headed 'No' to see the full record details and on the thumbnail image in order to view the full-size image.

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NoImageSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)PhotographerColl.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc CodeImage
75089Afrohybanthus serratus Afrohybanthus serratus18 Jan 2016W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Pande, Inhassoro District.0Mozambique2134B4GI60

75089Afrohybanthus serratus Afrohybanthus serratus18 Jan 2016W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Pande, Inhassoro District.0Mozambique2134B4GI60

75103Baphia massaiensis subsp. obovata var. obovata Baphia massaiensis subsp. obovata var. obovata18 Jan 2016W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Pande, Inhassoro District0Mozambique2134B4GI60

75103Baphia massaiensis subsp. obovata var. obovata Baphia massaiensis subsp. obovata var. obovata18 Jan 2016W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Pande, Inhassoro District0Mozambique2134B4GI60

61028Carphalea pubescens Carphalea pubescens19 Feb 2014W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Coastal scrubQuisanga, Cabo Delgado.0Mozambique1240A4N36

61028Carphalea pubescens Carphalea pubescens19 Feb 2014W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Coastal scrubQuisanga, Cabo Delgado.0Mozambique1240A4N36

61028Carphalea pubescens Carphalea pubescens19 Feb 2014W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Coastal scrubQuisanga, Cabo Delgado.0Mozambique1240A4N36

90943Ceropegia bonafouxii Ceropegia bonafouxii23 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Tall thicket on large termitarium. Herbaceous climber growing in shade under thicket canopy.About 7 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma1090Zambia1623D1B995

90943Ceropegia bonafouxii Ceropegia bonafouxii23 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Tall thicket on large termitarium. Herbaceous climber growing in shade under thicket canopy.About 7 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma1090Zambia1623D1B995

90943Ceropegia bonafouxii Ceropegia bonafouxii23 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Tall thicket on large termitarium. Herbaceous climber growing in shade under thicket canopy.About 7 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma1090Zambia1623D1B995

90943Ceropegia bonafouxii Ceropegia bonafouxii23 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Tall thicket on large termitarium. Herbaceous climber growing in shade under thicket canopy.About 7 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma1090Zambia1623D1B995

90943Ceropegia bonafouxii Ceropegia bonafouxii23 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Tall thicket on large termitarium. Herbaceous climber growing in shade under thicket canopy.About 7 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma1090Zambia1623D1B995

90923Clerodendrum buchneri Clerodendrum buchneri24 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Suffrutex growing in secondary woodland / scrub at edge of cultivated fields. Approximately 3.4 km upstream of Sioma town1090Zambia1623C2B996

90923Clerodendrum buchneri Clerodendrum buchneri24 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Suffrutex growing in secondary woodland / scrub at edge of cultivated fields. Approximately 3.4 km upstream of Sioma town1090Zambia1623C2B996

90923Clerodendrum buchneri Clerodendrum buchneri24 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Suffrutex growing in secondary woodland / scrub at edge of cultivated fields. Approximately 3.4 km upstream of Sioma town1090Zambia1623C2B996

90923Clerodendrum buchneri Clerodendrum buchneri24 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Suffrutex growing in secondary woodland / scrub at edge of cultivated fields. Approximately 3.4 km upstream of Sioma town1090Zambia1623C2B996

92760Crinum carolo-schmidtii Crinum carolo-schmidtii23 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland G Duncan Seasonal wetland on large floodplain adjacent to the Zambezi River Ngonye Falls 1090Zambia1623D1 B994

92760Crinum carolo-schmidtii Crinum carolo-schmidtii23 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland G Duncan Seasonal wetland on large floodplain adjacent to the Zambezi River Ngonye Falls 1090Zambia1623D1 B994

92760Crinum carolo-schmidtii Crinum carolo-schmidtii23 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland G Duncan Seasonal wetland on large floodplain adjacent to the Zambezi River Ngonye Falls 1090Zambia1623D1 B994

92760Crinum carolo-schmidtii Crinum carolo-schmidtii23 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland G Duncan Seasonal wetland on large floodplain adjacent to the Zambezi River Ngonye Falls 1090Zambia1623D1 B994

92760Crinum carolo-schmidtii Crinum carolo-schmidtii23 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland G Duncan Seasonal wetland on large floodplain adjacent to the Zambezi River Ngonye Falls 1090Zambia1623D1 B994

92760Crinum carolo-schmidtii Crinum carolo-schmidtii23 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland G Duncan Seasonal wetland on large floodplain adjacent to the Zambezi River Ngonye Falls 1090Zambia1623D1 B994

92760Crinum carolo-schmidtii Crinum carolo-schmidtii23 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland G Duncan Seasonal wetland on large floodplain adjacent to the Zambezi River Ngonye Falls 1090Zambia1623D1 B994

69844Diospyros chamaethamnus Diospyros chamaethamnus21 Oct 2015W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Ngonye Falls, Senanga District.1090Zambia1623D1B990

69844Diospyros chamaethamnus Diospyros chamaethamnus21 Oct 2015W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Ngonye Falls, Senanga District.1090Zambia1623D1B990

69844Diospyros chamaethamnus Diospyros chamaethamnus21 Oct 2015W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Ngonye Falls, Senanga District.1090Zambia1623D1B990

75111Ehretia amoena Ehretia amoena18 Jan 2016W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Pande, Inhassoro District.0Mozambique2134B4GI60

92705Eulophia schweinfurthii Eulophia schweinfurthii19 Jan 2016W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland L Grobler Tall open woodland dominated by Combretum imberbe10 km south-west of Save Bridge0Mozambique2134B1 GI96

92705Eulophia schweinfurthii Eulophia schweinfurthii19 Jan 2016W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland L Grobler Tall open woodland dominated by Combretum imberbe10 km south-west of Save Bridge0Mozambique2134B1 GI96

92705Eulophia schweinfurthii Eulophia schweinfurthii19 Jan 2016W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland L Grobler Tall open woodland dominated by Combretum imberbe10 km south-west of Save Bridge0Mozambique2134B1 GI96

39457Ferraria glutinosa Ferraria glutinosa23 Nov 2007W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Rocky grasslandMalundwe Hill, Solwezi0Zambia1226A2 W0

75097Heinsia crinita subsp. parviflora Heinsia crinita subsp. parviflora18 Aug 2016W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Pande, Inhassoro District0Mozambique2134B4GI57

75097Heinsia crinita subsp. parviflora Heinsia crinita subsp. parviflora18 Aug 2016W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Pande, Inhassoro District0Mozambique2134B4GI57

75097Heinsia crinita subsp. parviflora Heinsia crinita subsp. parviflora18 Aug 2016W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Pande, Inhassoro District0Mozambique2134B4GI57

75139Heliotropium indicum Heliotropium indicum5 Sep 2014W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Rio Muacamula, Macomia District, Cabo Delgado.0Mozambique1240A2N20

75139Heliotropium indicum Heliotropium indicum5 Sep 2014W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Rio Muacamula, Macomia District, Cabo Delgado.0Mozambique1240A2N20

75128Hibiscus panduriformis Hibiscus panduriformis5 Sep 2014W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Rio Muacamula, Macomia District, Cabo Delgado.0Mozambique1240A2N20

75128Hibiscus panduriformis Hibiscus panduriformis5 Sep 2014W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Rio Muacamula, Macomia District, Cabo Delgado.0Mozambique1240A2N20

75128Hibiscus panduriformis Hibiscus panduriformis5 Sep 2014W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Rio Muacamula, Macomia District, Cabo Delgado.0Mozambique1240A2N20

97157Hyphaene coriacea Hyphaene coriacea21 Feb 2014W McCleland
W McCleland Edge of a large floodplain.Quiterajo, Cabo Delgado Province0Mozambique1140C2N8

90922Kosteletzkya buettneri Kosteletzkya buettneri24 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Narrow riparian wetland. Upright, slender herb growing in damp soil at edge of wetland in tall grass. About 7 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma1090Zambia1623D1B995

90922Kosteletzkya buettneri Kosteletzkya buettneri24 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Narrow riparian wetland. Upright, slender herb growing in damp soil at edge of wetland in tall grass. About 7 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma1090Zambia1623D1B995

90922Kosteletzkya buettneri Kosteletzkya buettneri24 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Narrow riparian wetland. Upright, slender herb growing in damp soil at edge of wetland in tall grass. About 7 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma1090Zambia1623D1B995

90922Kosteletzkya buettneri Kosteletzkya buettneri24 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Narrow riparian wetland. Upright, slender herb growing in damp soil at edge of wetland in tall grass. About 7 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma1090Zambia1623D1B995

90922Kosteletzkya buettneri Kosteletzkya buettneri24 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Narrow riparian wetland. Upright, slender herb growing in damp soil at edge of wetland in tall grass. About 7 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma1090Zambia1623D1B995

90928Lantana angolensis Lantana angolensis23 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Tall thicket on large termitarium. Upright, softly woody shrublet growing in shade under thicket canopy.About 7 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma1090Zambia1623D1B995

White flowers are unusual for this species.

90928Lantana angolensis Lantana angolensis23 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Tall thicket on large termitarium. Upright, softly woody shrublet growing in shade under thicket canopy.About 7 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma1090Zambia1623D1B995

White flowers are unusual for this species.

90928Lantana angolensis Lantana angolensis23 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Tall thicket on large termitarium. Upright, softly woody shrublet growing in shade under thicket canopy.About 7 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma1090Zambia1623D1B995

White flowers are unusual for this species.

90928Lantana angolensis Lantana angolensis23 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Tall thicket on large termitarium. Upright, softly woody shrublet growing in shade under thicket canopy.About 7 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma1090Zambia1623D1B995

White flowers are unusual for this species.

90899Ozoroa longipes Ozoroa longipes26 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Plants were coppicing in secondary scrub that is regularly cut under a large transmission line Approximately 2 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma.1090Zambia1623D1B996

90899Ozoroa longipes Ozoroa longipes26 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Plants were coppicing in secondary scrub that is regularly cut under a large transmission line Approximately 2 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma.1090Zambia1623D1B996

90899Ozoroa longipes Ozoroa longipes26 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Plants were coppicing in secondary scrub that is regularly cut under a large transmission line Approximately 2 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma.1090Zambia1623D1B996

90899Ozoroa longipes Ozoroa longipes26 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Plants were coppicing in secondary scrub that is regularly cut under a large transmission line Approximately 2 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma.1090Zambia1623D1B996

90899Ozoroa longipes Ozoroa longipes26 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Plants were coppicing in secondary scrub that is regularly cut under a large transmission line Approximately 2 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma.1090Zambia1623D1B996

75184Plukenetia africana Plukenetia africana20 Jan 2016W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Pande, Inhassoro District0Mozambique2134D2GI95

75184Plukenetia africana Plukenetia africana20 Jan 2016W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Pande, Inhassoro District0Mozambique2134D2GI95

75184Plukenetia africana Plukenetia africana20 Jan 2016W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Pande, Inhassoro District0Mozambique2134D2GI95

75184Plukenetia africana Plukenetia africana20 Jan 2016W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Pande, Inhassoro District0Mozambique2134D2GI95

75184Plukenetia africana Plukenetia africana20 Jan 2016W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Pande, Inhassoro District0Mozambique2134D2GI95

75114Rhynchosia sublobata Rhynchosia sublobata18 Jan 2016W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Pande, Inhassoro District0Mozambique2134B4GI60

75114Rhynchosia sublobata Rhynchosia sublobata18 Jan 2016W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Pande, Inhassoro District0Mozambique2134B4GI60

75114Rhynchosia sublobata Rhynchosia sublobata18 Jan 2016W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Pande, Inhassoro District0Mozambique2134B4GI60

75114Rhynchosia sublobata Rhynchosia sublobata18 Jan 2016W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Pande, Inhassoro District0Mozambique2134B4GI60

90929Sericorema sericea Sericorema sericea23 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Ecotone between floodplain wetlands and tall thickets on raised termitaria; on sandy soils. Upright herb growing in full sun.About 7 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma1090Zambia1623D1B995

90929Sericorema sericea Sericorema sericea23 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Ecotone between floodplain wetlands and tall thickets on raised termitaria; on sandy soils. Upright herb growing in full sun.About 7 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma1090Zambia1623D1B995

90929Sericorema sericea Sericorema sericea23 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Ecotone between floodplain wetlands and tall thickets on raised termitaria; on sandy soils. Upright herb growing in full sun.About 7 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma1090Zambia1623D1B995

90929Sericorema sericea Sericorema sericea23 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Ecotone between floodplain wetlands and tall thickets on raised termitaria; on sandy soils. Upright herb growing in full sun.About 7 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma1090Zambia1623D1B995

61033Sterculia africana Sterculia africana19 Feb 2014W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Wooded grasslandQuissanga, Cabo Delgado0Mozambique1240A4N11

61033Sterculia africana Sterculia africana19 Feb 2014W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Wooded grasslandQuissanga, Cabo Delgado0Mozambique1240A4N11

90930Vangueria proschii Vangueria proschii25 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Tall riparian forest on an island in the Zambezi River, close to the eastern bank. Small tree growing in shade in understory of forest.  About 5 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma1090Zambia1623D1B992

90930Vangueria proschii Vangueria proschii25 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Tall riparian forest on an island in the Zambezi River, close to the eastern bank. Small tree growing in shade in understory of forest.  About 5 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma1090Zambia1623D1B992

90930Vangueria proschii Vangueria proschii25 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Tall riparian forest on an island in the Zambezi River, close to the eastern bank. Small tree growing in shade in understory of forest.  About 5 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma1090Zambia1623D1B992

90930Vangueria proschii Vangueria proschii25 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Tall riparian forest on an island in the Zambezi River, close to the eastern bank. Small tree growing in shade in understory of forest.  About 5 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma1090Zambia1623D1B992

90930Vangueria proschii Vangueria proschii25 Jan 2018W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland MG Bingham Tall riparian forest on an island in the Zambezi River, close to the eastern bank. Small tree growing in shade in understory of forest.  About 5 km upstream of Ngonye Falls, Sioma1090Zambia1623D1B992

75109Xeroderris stuhlmannii Xeroderris stuhlmannii18 Jan 2016W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Pande, Inhassoro District.0Mozambique2134B4GI60

75109Xeroderris stuhlmannii Xeroderris stuhlmannii18 Jan 2016W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Pande, Inhassoro District.0Mozambique2134B4GI60

69828Xylopia tomentosa Xylopia tomentosa21 Oct 2015W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Ngonye Falls, Senanga District.1090Zambia1623D1B990

69828Xylopia tomentosa Xylopia tomentosa21 Oct 2015W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Ngonye Falls, Senanga District.1090Zambia1623D1B990

69828Xylopia tomentosa Xylopia tomentosa21 Oct 2015W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Ngonye Falls, Senanga District.1090Zambia1623D1B990

69828Xylopia tomentosa Xylopia tomentosa21 Oct 2015W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Ngonye Falls, Senanga District.1090Zambia1623D1B990

69828Xylopia tomentosa Xylopia tomentosa21 Oct 2015W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Ngonye Falls, Senanga District.1090Zambia1623D1B990

69828Xylopia tomentosa Xylopia tomentosa21 Oct 2015W McCleland
W McCleland W McCleland Ngonye Falls, Senanga District.1090Zambia1623D1B990


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Botswana: Images taken by Warren McCleland., retrieved 31 March 2025

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