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The following is a list of the records made by Nicholas Wightman in species name order. The records are of species which occur in botambique (either as a native/naturalised species or as a cultivated species).
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No | Species | Record date | Recorder(s) | Coll. | Det. | Conf. | Herbaria | Habitat | Location | Loc code | Outing code | Planted code | Country | QDS | Grid ref. | FZ Div | Alt. (m) | Notes | Lat | Long | Loc Acc Code |
112314 | Blepharis maderaspatensis | 05 Jun 2020 | N Wightman P Sichone |
N Wightman P Sichone NCW392 | N Wightman | UZL NDO |
Open patches of Itigi thicket | Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province | 108 | 0 | Zambia | 0830C2 | N | 883 | Growing in small open/deciduous patches within Itigi thicket in sandy loam soil | -8.534950 | 30.478520 | 6 | |||
114984 | Blepharis tenuiramea | 14 May 2021 | N Wightman |
N Wightman NCW617 | N Wightman | NY NDO |
Miombo woodland | Lilayi Lodge, Lusaka District, Lusaka | 0 | Zambia | 1528C2 | C | 1293 | Growing amid grasses in sandy loam soil | -15.528890 | 28.323940 | 6 | ||||
112315 | Boscia mossambicensis | 04 Jun 2020 | N Wightman P Sichone |
N Wightman P Sichone NCW345 | N Wightman | UZL NDO |
Savannah grasslands | Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province | 108 | 0 | Zambia | 0830D1 | N | 780 | Growing in open, hot areas of savannah grassland in sandy loam soils | -8.605690 | 30.516940 | 6 | |||
120968 | Chlorophytum recurvifolium | 22 Feb 2022 | N Wightman B Bytebier SD Johnson |
N Wightman B Bytebier SD Johnson NCW747 | KB Vollesen | K |
Miombo woodland | Mutinondo Wilderness Lodge, Lavushi Manda District, Muchinga Province | 116 | 0 | Zambia | 1231A4 | N | 0 | The collection of this specimen is the first record of the species for Zambia | -12.452903 | 31.291590 | 6 | |||
114985 | Chlorophytum sphacelatum var. milanjianum | 13 Feb 2021 | N Wightman |
N Wightman NCW456 | N Wightman | NDO |
Miombo woodland | Lilayi Lodge, Lusaka District, Lusaka | 0 | Zambia | 1528C2 | C | 1304 | Growing in exposed rocky outcrops amid grasses in sandy soil | -15.533550 | 28.338920 | 6 | ||||
117927 | Cissus cornifolia | 13 Aug 2022 | N Wightman N Armitage M Lufungulo |
N Wightman N Armitage M Lufungulo NCW789 | N Wightman | NDO |
Lake basin chipya scrubland | Mpulungu Landfill site, Mpulungu, Mpulungu Distr. | 0 | Zambia | 0831C3 | N | 835 | Erect shrubs c. 2-3 m tall growing in seasonally dry ravines in lake basin chipya woodland near landfill site | -8.792630 | 31.121000 | 6 | ||||
124057 | Coleus gracilipedicellatum | 19 Apr 2024 | N Wightman W van Niekerk D Ngwenyama |
N Wightman NCW1282 | N Wightman W van Niekerk D Ngwenyama | K ZAHBRI |
Kalahari woodland | Kazungo, Sioma District, Western Province, Zambia | 0 | Zambia | 1623D1 | B | 1007 | -16.743152 | 23.667287 | 6 | |||||
114786 | Commiphora glandulosa | 03 Feb 2021 | N Wightman I Miller |
N Wightman I Miller NCW438 | N Wightman | NY NDO |
Rocky outcrop in miombo woodland | Lilayi Lodge, Lusaka District, Lusaka | 0 | Zambia | 1528C2 | C | 1298 | Growing on periphery of large rocky outcrop of miombo woodland in sandy loam soil | -15.530880 | 28.314400 | 6 | ||||
114787 | Commiphora glandulosa | 18 Feb 2021 | N Wightman I Miller |
N Wightman I Miller NCW438 | N Wightman | NY NDO |
Rocky outcrop in miombo woodland | Lilayi Lodge, Lusaka District, Lusaka | 0 | Zambia | 1528C2 | C | 1298 | Growing on periphery of large rocky outcrop of miombo woodland in sandy loam soil | -15.530880 | 28.314400 | 6 | ||||
114809 | Crotalaria ochroleuca | 24 Mar 2021 | N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola F Mukuwe |
N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola F Mukuwe NCW600 | N Wightman | NY UZL |
Degraded miombo woodland on Kalahari sand | Nakatowya Village, Longe area, Kaoma Distr., Western Province | 0 | Zambia | 1424D4 | B | 1159 | -14.886220 | 24.904780 | 6 | |||||
120974 | Dicerocaryum eriocarpum | 21 Apr 2023 | N Wightman |
N Wightman NCW907 | N Wightman | K NDO |
Ruderal area between village and open dambo grassland | Luampa area, Luampa District, Western Province | 0 | Zambia | 1524A2 | B | 1111 | -15.064738 | 24.448185 | 6 | |||||
124066 | Dicoma schinzii | 19 Apr 2024 | N Wightman W van Niekerk M Kaluwe |
N Wightman W van Niekerk M Kaluwe NCW1280 | N Wightman | K ZAHBRI |
Kalahari woodland | Musole, Sesheke District, Western Province, Zambia | 0 | Zambia | 1623D4 | B | 1010 | -16.865083 | 23.791492 | 6 | |||||
118689 | Elaeodendron matabelicum | 28 Sep 2022 | N Wightman I Miller |
N Wightman I Miller NCW797 | N Wightman | K NDO |
Miombo woodland boundary | Lilayi Lodge, Kafue Distr., Lusaka Province, Zambia | 0 | Zambia | 1528C2 | C | 1293 | -15.539858 | 28.337021 | 6 | |||||
114810 | Eminia holubii | 09 Mar 2021 | N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola N Musiya |
N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola N Musiya NCW536 | N Wightman | NY NDO |
Open scrubland on Kalaharia sand | Amos Village, Kakanda, Kaoma Distr., Western Province | 0 | Zambia | 1424D4 | B | 1160 | -14.772010 | 24.938850 | 6 | |||||
124067 | Empogona cacondensis | 18 Apr 2024 | N Wightman W van Niekerk M Kaluwe |
N Wightman W van Niekerk M Kaluwe NCW1262 | N Wightman | K ZAHBRI |
Degraded secondary Baikaea forest | Chiulu, Sesheke District, Western Province, Zambia , Zambia | 0 | Zambia | 1724A3 | B | 979 | -17.398380 | 24.168624 | 6 | |||||
116036 | Eriospermum flagelliforme | 16 Jan 2022 | N Wightman J Alfonsi S du Plessis D du Plessis C Conradie N O'Connor |
N Wightman J Alfonsi S du Plessis D du Plessis C Conradie N O'Connor NCW707 | N Wightman | K NDO |
Upland miombo woodland | Mafinga Mts., Mafinga Distr., Muchinga Province | 119 | 0 | Zambia | 0933C4 | N | 1934 | Occasional component of woodland understorey growing amongst grasses, sedges and forbs in loam soils. | -9.987527 | 33.301412 | 6 | |||
114994 | Euclea schimperi | 03 Feb 2021 | N Wightman I Miller |
N Wightman I Miller NCW440 | N Wightman | NDO |
Termitaria in miombo woodland | Lilayi Lodge, Lusaka District, Lusaka | 0 | Zambia | 1528C2 | C | 1305 | Growing on the periphery of large termitaria in clay loam | -15.535260 | 28.342550 | 6 | ||||
119251 | Eucomis autumnalis | 10 Feb 2023 | N Wightman B Bytebier |
N Wightman B Bytebier NCW876i | KB Vollesen | NDO |
Dambo grasslands | Mutinondo Wilderness, Lavushi Manda Distr., Muchinga Province | 116 | 0 | Zambia | 1231A4 | N | 1453 | Growing in shade of a small copse of trees within the dambo | -12.398509 | 31.296541 | 6 | |||
106214 | Eulophia angolensis | 08 Feb 2018 | N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena |
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3565 | B Bytebier | K NDO NU |
Wet dambo. | Roadside dambo on M3 between Kasama and Luwingu. | 58 | 0 | Zambia | 1030B1 | N | 1233 | 6 | ||||||
106426 | Eulophia angolensis | 10 Oct 2018 | N Wightman |
N Wightman NCW57B | N Wightman | B Bytebier | NU |
Riverside dambo area under shade of Syzigium sp. along Kalungwishi R. with grasses, Kniphofia grantii, Gladiolus unguiculatus and Eulophia coeloglossa | Kalonde Falls, Kawambwa Distr., Luapula Province | 0 | Zambia | 0929D4 | N | 1393 | 6 | ||||||
106182 | Eulophia hians var. nutans | 04 Feb 2018 | N Wightman B Bytebier |
N Wightman B Bytebier BB3538 | B Bytebier | K NU |
At edge of dambo in full sunlight. | Dambo above falls. | 58 | 0 | Zambia | 1330A2 | C | 1490 | 6 | ||||||
112303 | Eulophia horsfallii | 17 Oct 2018 | W McCleland N Wightman |
W McCleland N Wightman NCW75A | W McCleland N Wightman | NU |
Wet dambo grasslands | Chabiilikila area, Mporokoso Distr., Northern Province | 0 | Zambia | 0929D1 | N | 1223 | Growing in riverside grassland edge amidst Pandanus livingstonianus | 6 | ||||||
106193 | Eulophia latilabris | 06 Feb 2018 | N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena |
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3547 | B Bytebier | K NU |
Wet dambo along river. | Dambo along the road near the palace of the Chitimukulu. | 58 | 0 | Zambia | 1031A2 | N | 1217 | 6 | ||||||
106220 | Eulophia tanganyikensis | 08 Feb 2018 | N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena |
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3571 | B Bytebier | K NU |
Wet dambo. | Roadside dambo on M3 between Kasama and Luwingu. | 58 | 0 | Zambia | 1030B1 | N | 1233 | 6 | ||||||
124068 | Euphorbia eylesii | 19 Apr 2024 | N Wightman W van Niekerk M Kaluwe |
N Wightman W van Niekerk M Kaluwe NCW1284 | N Wightman | K ZAHBRI |
Kalahari woodland | Kazungo, Sioma District, Western Province, Zambia | 0 | Zambia | 1623D1 | B | 1007 | -16.739742 | 23.668872 | 6 | |||||
116650 | Grona barbata var. argyrea | 31 Mar 2022 | N Wightman M Lufungulo |
N Wightman M Lufungulo NCW769 | N Wightman | UZL NDO |
Miombo woodland | Karubwe area, Chibombo Distr., Central Province | 0 | Zambia | 1528A2 | C | 1143 | Growing on edge of material quarry used for roads and rail construction | -15.157605 | 28.361167 | 6 | ||||
106161 | Habenaria filicornis | 27 Jan 2017 | N Wightman RE Bone K Yokoya |
N Wightman RE Bone K Yokoya RB439 | B Bytebier | K NDO |
"Wet dambo, flooded, grasses, sedges, Xyris, Polygala, small flowered Nymphaea species in ephemeral pools. Few Chikanda orchid species seen- mostly small green flowered Habenaria species. Locally common- several patches in dambos both sides of road." | Dambo to side of unpaved road to Shiwa Ngandu. 20 m to right of road (when facing Shiwa House direction) | 117 | 58 | 0 | Zambia | 1131A2 | N | 1469 | 6 | |||||
106242 | Habenaria filicornis | 10 Feb 2018 | N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena |
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3593 | B Bytebier | K NDO NU |
Wet dambo. | D94 road between Mansa and Samfya. | 58 | 0 | Zambia | 1129A1 | N | 1229 | 6 | ||||||
106311 | Habenaria kilimanjari | 11 Jan 2019 | N Wightman I Kabinda N Ngoma |
N Wightman I Kabinda N Ngoma NcW120 | N Wightman | B Bytebier | K NDO NU |
Drier upper edges of a wet, inundated grassland growing in sandy to sandy loam soil | Medium-sized dambo (Nyikongola dambo) c. 16 km E of Mwinilunga | 58 | 0 | Zambia | 1124D1 | W | 1432 | 6 | |||||
106216 | Habenaria pasmithii | 08 Feb 2018 | N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena |
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3567 | B Bytebier | K NDO NU |
Wet dambo; in 1 foot of water. | Roadside dambo on M3 between Kasama and Luwingu. | 58 | 0 | Zambia | 1030B1 | N | 1233 | 6 | ||||||
106158 | Habenaria schimperiana | 27 Jan 2017 | N Wightman RE Bone K Yokoya |
N Wightman RE Bone K Yokoya RB435 | B Bytebier | K |
Wet dambo, flooded, grasses, sedges, Xyris, Polygala, small flowered Nymphaea species in ephemeral pools. Few Chikanda orchid species seen- mostly small green flowered Habenaria species. Passers-by on bicycles (with umbrellas in the rain) shouting "C | Dambo to side of unpaved road to Shiwa Ngandu. 20 m to right of road (when facing Shiwa House direction) | 117 | 58 | 0 | Zambia | 1131A2 | N | 1469 | 6 | |||||
106299 | Habenaria schimperiana | 09 Jan 2019 | N Wightman I Kabinda N Ngoma |
N Wightman I Kabinda N Ngoma NcW106 | N Wightman | B Bytebier | K NDO NU |
Moist to very wet lower area of open seepage dambo grassland growing in black muck to peaty soils | Medium-sized seepage dambo c. 60 km SW of Solwezi | 58 | 0 | Zambia | 1226C1 | W | 1267 | 6 | |||||
114995 | Hermannia quartiniana | 13 Feb 2021 | N Wightman |
N Wightman NCW455 | N Wightman | NDO |
Miombo woodland | Lilayi Lodge, Lusaka District, Lusaka | 0 | Zambia | 1528C2 | C | 1304 | Growing in exposed rocky outcrops amid grasses in sandy soil | -15.533550 | 28.338920 | 6 | ||||
124078 | Hibiscus calyphyllus | 30 Mar 2024 | N Wightman J Alfonsi I Kabinda W van Niekerk M Kaluwe |
N Wightman J Alfonsi I Kabinda W van Niekerk M Kaluwe NCW1182 | N Wightman | K ZAHBRI |
Termitaria within Brachystegia woodland | Tondwa GMA, Nsama District, Northern Province, Zambia | 0 | Zambia | 0830C1 | N | 1072 | -8.608560 | 30.214660 | 6 | |||||
112590 | Hypoestes forskaolii subsp. forskaolii | 06 May 2020 | N Wightman P Sichone R Williams G Phiri |
N Wightman P Sichone R Williams G Phiri NCW264 | N Wightman | UZL |
Miombo woodland | Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province | 108 | 0 | Zambia | 0830C2 | N | 980 | Growing in miombo woodland in sandy loam soils | -8.657620 | 30.389710 | 6 | |||
124077 | Justicia kirkiana | 18 Apr 2024 | N Wightman W van Niekerk M Kaluwe |
N Wightman W van Niekerk M Kaluwe NCW1272 | N Wightman | I Darbyshire | K ZAHBRI |
Degraded secondary Baikaea forest | Mulelekwa, Sesheke District, Western Province, Zambia | 0 | Zambia | 1724A3 | B | 996 | -17.255781 | 24.111772 | 6 | ||||
116885 | Lapeirousia caudata | 03 Jan 2022 | N Wightman B Bytebier SD Johnson |
N Wightman B Bytebier SD Johnson NCW754b | N Wightman | UZL NDO |
Sand dune | Lake Bangweulu, Samfya Distr., Luapula Province | 112 | 0 | Zambia | 1129B3 | N | 1185 | Growing on upper reached of sand dune among Crinum papilllosum and Trachyandra arvensis | 6 | |||||
114813 | Macrotyloma daltonii | 01 Mar 2021 | N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola M Katongo |
N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola M Katongo NCW503 | N Wightman | NDO |
Ruderal area among short grasses on Kalahari sand | Kahinga Village, Kaoma Distr., Western Province | 0 | Zambia | 1424D4 | B | 1135 | -14.775330 | 24.797500 | 6 | |||||
106244 | Moraea carsonii | 10 Feb 2018 | N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena |
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3596 | B Bytebier | K |
In grass in the garden, not cultivated. | Grassy area beside paved pathway to Lodge rooms . | 58 | 0 | Zambia | 1129A2 | N | 0 | 6 | ||||||
114997 | Neonotonia wightii subsp. wightii var. longicauda | 08 Feb 2021 | N Wightman |
N Wightman NCW450 | N Wightman | NDO |
Ruderal roadside margin | Lilayi Lodge, Lusaka District, Lusaka | 0 | Zambia | 1528C2 | C | 1295 | Growing in ruderal roadside margins of heavily grazed open woodland in sandy loam soil | -15.532680 | 28.323620 | 6 | ||||
123907 | Ornithoglossum vulgare | 05 Dec 2023 | N Wightman D Ngwenyama |
N Wightman D Ngwenyama NCW1027 | W McCleland | K NDO |
Kalahari woodland | Kazungo area, Sioma District, Western Province | 0 | Zambia | 1623D1 | B | 998 | -16.710730 | 23.633955 | 6 | |||||
123908 | Orthanthera jasminiflora | 04 Dec 2023 | N Wightman D Ngwenyama |
N Wightman D Ngwenyama NCW1024 | N Wightman | DJ Goyder | K NDO |
Kalahari woodland | Sioma, Sioma District, Western Province | 0 | Zambia | 1623D1 | B | 987 | -16.677222 | 23.623138 | 6 | ||||
106276 | Orthochilus walleri | 05 Jan 2019 | N Wightman I Kabinda N Ngoma |
N Wightman I Kabinda N Ngoma NcW79 | N Wightman | K NDO NU |
Grassland patches in open woodland in full sun growing with Disa welwitschii subsp. welwitschii and tall grasses in clay to clay loam soils | Grassy area approx. 1 hectare in size, c. 2 km south of M18 between Kitwe and Lufwanyama | 58 | 0 | Zambia | 1227C4 | W | 1217 | 6 | ||||||
114999 | Oxalis obliquifolia | 16 Jan 2021 | N Wightman |
N Wightman NCW415 | N Wightman | NDO |
Miombo woodland | Lilayi Lodge, Lusaka District, Lusaka | 0 | Zambia | 1528C2 | C | 0 | Growing in open patches amid short grasses and amongst rocky outcrops in sandy loam to sandy soil | -15.535010 | 28.343390 | 6 | ||||
114818 | Ozoroa nitida | 25 Mar 2021 | N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola F Mukuwe |
N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola F Mukuwe NCW604 | N Wightman | NY NDO |
Dambo margin in damp muck soil | Longe area, Kaoma Distr., Western Province | 0 | Zambia | 1424D4 | B | 1137 | Leaves: contrast of the upper (above) and lower (below) leaf surfaces. | -14.865050 | 24.898659 | 6 | ||||
114819 | Ozoroa nitida | 21 Apr 2021 | N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola F Mukuwe |
N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola F Mukuwe NCW604 | N Wightman | NY NDO |
Dambo margin in damp muck soil | Longe area, Kaoma Distr., Western Province | 0 | Zambia | 1424D4 | B | 1137 | Leaves: contrast of the upper (above) and lower (below) leaf surfaces. | -14.865050 | 24.898659 | 6 | ||||
112594 | Panicum heterostachyum | 06 May 2020 | N Wightman P Sichone R Williams G Phiri |
N Wightman P Sichone R Williams G Phiri NCW251 | N Wightman | UZL |
Itigi thicket | Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province | 108 | 0 | Zambia | 0830C2 | N | 1070 | Growing in dense shade of Itigi thicket in sandy loam to clay loam soils | -8.671390 | 30.395380 | 6 | |||
114820 | Paropsia brazzeana | 23 Mar 2021 | N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola M Walubita |
N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola M Walubita NCW549 | N Wightman | NY NDO |
Open scrubland on Kalahari sand | Sikota Village, Namilangi, Nkyema Distr., Western Province | 0 | Zambia | 1425C3 | B | 1183 | -14.803890 | 25.040040 | 6 | |||||
121026 | Phytolacca dodecandra | 30 May 2023 | N Wightman I Kabinda W van Niekerk M Mwale M Mufuka |
N Wightman I Kabinda W van Niekerk M Mwale M Mufuka NCW995 | N Wightman | K NDO |
Degraded Itigi thicket cleared for agriculture | Kaputa GMA, Nsama District, Northern Province | 0 | Zambia | 0829D2 | N | 1044 | -8.714525 | 29.876161 | 6 | |||||
118478 | Rhynchosia resinosa | 23 Oct 2022 | N Wightman |
N Wightman NCW854 | N Wightman | K NDO |
Miombo and chipya woodland | Kipemba area, Kalumbila Distr., North-Western Prov. | 0 | Zambia | 1226A2 | W | 1389 | -12.163834 | 26.308755 | 6 | |||||
114824 | Rhynchosia stipitata | 17 Mar 2021 | N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola M Mukelabai |
N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola M Mukelabai NCW557 | N Wightman | NY NDO |
Open scrubland on Kalahari sand | Mushakabantu Village, Luena, Kaoma Distr., Western Province | 0 | Zambia | 1424D4 | B | 1148 | -14.859680 | 24.752560 | 6 | |||||
116988 | Rhynchosia sublobata | 30 Mar 2022 | N Wightman M Lufungulo |
N Wightman M Lufungulo NCW766 | N Wightman | UZL NDO |
Railway track | Ngwerere, Lusaka Distr., Lusaka Province | 0 | Zambia | 1528A4 | C | 1179 | -15.316784 | 28.323485 | 6 | |||||
112597 | Searsia lucens | 03 Jun 2020 | N Wightman P Sichone |
N Wightman P Sichone NCW309 | N Wightman | UZL |
Rocky wooded grassland by the shore of Lake Tanganyika | Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province | 108 | 0 | Zambia | 0830D1 | N | 775 | Growing in rocky lakeside grassland and lakeshore by Lake Tanganyika in sandy loam to sandy soils | -8.513650 | 30.580050 | 6 | |||
106233 | Sebaea grandis | 09 Feb 2018 | N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena F Chipalo |
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena F Chipalo BB3583 | B Bytebier | K NDO |
Dambo | Koshima dambo c. 30 km N of Luwingu | 58 | 0 | Zambia | 0929D1 | N | 1446 | -9.582910 | 29.538140 | 6 | ||||
106240 | Sebaea grandis | 10 Feb 2018 | N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena |
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3591 | B Bytebier | K NDO NU |
Edge of wet dambo. | M13 between Kawambwa and Mansa. | 58 | 0 | Zambia | 1029A3 | N | 1263 | -10.373660 | 29.079710 | 6 | ||||
112598 | Senna obtusifolia | 04 Jun 2020 | N Wightman P Sichone |
N Wightman P Sichone NCW341 | N Wightman | UZL NDO |
Savannah grasslands | Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province | 108 | 0 | Zambia | 0830D1 | N | 770 | -8.595510 | 30.526320 | 6 | ||||
114828 | Sesamum alatum | 17 Mar 2021 | N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola M Mukelabai |
N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola M Mukelabai NCW558 | N Wightman | NDO |
Ruderal area among short grasses and forbs on Kalahari sand | Mukamba Village, Luena, Kaoma Distr., Western Province | 0 | Zambia | 1424D4 | B | 0 | -14.856190 | 24.752720 | 6 | |||||
114829 | Sesamum calycinum subsp. baumii | 10 Mar 2021 | N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola N Musiya |
N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola N Musiya NCW534 | N Wightman | NDO |
Open scrubland on Kalaharia sand | Amos Village, Kakanda, Kaoma Distr., Western Province | 0 | Zambia | 1424D4 | B | 1160 | -14.772010 | 24.938850 | 6 | |||||
124092 | Striga gesnerioides | 18 Apr 2024 | N Wightman W van Niekerk M Kaluwe |
N Wightman W van Niekerk M Kaluwe NCW1273 | N Wightman | K |
Kalahari scrubland (degraded by agricultural activity) | Iluando, Sesheke District, Western Province, Zambia | 0 | Zambia | 1724A1 | B | 1022 | -17.157901 | 24.049079 | 6 | |||||
116989 | Stylosanthes fruticosa | 04 Jan 2022 | N Wightman M Lufungulo |
N Wightman M Lufungulo NCW771 | N Wightman | UZL NDO |
Railway track | Nyama area, Kabwe Distr., Central Province | 0 | Zambia | 1428C2 | C | 1181 | Growing on rail line track bed beside the rails in ballast gravel | -14.660608 | 28.349245 | 6 | ||||
114797 | Tephrosia acaciifolia | 08 Feb 2021 | N Wightman |
N Wightman NCW446 | N Wightman | NDO NU |
Miombo woodland | Lilayi Lodge, Lusaka District, Lusaka | 0 | Zambia | 1528C2 | C | 0 | Growing in open areas of miombo woodland in sandy loam soils | -15.539982 | 28.345943 | 6 | ||||
117004 | Trachyandra arvensis | 28 Feb 2022 | N Wightman B Bytebier SD Johnson |
N Wightman B Bytebier SD Johnson NCW754a | N Wightman | UZL NDO |
Sand dune | Lake Bangweulu, Samfya Distr., Luapula Province | 112 | 0 | Zambia | 1129B3 | N | 1185 | Growing on upper reached of sand dune among Crinum papilllosum and Lapeirousia caudata | -11.348112 | 29.559072 | 6 | |||
112601 | Triumfetta tomentosa | 05 May 2020 | N Wightman P Sichone R Williams G Phiri |
N Wightman P Sichone R Williams G Phiri NCW222a | N Wightman | UZL NDO |
Open Brachystegia woodland | Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province | 108 | 0 | Zambia | 0830C2 | N | 913 | Growing along the margins of Brachystegia woodlands and tall grasslands in sandy loam soils | -8.637960 | 30.397350 | 6 | |||
112607 | Turraea nilotica | 03 Jun 2020 | N Wightman P Sichone |
N Wightman P Sichone NCW303 | N Wightman | UZL NDO |
Rocky wooded grassland by the shore of Lake Tanganyika | Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province | 108 | 0 | Zambia | 0830C2 | N | 775 | Growing in rocky lakeside grassland by Lake Tanganyika in sandy loam to sandy soils | -8.513650 | 30.397350 | 6 | |||
123918 | Vangueria ferruginea | 04 Dec 2023 | N Wightman D Ngwenyama |
N Wightman D Ngwenyama NCW1026 | N Wightman | K NDO |
Kalahari woodland | Sioma, Sioma District, Western Province | 0 | Zambia | 1623D1 | B | 993 | -16.681352 | 23.623472 | 6 | |||||
118483 | Vernonia gerberiformis subsp. macrocyanus | 21 Oct 2022 | N Wightman |
N Wightman NCW837 | N Wightman | K NDO |
Chipya woodland | Kipemba area, Kalumbila Distr., North-Western Prov. | 0 | Zambia | 1226A2 | W | 1361 | -12.212729 | 26.280291 | 6 | |||||
116990 | Vigna oblongifolia var. oblongifolia | 29 Mar 2022 | N Wightman M Lufungulo |
N Wightman M Lufungulo NCW763b | N Wightman | UZL NDO |
Railway track | Shimabala area, Kafue Distr., Lusaka Province | 0 | Zambia | 1528C1 | C | 1087 | Growing on rail line track bed between the rails in ballast gravel | -15.675656 | 28.248548 | 6 | ||||
118484 | Vitex mombassae | 22 Oct 2022 | N Wightman |
N Wightman NCW852 | N Wightman | K NDO |
Miombo woodland | Kipemba area, Kalumbila Distr., North-Western Prov. | 0 | Zambia | 1226A2 | W | 1373 | -12.185181 | 26.291131 | 6 | |||||
114832 | Xylopia tomentosa | 16 Mar 2021 | N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola M Mukelabai |
N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola M Mukelabai NCW555 | N Wightman | NY NDO |
Degraded miombo woodland margin along rocky ledge | Makandauko Village, Luena, Kaoma Distr., Western Province | 0 | Zambia | 1424D3 | B | 0 | -14.862750 | 24.749070 | 6 |
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