Records determined by Kew Staff

Determinations: 30

The following is a list of the records determined by Kew Staff in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
80751Acacia nigrescens23 Feb 1997NB Zimba
NB Zimba 936 Kew Staff K
Livingstone District; along Livingstone-Lusaka Road, 18.9 km from the main water tank in Livingstone-Boma along Livingstone-Lusaka Road. 0Zambia1723C1S1020

Tree to 12 m, occasional in woodland DBH 15 cm. Stems with dark grey bark and short curved thorns. Fruits green, thin and flat.

80789Acalypha ornata21 Feb 1997B Luwiika
B Luwiika 449 Kew Staff B Luwiika K
Boiling Pots, rain forestLivingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. 1200Zambia1725D4S860

Shrub 1 m. Stems woody, dark green with white/grey hairs; leaves dark green; flowers yellowish-green, both female and male on one plant.

40618Barleria rhodesiaca13 Apr 1964MG Bingham
MG Bingham 1206 Kew Staff SRGH
Growing on a sandstone ledge.Near confluence of Gokwe and Sasame rivers, Gokwe.0Zimbabwe1828B2N0

84839Bulbostylis contexta3 Jan 1958EA Robinson
EA Robinson 2590 Kew Staff C Archer K
Mkushi District, Fiwila0ZambiaC0

58585Ceropegia bonafouxii21 Dec 1993MG Bingham
MG Bingham 9905 Kew Staff K
Kalahari woodland. Mongu District, Looma, Nanganda. 0Zambia1523B1B1060

85086Courtoisina cyperoides27 Feb 2000MG Bingham
CR Peters
MG Bingham CR Peters 12141 Kew Staff K
Chongwe District, Chinyunyu Hotspring, Lusaka E 85km. 0Zambia1529A3C1000

76269Courtoisina cyperoides4 Feb 1996MG Bingham
RJC Nefdt
MG Bingham RJC Nefdt 10864 Kew Staff K
Mudpan Kafue District, Kanyanja, Lusaka SE 25km.,Chifwema Road side drain. 0Zambia1528C2C0

84316Crotalaria flavicarinata14 Feb 1999MG Bingham
B Luwiika
MG Bingham B Luwiika 11888 Kew Staff K
Sand banks Mongu District, Bulozi Plain, sand island of the main channel, between Ndau and Mongu. 0ZambiaB0

A pioneer on sand banks. Erect annual; standard white, keel green and yellow.
K, det Mar 06: ‘with unusually narrow leaves’

84820Crotalaria pallidicaulis18 Feb 1996MG Bingham
DK Harder
MG Bingham DK Harder 10904 Kew Staff K
On quartz gravel; roadside. Kafue District, Kanyanja, Lusaka SE 25km. 0Zambia1528C2C1300

Shrub, 1.5m tall.

84713Crotalaria sphaerocarpa subsp. sphaerocarpa14 Feb 1999MG Bingham
B Luwiika
MG Bingham B Luwiika 11845 Kew Staff K
Mongu District, Ndau School clearing. 0Zambia1522B4B1000

Erect annual.

81698Croton menyharthii5 Feb 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2588 Kew Staff K
Collections in woodland and grassland around mouth of cave and on adjacent rocky hillside. Lusaka District; Shimabala Cave, National Heritage Site; ca. 1 km N of Kafue Road near Chilanga Cement housing; ca. 10 km S of Chilanga and 23 km S of Lusaka. 1430Zambia1528C1C1200

Occasional; shrub; to 2.5 m tall; leaves bright green above; silvery-white below; new leaves brown; immature fruits light silver-green with brown-black spots.

88223Cyperus amabilis11 Feb 1999MG Bingham
B Luwiika
MG Bingham B Luwiika 11818 Kew Staff K
Seepage zone at floodplain margin Mongu District, Sefula, Mutungi Village. 0Zambia1523A3B1000

Weed of cultivation.

88238Cyperus articulatus24 Apr 1954EA Robinson
EA Robinson 730 Kew Staff K
Once swamp, now dry grasslandNamwala District, Maala0ZambiaS0

76966Cyperus articulatus11 Jan 1996MG Bingham
PE Bingham
MG Bingham PE Bingham 10793 Kew Staff K
Wet sandy dambo. Chisamba district, Chisamba, Sable Farm (David Gordon) 1400Zambia1428C4C1300

90724Cyperus digitatus subsp. auricomus8 Jan 2000MG Bingham
MG Bingham Beel 12065 Kew Staff K
Muddy depression in Lupangala dambo. Mporokoso District, Kalungwishi Headwaters at Lipangala (Mipangala) confluence. 0Zambia0930C4N1540

K, det D.Simpson as Cyperus sp

76640Cyperus laevigatus11 Jan 1954EA Robinson
EA Robinson EAR_443 Kew Staff C Archer K
In dambo near hot spring Choma, Muckle Neuk 0ZambiaS0

76271Cyperus papyrus14 Nov 1998MG Bingham
MG Bingham 11760 Kew Staff K
Swamp Serenje District, Kasanka National Park, Fibwe. 990Zambia1230C2C1300

49270Dialium englerianum5 Jul 1997MG Bingham
MG Bingham 11497 Kew Staff K
Kalahari woodlandWestern Province, Lyandui, Namushakende-Nalikwanda road, 32km.0Zambia1523B3B1000

Evergreen tree, 8 meter tall, early flowering specimen.

82119Englerophytum magalismontanum1 Mar 1996NB Zimba
NB Zimba 722 Kew Staff Kaoma District; 3 km NW along Kaoma-Lukulu Road from junction of Kaoma-Mongu Road. 0ZambiaB1050

Shrub; to 1.5 m; in the thicket understorey; occasional; stem with grey bark; leaves green and smooth on the upperside but light brown on the underside; fruits green borne on stem.

79569Eriocaulon stenophyllum10 Aug 2006MG Bingham
MG Bingham 13107 Kew Staff K
Shallow pans Shangombo District, Upper Zambezi, Namaenda. 0Zambia1623A4B1005

73607Ethulia conyzoides subsp. conyzoides4 Jul 1993MG Bingham
MG Bingham 9474 Kew Staff K
Wetland area ploughed several years ago. Kafue District, Lusaka W 13km Nosarka's farm. 0Zambia1528A3C1200

Determined as Ethulia conyzoides

73606Ethulia conyzoides subsp. conyzoides3 Jul 1993MG Bingham
MG Bingham 9459 Kew Staff K
Lusaka NE, Chongwe River near Kasisi Mission. 0Zambia1528A4C1123

Determined as Ethulia conyzoides

63828Eulophia arenicola27 Oct 1963EA Robinson
EA Robinson R 5778 Kew Staff K
Peat bogChakwenga Headwaters area1710Zambia1529A2 C1075

From E.A.Robinson's collection written by Bob Drummond

63835Eulophia livingstoneana16 Nov 1963EA Robinson
EA Robinson R 5844 Kew Staff K
Peat bogChakwenga Headwaters area1710Zambia1529A2 C1075

From E.A.Robinson's collection written by Bob Drummond

79805Rhynchospora holoschoenoides14 Feb 1991MG Bingham
MG Bingham MB_7376 Kew Staff K
Sesheke District, Masese 0Zambia1724B3B950

80163Schoenoplectus corymbosus11 Jan 1996MG Bingham
PE Bingham
MG Bingham PE Bingham MB10800 Kew Staff Kew Staff K
Wet sandy dambo Chisamba district, Chisamba, Sable Farm (David Gordon) 0Zambia1428C4C1300

84093Utricularia gibba6 May 1994HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt 1311 Kew Staff K
At Kakulwe stream, seasonally innundated grasslands (dambo). Fine, red, sandy, granitic soils. Serenje District; 7.0 km E-SE of the junction with Serenje-Mpika road, on road to Chisomo. 0Zambia1330A4C1350

Aquatic herb, anchored in mud but floating to the surface. Fruiting bodies swollen, green turning brown. Locally abundant.

84103Vangueria cyanescens16 Feb 1995NB Zimba
NB Zimba 530 Kew Staff K
Rocky habitatSolwezi District; Mulilanshima Hill along Solwezi-Mwinilunga Road. 0Zambia1125C4W1470

A tree growing to 6 m, between rocks. Rare. Bare dark grey, leaves dark green but dull on underside, smooth. Fruits green with small white lenticels, two seeds inside.

74562Vernonia melleri var. melleri20 Jun 1993MG Bingham
MG Bingham 9453 Kew Staff K
Kafue District, Nachitete River, Chifwema, Lusaka SE 31km. 0Zambia1528D1C1220

73773Vernonia petersii30 Apr 1996MG Bingham
MG Bingham 11005 Kew Staff K
On old mine dump Mumbwa District, Dunrobin Mine. 0Zambia1527A1C1200


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Botswana: Records determined by Kew Staff., retrieved 13 March 2025

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