Collections made by Nicholas Wightman

Records: 69

The following is a list of the records made by Nicholas Wightman in species name order. The records are of species which occur in botambique (either as a native/naturalised species or as a cultivated species).

Click on a column heading to sort the entries in that column

NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
112314Blepharis maderaspatensis05 Jun 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman P Sichone NCW392 N Wightman UZL
Open patches of Itigi thicket Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2N883

Growing in small open/deciduous patches within Itigi thicket in sandy loam soil

114984Blepharis tenuiramea14 May 2021N Wightman
N Wightman NCW617 N Wightman NY
Miombo woodland Lilayi Lodge, Lusaka District, Lusaka 0Zambia1528C2C1293

Growing amid grasses in sandy loam soil

112315Boscia mossambicensis04 Jun 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman P Sichone NCW345 N Wightman UZL
Savannah grasslands Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830D1N780

Growing in open, hot areas of savannah grassland in sandy loam soils

120968Chlorophytum recurvifolium22 Feb 2022N Wightman
B Bytebier
SD Johnson
N Wightman B Bytebier SD Johnson NCW747 KB Vollesen K
Miombo woodland Mutinondo Wilderness Lodge, Lavushi Manda District, Muchinga Province 1160Zambia1231A4N0

The collection of this specimen is the first record of the species for Zambia

114985Chlorophytum sphacelatum var. milanjianum13 Feb 2021N Wightman
N Wightman NCW456 N Wightman NDO
Miombo woodland Lilayi Lodge, Lusaka District, Lusaka 0Zambia1528C2C1304

Growing in exposed rocky outcrops amid grasses in sandy soil

117927Cissus cornifolia13 Aug 2022N Wightman
N Armitage
M Lufungulo
N Wightman N Armitage M Lufungulo NCW789 N Wightman NDO
Lake basin chipya scrubland Mpulungu Landfill site, Mpulungu, Mpulungu Distr. 0Zambia0831C3N835

Erect shrubs c. 2-3 m tall growing in seasonally dry ravines in lake basin chipya woodland near landfill site

124057Coleus gracilipedicellatum 19 Apr 2024N Wightman
W van Niekerk
D Ngwenyama
N Wightman NCW1282 N Wightman W van Niekerk D Ngwenyama K
Kalahari woodland Kazungo, Sioma District, Western Province, Zambia 0Zambia1623D1B1007

114786Commiphora glandulosa03 Feb 2021N Wightman
I Miller
N Wightman I Miller NCW438 N Wightman NY
Rocky outcrop in miombo woodland Lilayi Lodge, Lusaka District, Lusaka 0Zambia1528C2C1298

Growing on periphery of large rocky outcrop of miombo woodland in sandy loam soil

114787Commiphora glandulosa18 Feb 2021N Wightman
I Miller
N Wightman I Miller NCW438 N Wightman NY
Rocky outcrop in miombo woodland Lilayi Lodge, Lusaka District, Lusaka 0Zambia1528C2C1298

Growing on periphery of large rocky outcrop of miombo woodland in sandy loam soil

114809Crotalaria ochroleuca24 Mar 2021N Wightman
I Kabinda
M Chola
F Mukuwe
N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola F Mukuwe NCW600 N Wightman NY
Degraded miombo woodland on Kalahari sand Nakatowya Village, Longe area, Kaoma Distr., Western Province 0Zambia1424D4B1159

120974Dicerocaryum eriocarpum21 Apr 2023N Wightman
N Wightman NCW907 N Wightman K
Ruderal area between village and open dambo grassland Luampa area, Luampa District, Western Province 0Zambia1524A2B1111

124066Dicoma schinzii19 Apr 2024N Wightman
W van Niekerk
M Kaluwe
N Wightman W van Niekerk M Kaluwe NCW1280 N Wightman K
Kalahari woodland Musole, Sesheke District, Western Province, Zambia 0Zambia1623D4B1010

118689Elaeodendron matabelicum28 Sep 2022N Wightman
I Miller
N Wightman I Miller NCW797 N Wightman K
Miombo woodland boundary Lilayi Lodge, Kafue Distr., Lusaka Province, Zambia 0Zambia1528C2C1293

114810Eminia holubii09 Mar 2021N Wightman
I Kabinda
M Chola
N Musiya
N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola N Musiya NCW536 N Wightman NY
Open scrubland on Kalaharia sand Amos Village, Kakanda, Kaoma Distr., Western Province 0Zambia1424D4B1160

124067Empogona cacondensis18 Apr 2024N Wightman
W van Niekerk
M Kaluwe
N Wightman W van Niekerk M Kaluwe NCW1262 N Wightman K
Degraded secondary Baikaea forest Chiulu, Sesheke District, Western Province, Zambia , Zambia 0Zambia1724A3B979

116036Eriospermum flagelliforme16 Jan 2022N Wightman
J Alfonsi
S du Plessis
D du Plessis
C Conradie
N O'Connor
N Wightman J Alfonsi S du Plessis D du Plessis C Conradie N O'Connor NCW707 N Wightman K
Upland miombo woodland Mafinga Mts., Mafinga Distr., Muchinga Province 1190Zambia0933C4N1934

Occasional component of woodland understorey growing amongst grasses, sedges and forbs in loam soils.

114994Euclea schimperi03 Feb 2021N Wightman
I Miller
N Wightman I Miller NCW440 N Wightman NDO
Termitaria in miombo woodland Lilayi Lodge, Lusaka District, Lusaka 0Zambia1528C2C1305

Growing on the periphery of large termitaria in clay loam

119251Eucomis autumnalis10 Feb 2023N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman B Bytebier NCW876i KB Vollesen NDO
Dambo grasslands Mutinondo Wilderness, Lavushi Manda Distr., Muchinga Province 1160Zambia1231A4N1453

Growing in shade of a small copse of trees within the dambo

106214Eulophia angolensis08 Feb 2018N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3565 B Bytebier K
Wet dambo. Roadside dambo on M3 between Kasama and Luwingu.
0Zambia1030B1 N1233

106426Eulophia angolensis10 Oct 2018N Wightman
N Wightman NCW57B N Wightman B Bytebier NU
Riverside dambo area under shade of Syzigium sp. along Kalungwishi R. with grasses, Kniphofia grantii, Gladiolus unguiculatus and Eulophia coeloglossa Kalonde Falls, Kawambwa Distr., Luapula Province0Zambia0929D4 N1393

106182Eulophia hians var. nutans04 Feb 2018N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman B Bytebier BB3538 B Bytebier K
At edge of dambo in full sunlight. Dambo above falls.
0Zambia1330A2 C1490

112303Eulophia horsfallii17 Oct 2018W McCleland
N Wightman
W McCleland N Wightman NCW75A W McCleland N Wightman NU
Wet dambo grasslands Chabiilikila area, Mporokoso Distr., Northern Province 0Zambia0929D1 N1223

Growing in riverside grassland edge amidst Pandanus livingstonianus

106193Eulophia latilabris06 Feb 2018N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3547 B Bytebier K
Wet dambo along river. Dambo along the road near the palace of the Chitimukulu.
0Zambia1031A2 N1217

106220Eulophia tanganyikensis08 Feb 2018N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3571 B Bytebier K
Wet dambo. Roadside dambo on M3 between Kasama and Luwingu.
0Zambia1030B1 N1233

124068Euphorbia eylesii19 Apr 2024N Wightman
W van Niekerk
M Kaluwe
N Wightman W van Niekerk M Kaluwe NCW1284 N Wightman K
Kalahari woodland Kazungo, Sioma District, Western Province, Zambia 0Zambia1623D1B1007

116650Grona barbata var. argyrea31 Mar 2022N Wightman
M Lufungulo
N Wightman M Lufungulo NCW769 N Wightman UZL
Miombo woodland Karubwe area, Chibombo Distr., Central Province 0Zambia1528A2C1143

Growing on edge of material quarry used for roads and rail construction

106161Habenaria filicornis27 Jan 2017N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
N Wightman RE Bone K Yokoya RB439 B Bytebier K
"Wet dambo, flooded, grasses, sedges, Xyris, Polygala, small flowered Nymphaea species in ephemeral pools. Few Chikanda orchid species seen- mostly small green flowered Habenaria species. Locally common- several patches in dambos both sides of road." Dambo to side of unpaved road to Shiwa Ngandu. 20 m to right of road (when facing Shiwa House direction) 117
0Zambia1131A2 N1469

106242Habenaria filicornis10 Feb 2018N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3593 B Bytebier K
Wet dambo. D94 road between Mansa and Samfya.
0Zambia1129A1 N1229

106311Habenaria kilimanjari11 Jan 2019N Wightman
I Kabinda
N Ngoma
N Wightman I Kabinda N Ngoma NcW120 N Wightman B Bytebier K
Drier upper edges of a wet, inundated grassland growing in sandy to sandy loam soil Medium-sized dambo (Nyikongola dambo) c. 16 km E of Mwinilunga
0Zambia1124D1 W1432

106216Habenaria pasmithii08 Feb 2018N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3567 B Bytebier K
Wet dambo; in 1 foot of water. Roadside dambo on M3 between Kasama and Luwingu.
0Zambia1030B1 N1233

106158Habenaria schimperiana27 Jan 2017N Wightman
RE Bone
K Yokoya
N Wightman RE Bone K Yokoya RB435 B Bytebier K
Wet dambo, flooded, grasses, sedges, Xyris, Polygala, small flowered Nymphaea species in ephemeral pools. Few Chikanda orchid species seen- mostly small green flowered Habenaria species. Passers-by on bicycles (with umbrellas in the rain) shouting "C Dambo to side of unpaved road to Shiwa Ngandu. 20 m to right of road (when facing Shiwa House direction) 117
0Zambia1131A2 N1469

106299Habenaria schimperiana09 Jan 2019N Wightman
I Kabinda
N Ngoma
N Wightman I Kabinda N Ngoma NcW106 N Wightman B Bytebier K
Moist to very wet lower area of open seepage dambo grassland growing in black muck to peaty soils Medium-sized seepage dambo c. 60 km SW of Solwezi
0Zambia1226C1 W1267

114995Hermannia quartiniana13 Feb 2021N Wightman
N Wightman NCW455 N Wightman NDO
Miombo woodland Lilayi Lodge, Lusaka District, Lusaka 0Zambia1528C2C1304

Growing in exposed rocky outcrops amid grasses in sandy soil

124078Hibiscus calyphyllus30 Mar 2024N Wightman
J Alfonsi
I Kabinda
W van Niekerk
M Kaluwe
N Wightman J Alfonsi I Kabinda W van Niekerk M Kaluwe NCW1182 N Wightman K
Termitaria within Brachystegia woodland Tondwa GMA, Nsama District, Northern Province, Zambia 0Zambia0830C1N1072

112590Hypoestes forskaolii subsp. forskaolii06 May 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman P Sichone R Williams G Phiri NCW264 N Wightman UZL
Miombo woodland Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2N980

Growing in miombo woodland in sandy loam soils

124077Justicia kirkiana18 Apr 2024N Wightman
W van Niekerk
M Kaluwe
N Wightman W van Niekerk M Kaluwe NCW1272 N Wightman I Darbyshire K
Degraded secondary Baikaea forest Mulelekwa, Sesheke District, Western Province, Zambia 0Zambia1724A3B996

116885Lapeirousia caudata03 Jan 2022N Wightman
B Bytebier
SD Johnson
N Wightman B Bytebier SD Johnson NCW754b N Wightman UZL
Sand dune Lake Bangweulu, Samfya Distr., Luapula Province 1120Zambia1129B3 N1185

Growing on upper reached of sand dune among Crinum papilllosum and Trachyandra arvensis

114813Macrotyloma daltonii01 Mar 2021N Wightman
I Kabinda
M Chola
M Katongo
N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola M Katongo NCW503 N Wightman NDO
Ruderal area among short grasses on Kalahari sand Kahinga Village, Kaoma Distr., Western Province 0Zambia1424D4B1135

106244Moraea carsonii10 Feb 2018N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3596 B Bytebier K
In grass in the garden, not cultivated. Grassy area beside paved pathway to Lodge rooms .
0Zambia1129A2 N0

114997Neonotonia wightii subsp. wightii var. longicauda08 Feb 2021N Wightman
N Wightman NCW450 N Wightman NDO
Ruderal roadside margin Lilayi Lodge, Lusaka District, Lusaka 0Zambia1528C2C1295

Growing in ruderal roadside margins of heavily grazed open woodland in sandy loam soil

123907Ornithoglossum vulgare05 Dec 2023N Wightman
D Ngwenyama
N Wightman D Ngwenyama NCW1027 W McCleland K
Kalahari woodland Kazungo area, Sioma District, Western Province 0Zambia1623D1B998

123908Orthanthera jasminiflora04 Dec 2023N Wightman
D Ngwenyama
N Wightman D Ngwenyama NCW1024 N Wightman DJ Goyder K
Kalahari woodland Sioma, Sioma District, Western Province 0Zambia1623D1B987

106276Orthochilus walleri05 Jan 2019N Wightman
I Kabinda
N Ngoma
N Wightman I Kabinda N Ngoma NcW79 N Wightman K
Grassland patches in open woodland in full sun growing with Disa welwitschii subsp. welwitschii and tall grasses in clay to clay loam soils Grassy area approx. 1 hectare in size, c. 2 km south of M18 between Kitwe and Lufwanyama
0Zambia1227C4 W1217

114999Oxalis obliquifolia16 Jan 2021N Wightman
N Wightman NCW415 N Wightman NDO
Miombo woodland Lilayi Lodge, Lusaka District, Lusaka 0Zambia1528C2C0

Growing in open patches amid short grasses and amongst rocky outcrops in sandy loam to sandy soil

114818Ozoroa nitida25 Mar 2021N Wightman
I Kabinda
M Chola
F Mukuwe
N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola F Mukuwe NCW604 N Wightman NY
Dambo margin in damp muck soil Longe area, Kaoma Distr., Western Province 0Zambia1424D4B1137

Leaves: contrast of the upper (above) and lower (below) leaf surfaces.

114819Ozoroa nitida21 Apr 2021N Wightman
I Kabinda
M Chola
F Mukuwe
N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola F Mukuwe NCW604 N Wightman NY
Dambo margin in damp muck soil Longe area, Kaoma Distr., Western Province 0Zambia1424D4B1137

Leaves: contrast of the upper (above) and lower (below) leaf surfaces.

112594Panicum heterostachyum06 May 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman P Sichone R Williams G Phiri NCW251 N Wightman UZL
Itigi thicket Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2N1070

Growing in dense shade of Itigi thicket in sandy loam to clay loam soils

114820Paropsia brazzeana23 Mar 2021N Wightman
I Kabinda
M Chola
M Walubita
N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola M Walubita NCW549 N Wightman NY
Open scrubland on Kalahari sand Sikota Village, Namilangi, Nkyema Distr., Western Province 0Zambia1425C3B1183

121026Phytolacca dodecandra30 May 2023N Wightman
I Kabinda
W van Niekerk
M Mwale
M Mufuka
N Wightman I Kabinda W van Niekerk M Mwale M Mufuka NCW995 N Wightman K
Degraded Itigi thicket cleared for agriculture Kaputa GMA, Nsama District, Northern Province 0Zambia0829D2N1044

118478Rhynchosia resinosa23 Oct 2022N Wightman
N Wightman NCW854 N Wightman K
Miombo and chipya woodland Kipemba area, Kalumbila Distr., North-Western Prov. 0Zambia1226A2W1389

114824Rhynchosia stipitata17 Mar 2021N Wightman
I Kabinda
M Chola
M Mukelabai
N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola M Mukelabai NCW557 N Wightman NY
Open scrubland on Kalahari sand Mushakabantu Village, Luena, Kaoma Distr., Western Province 0Zambia1424D4B1148

116988Rhynchosia sublobata30 Mar 2022N Wightman
M Lufungulo
N Wightman M Lufungulo NCW766 N Wightman UZL
Railway track Ngwerere, Lusaka Distr., Lusaka Province 0Zambia1528A4C1179

112597Searsia lucens03 Jun 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman P Sichone NCW309 N Wightman UZL
Rocky wooded grassland by the shore of Lake Tanganyika Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830D1N775

Growing in rocky lakeside grassland and lakeshore by Lake Tanganyika in sandy loam to sandy soils

106233Sebaea grandis09 Feb 2018N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
F Chipalo
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena F Chipalo BB3583 B Bytebier K
Dambo Koshima dambo c. 30 km N of Luwingu

106240Sebaea grandis10 Feb 2018N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3591 B Bytebier K
Edge of wet dambo. M13 between Kawambwa and Mansa.

112598Senna obtusifolia04 Jun 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman P Sichone NCW341 N Wightman UZL
Savannah grasslands Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830D1N770

114828Sesamum alatum17 Mar 2021N Wightman
I Kabinda
M Chola
M Mukelabai
N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola M Mukelabai NCW558 N Wightman NDO
Ruderal area among short grasses and forbs on Kalahari sand Mukamba Village, Luena, Kaoma Distr., Western Province 0Zambia1424D4B0

114829Sesamum calycinum subsp. baumii10 Mar 2021N Wightman
I Kabinda
M Chola
N Musiya
N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola N Musiya NCW534 N Wightman NDO
Open scrubland on Kalaharia sand Amos Village, Kakanda, Kaoma Distr., Western Province 0Zambia1424D4B1160

124092Striga gesnerioides18 Apr 2024N Wightman
W van Niekerk
M Kaluwe
N Wightman W van Niekerk M Kaluwe NCW1273 N Wightman K
Kalahari scrubland (degraded by agricultural activity) Iluando, Sesheke District, Western Province, Zambia 0Zambia1724A1B1022

116989Stylosanthes fruticosa04 Jan 2022N Wightman
M Lufungulo
N Wightman M Lufungulo NCW771 N Wightman UZL
Railway track Nyama area, Kabwe Distr., Central Province 0Zambia1428C2C1181

Growing on rail line track bed beside the rails in ballast gravel

114797Tephrosia acaciifolia08 Feb 2021N Wightman
N Wightman NCW446 N Wightman NDO
Miombo woodland Lilayi Lodge, Lusaka District, Lusaka 0Zambia1528C2C0

Growing in open areas of miombo woodland in sandy loam soils

117004Trachyandra arvensis28 Feb 2022N Wightman
B Bytebier
SD Johnson
N Wightman B Bytebier SD Johnson NCW754a N Wightman UZL
Sand dune Lake Bangweulu, Samfya Distr., Luapula Province 1120Zambia1129B3N1185

Growing on upper reached of sand dune among Crinum papilllosum and Lapeirousia caudata

112601Triumfetta tomentosa05 May 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman P Sichone R Williams G Phiri NCW222a N Wightman UZL
Open Brachystegia woodland Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2N913

Growing along the margins of Brachystegia woodlands and tall grasslands in sandy loam soils

112607Turraea nilotica03 Jun 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman P Sichone NCW303 N Wightman UZL
Rocky wooded grassland by the shore of Lake Tanganyika Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2N775

Growing in rocky lakeside grassland by Lake Tanganyika in sandy loam to sandy soils

123918Vangueria ferruginea04 Dec 2023N Wightman
D Ngwenyama
N Wightman D Ngwenyama NCW1026 N Wightman K
Kalahari woodland Sioma, Sioma District, Western Province 0Zambia1623D1B993

118483Vernonia gerberiformis subsp. macrocyanus21 Oct 2022N Wightman
N Wightman NCW837 N Wightman K
Chipya woodland Kipemba area, Kalumbila Distr., North-Western Prov. 0Zambia1226A2W1361

116990Vigna oblongifolia var. oblongifolia29 Mar 2022N Wightman
M Lufungulo
N Wightman M Lufungulo NCW763b N Wightman UZL
Railway track Shimabala area, Kafue Distr., Lusaka Province 0Zambia1528C1C1087

Growing on rail line track bed between the rails in ballast gravel

118484Vitex mombassae22 Oct 2022N Wightman
N Wightman NCW852 N Wightman K
Miombo woodland Kipemba area, Kalumbila Distr., North-Western Prov. 0Zambia1226A2W1373

114832Xylopia tomentosa16 Mar 2021N Wightman
I Kabinda
M Chola
M Mukelabai
N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola M Mukelabai NCW555 N Wightman NY
Degraded miombo woodland margin along rocky ledge Makandauko Village, Luena, Kaoma Distr., Western Province 0Zambia1424D3B0


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Botswana: Collections made by Nicholas Wightman., retrieved 3 January 2025

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