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Martins, E.S. et al. (2003) Papilionoideae Flora Zambesiaca 3(7)
Herbs, shrubs or rarely small trees (capensis and pallidicaulis). Stipules filiform to leaf-like, or 0. Leaves simple, 1-foliolate or digitately 3(-7)-foliolate, usually petiolate. Flowers usually yellow, variously marked, less often white or blue, usually in terminal leaf-opposed or less commonly axillary racemes or heads; bract and paired bracteoles usually present. Calyx usually with 5 subequal lobes. Standard usually with 2 appendages at the base inside; keel rounded to angled, generally with a well-developed beak. Stamens joined in a sheath; anthers arranged alternately with 5 long, basifixed and 5, smaller, dorsifixed. Style curved or geniculate, usually with 1-2 lines of hairs in the upper part, the basal portion thicker than the upper. Legume usually inflated, 1-many seeded. Worldwide: 600 species throughout the tropics (and subtropics), most numerous in eastern and southern tropical Africa Botswana: 31 taxa. Insects associated with this genus:
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Species | FZ divisions | Content |
barkae Schweinf. subsp. barkae | N,SE | |
barnabassii Dinter ex Baker f. | SE | |
burkeana Benth. | SE | |
damarensis Engl. | N,SE | Description |
dinteri Schinz | N,SW | |
distans Benth. subsp. mediocris Polhill | N,SE | |
eremicola Baker f. subsp. eremicola | SE | |
eremicola Baker f. subsp. parviflora Polhill | SE | |
flavicarinata Baker f. | N | Description, Image |
heidmannii Schinz | N | |
incompta N.E. Br. | N | |
laburnifolia L. subsp. australis (Baker f.) Polhill | SE | Description |
laburnifolia L. subsp. laburnifolia | N | Description, Image |
lotoides Benth. | SE | |
microcarpa Hochst. ex Benth. | ? | Description, Image |
ochroleuca G. Don | N | Description, Image |
orientalis Burtt Davy ex I. Verd. subsp. allenii (I. Verd.) Polhill & A. Schreib. | ||
orientalis Burtt Davy ex I. Verd. subsp. orientalis | SE | |
pallidicaulis Harms | N | Description, Image |
pisicarpa Welw. ex Baker | N,SE | |
platysepala Harv. | N,SE | |
podocarpa DC. | N,SW,SE | Description, Image |
rhodesiae Baker f. | Description, Image | |
schinzii Baker f. | SE | |
schlechteri Baker f. | ||
senegalensis (Pers.) Bacle ex DC. | N | Description, Image |
spartioides DC. | SW,SE | |
sphaerocarpa Perr. ex DC. subsp. sphaerocarpa | N,SW,SE | Description, Image |
steudneri Schweinf. | N | Description, Image |
virgulata Klotzsch subsp. grantiana (Harv.) Polhill | SE | Description, Image |
virgulata Klotzsch subsp. virgulata | Description |
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