Records made by Helen Pickering

Records: 61

The following is a list of the records made by Helen Pickering in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
26195 Acalypha fimbriata 6 Feb 2008 H Pickering
Shady damp riparian forest Within the fenced area of the Victoria Falls, on path leading up stream from entrance gate 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL796185 S 890

0.000000 0.000000 0
26194 Acalypha fimbriata 31 Jan 2008 H Pickering
Shady damp riparian forest Within the fenced area of the Victoria Falls, on path leading up stream from entrance gate 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL796185 S 890

0.000000 0.000000 0
26192 Acalypha fimbriata 10 Jan 2008 H Pickering
Shady damp riparian forest Within the fenced area of the Victoria Falls, on path leading up stream from entrance gate 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL796185 S 890

0.000000 0.000000 0
26198 Acalypha ornata 2 Feb 2008 H Pickering
Riparian, shady damp. Within the fenced area of the Victoria Falls. Around the kiosk on the path to the Knife Edge bridge. 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL794178 S 890

Dominant in this area.

0.000000 0.000000 0
26196 Acalypha ornata 11 Jan 2008 H Pickering
Riparian, shady damp. Within the fenced area of the Victoria Falls. Around the kiosk on the path to the Knife Edge bridge. 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL794178 S 890

Dominant in this area.

0.000000 0.000000 0
24631 Afrosolen schimperi 3 Feb 2008 H Pickering
Open woodland Going north from Falls to Livingstone on left about half way in damp depression under large tree 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 S 890

24604 Aloe cryptopoda 23 Sep 2008 H Pickering
Open, deciduous forest, dry rocky Zambian side of Victoria Falls: within the fenced Falls area, downstream from the falls on the edge of the cliff almost opposite the Zambian customs/immigration building 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 S 890

24605 Ampelocissus africana var. africana 24 Jan 2008 H Pickering
Rain forest Zambian side of Victoria Falls: within Falls fenced area, over knife edge bridge at the last viewing area of the Falls 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL795178 S 890

0.000000 0.000000 0
24606 Aptosimum decumbens 2 Feb 2008 H Pickering
Kalahari sands, open savannah Farmland just below the Makuni ridge about 7km east of the road between Livingstone and the Falls, turn off about 300m south of the Maramba river 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL828223 S 920

0.000000 0.000000 0
24641 Aptosimum decumbens 22 Apr 2008 H Pickering
Open mopane woodland Just east of the Sinde river, walk south, cross the railway line and follow various paths towards the Zambezi 0 Zambia 1725D3 LL670285 S 900

0.000000 0.000000 0
24642 Aspilia kotschyi var. kotschyi 22 Apr 2008 H Pickering
Mopane woodland fairly open Just east of the Sinde river, walk south, cross the railway line and follow various paths towards the Zambezi 0 Zambia 1725D3 LL668279 S 900

0.000000 0.000000 0
24607 Aspilia kotschyi var. kotschyi 28 Jan 2008 H Pickering
Scrub Victoria Falls: walking from Falls to town along the pedestrian footpath (paved ex road) that branches left from the road just after the curio shops etc 24 0 Zimbabwe 1725D4 LL777179 W 890

0.000000 0.000000 0
24643 Astripomoea lachnosperma 26 Apr 2008 H Pickering
Disturbed ground, full sun On left of dirt road going west from Bovu village, edge of agricultural land about 1 mile from Bovu villa 0 Zambia 1725D3 S 910

-17.857519 25.514256 0
24644 Buchnera hispida 22 Apr 2008 H Pickering
Mopane woodland Just east of the Sinde river, anong paths towards the Zambezi, Livingstone, Zambia. 0 Zambia 1725D3 LL667282 S 900

0.000000 0.000000 6
26188 Cantinoa americana 23 Feb 2008 H Pickering
Kalahari sands, open Brachystegia woodland NW of Livingstone: road to Vistana farm (turn right (north) about 2 kms before the western park gate). Drive about 5 kms to top of a hill, quarry on right. 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL704320 S 940

0.000000 0.000000 0
24609 Catunaregam taylorii 19 Nov 2008 H Pickering
Disturbed ground, black clay NW of Livingstone: on road to Vistana farm (turn right (north) about 2 kms before the western park gate). Drive about 5 kms to top of a hill, quarry on right, keep going about 1-2 kms stop just before a gate, walk through trees, 100m further on 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL708332 S 930

0.000000 0.000000 6
26187 Ceratophyllum demersum var. demersum 21 Nov 2008 H Pickering
In river Off Bovu Island, Zambezi River 0 Zambia 1725D3 S 910

0.000000 0.000000 0
24611 Combretum collinum 22 Nov 2008 H Pickering
Mopane woodland Farmland just below the Makuni ridge about 7 km east of the road between Livingstone and the Falls, turn off about 200m south of the Maramba river. At entrance to farm take right hand fork walk about 400m trees on right 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL830220 S 940

0.000000 0.000000 0
22612 Cordia pilosissima 21 Nov 2008 H Pickering
Riparian, sandy soil, evergreen woodland Bovu island, on a path across the middle 0 Zambia 1725D3 S 910

Photo shows the slightly accrescent calyces just after flowering.

-17.858611 25.523333 0
26183 Crabbea velutina 24 Jan 2008 H Pickering
Wet forest Vic Falls 'rain forest' 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL795177 S 890

0.000000 0.000000 0
24612 Crossopteryx febrifuga 19 Nov 2008 H Pickering
Kalahari sands, open Brachystegia woodland NW of Livingstone: road to Vistana farm (turn right (north) about 2 kms before the western park gate). Drive about 5 kms to top of a hill, quarry on right. 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL704320 S 940

0.000000 0.000000 0
24614 Crotalaria laburnifolia subsp. laburnifolia 1 Feb 2008 H Pickering
Roadside South of Livingstone: on right hand side of road to Batoka Sky (Sichinga road on 1974 map), about 300m from the turn off the main road 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL785234 S 900

0.000000 0.000000 0
24613 Crotalaria laburnifolia subsp. laburnifolia 26 Jan 2008 H Pickering
Roadside South of Livingstone: on right hand side of road to Batoka Sky (Sichinga road on 1974 map), about 300m from the turn off the main road 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL785234 S 900

0.000000 0.000000 0
24615 Cucumis metuliferus 24 Sep 2008 H Pickering
Deciduous woodland South of Livingstone: gorge swing down the path past the landing platform to where the path flattens out, in thicket before the rocks 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL789175 S 880

0.000000 0.000000 0
24617 Decorsea schlechteri 21 Sep 2008 H Pickering
Disturbed ground On right hand side of road to Bakota Sky (Sichinga road on 1974 map) at then end of disturbed area as it meets woodland, next to a bicycle path going towards Livingstone 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL782230 S 900

0.000000 0.000000 0
24616 Decorsea schlechteri 29 Sep 2008 H Pickering
Disturbed ground On right hand side of road to Bakota Sky (Sichinga road on 1974 map) at then end of disturbed area as it meets woodland, next to a bicycle path going towards Livingstone 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL782230 S 900

0.000000 0.000000 0
24618 Dipcadi platyphyllum 24 Nov 2008 H Pickering
Open woodland South of Livingstone: around the parking lot at Gorge swing 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL791170 S 890

0.000000 0.000000 0
31999 Duosperma quadrangulare 26 Sep 2008 H Pickering
Open dry disturbed ground Livingstone: on the western edge of the sewerage ponds 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 S 890

0.000000 0.000000 0
24600 Gardenia resiniflua subsp. resiniflua 18 Nov 2008 H Pickering
Riparian, open woodland Zambian side of Victoria Falls: within the fenced area of the Falls, both up and down stream 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL798180 S 890

0.000000 0.000000 0
22616 Gloriosa superba 25 May 2008 H Pickering
Riverine scrub Riverside drive about 300m before ZAWA gate 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL773225 S 890

0.000000 0.000000 0
22615 Gloriosa superba 26 Jan 2008 H Pickering
Riverine scrub South of Livingstone: take the road past Batoka Sky (Sichinga road on 1974 map) to the T junction, turn right, on right hand side about half way to ZAWA gate. 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL773225 S 890

0.000000 0.000000 0
21880 Grangea maderaspatana 21 Nov 2008 H Pickering
Sandy, riparian Bovu island on sandy area below the restaurant on riverside 0 Zambia 1725D3 S 910

-17.858611 25.523333 0
22617 Harpagophytum zeyheri subsp. sublobatum 20 Nov 2008 H Pickering
Open sunny area disturbed ground SE of Livingstone: under power lines on road to Taita Falcon. On Arthur Brew drive (dirt) about 3kms past the turning at the big Baobab 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 S 910

24621 Hibiscus allenii 26 Jan 2008 H Pickering
Roadside South of Livingstone: road to Maramba Lodge on right, about 50m before the lodge gate 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL790220 S 890

0.000000 0.000000 0
24622 Hibiscus articulatus 25 Jan 2008 H Pickering
Roadside South of Livingstone: road to Maramba Lodge on right about half way down 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL790220 S 890

0.000000 0.000000 0
24623 Hibiscus articulatus 24 Nov 2008 H Pickering
Roadside South of Livingstone: at the turn off to Maramba Lodge on right just before the sign (if coming from Livingstone). 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL792220 S 890

0.000000 0.000000 0
24624 Hibiscus mutatus 18 Nov 2008 H Pickering
Open woodland Within the Victoria Falls fenced area upstream about 50 m from the river 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL798184 S 890

0.000000 0.000000 0
24625 Hibiscus praeteritus 19 Nov 2008 MG Bingham
H Pickering
On black basalt rocks near the water At the bottom of the Swing, 5th Gorge, below the Victoria Falls 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL782174 S 880

0.000000 0.000000 0
24626 Indigofera astragalina 28 Apr 2008 H Pickering
Kalahari sands ? open sunny area NW of Livingstone: road to Vistana farm (turn north about 2kms from the western park gate). Drive about 5 kms to top of a hill, quarry on right 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL704320 S 940

0.000000 0.000000 0
24646 Indigofera astragalina 22 Apr 2008 H Pickering
Mopane woodland Just east of the Sinde river, walk south, cross the railway line about 5 m on right 0 Zambia 1725D3 LL669287 S 900

0.000000 0.000000 0
24627 Indigofera flavicans 4 Feb 2008 H Pickering
Roadside E of Livingstone: road to Makuni ridge, about half way between the power lines and the gate to the farm, on the right 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL825221 S 950

0.000000 0.000000 0
24628 Indigofera flavicans 19 Nov 2008 H Pickering
Kalahari sands open, sunny NW of Livingstone: road to Vistana farm (turn north about 2kms before the western park gate). Drive about 5 kms to top of a hill, middle of the quarry on right 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL704320 S 940

0.000000 0.000000 6
24629 Ipomoea dichroa 28 Apr 2008 H Pickering
Mopane woodland NW of Livingstone: road to Vistana farm (turn north about 2kms before the western park gate). Drive about 5 kms to top of a hill, quarry on right, keep going road branches take the left fork past some houses then fork right keep going about 2 km 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL704343 S 920

Altitude approximate

0.000000 0.000000 0
22622 Ipomoea eriocarpa 28 Apr 2008 H Pickering
Kalahari sands, open, sunny NW of Livingstone; road to Vistana farm (turn north about 2kms before the western park gate). Drive about 5 kms to top of a hill, quarry on right. In middle of quarry. 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL704320 S 950

0.000000 0.000000 0
21346 Ipomoea leucanthemum 2 Feb 2008 H Pickering
Brachystegia woodland SE of Livingstone: road to Makuni ridge, go into the farm and take the left hand fork to the dam (road ends here) walk down towards the dam, on the edge of water (dam later broke and was drained, may be repaired by now) 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL831225 S 950

0.000000 0.000000 0
22610 Kalaharia uncinata 24 Sep 2008 H Pickering
Open Brachystegia woodland NW of Livingstone: road to Vistana farm (turn north about 2kms before the western park gate). Drive about 5 kms to top of a hill, quarry on right, Kalahari sands, on eastern side of quarry as it merges with Brachystegia woodland 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL705320 S 950

0.000000 0.000000 0
35861 Najas horrida 22 Nov 2008 H Pickering
Submerged in water On the southern side of Bovu Island, Zambezi River 0 Zambia 1725D3 S 920

From a boat a few metres off southern side of Bovu island. Dry season so slow moving water.

-17.860400 25.525000 5
24632 Nelsonia canescens 29 Sep 2008 H Pickering
Among rocks which would be submerged in rains. Within the fenced area of the Victoria Falls, upstream 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL798186 S 890

0.000000 0.000000 0
24633 Orthanthera jasminiflora 18 Nov 2008 H Pickering
Open dry disturbed ground Livingstone: along the northern edge of the sewerage ponds almost under the fence between the ponds and ZAWA reserve 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL778237 S 890

0.000000 0.000000 0
22794 Pavetta cataractarum 24 Jan 2008 H Pickering
Spray zone Zambian side of Victoria Falls: within the spray zone of the fenced area of the Falls. Over the knife edge bridge, first left and it is on the right about the centre of the island 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL792178 S 890

0.000000 0.000000 0
24634 Pegolettia senegalensis 28 Apr 2008 H Pickering
Disturbed grassland NW of Livingstone: on the Vistana farm road before the quarry, on the right going north 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL701315 S 950

0.000000 0.000000 0
22607 Phoenix reclinata 20 Apr 2008 H Pickering
Spray zone Zambian side of Victoria Falls: within the spray zone of the Falls over the knife edge bridge about 50 m on left 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL792178 S 890

0.000000 0.000000 0
24599 Rourea orientalis 21 Nov 2008 H Pickering
Riverine forest Bovu Island, Zambia 0 Zambia 1725D3 S 910

-17.858611 25.523333 0
24596 Rourea orientalis 29 Sep 2008 H Pickering
On granite rocks; just outside the spray zone, but a very wet area Zambian side of Victoria Falls: at the bottom of the boiling pot path, within the fenced area of the Falls 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL792176 S 880

Near where the white water rafters start.

0.000000 0.000000 0
25580 Schinziophyton rautanenii 25 Apr 2008 H Pickering
Deciduous forest on Kalahari sands Dirt road to Bovu Island about 2 km from main road. 0 Zambia 1725D3 S 0

-17.766667 25.500000 0
24635 Sclerocarpus africanus 2 Feb 2008 H Pickering
Just outside the spray zone, in shade Within the fenced area of the Victoria Falls along the path between the kiosk and toilets 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL795178 S 890

0.000000 0.000000 0
24638 Sesuvium hydaspicum 1 Feb 2008 H Pickering
Open disturbed ground Livingstone: just inside the gate at the Maramba Lodge on right (going in) 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL788220 S 890

0.000000 0.000000 0
24647 Tacazzea apiculata 26 Apr 2008 H Pickering
Well watered and shady area Bovu Island 0 Zambia 1725D3 S 910

-17.862480 25.521345 0
24639 Tacazzea apiculata 24 Jan 2008 H Pickering
Well watered and shady area Livingstone: within the grounds of the Maramba Lodge, climbing over entrance to reception and in thicket along the river 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL787220 S 890

0.000000 0.000000 0
24640 Tarenna luteola 25 Nov 2008 H Pickering
Mopane woodland Livingstone: drive past Bakota Sky (Sichinga Road 1974 map) about 500m further on, follow small bicycle path to the left for about 100m, on right 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 LL777226 S 890

0.000000 0.000000 0
24649 Xanthium strumarium 22 Apr 2008 H Pickering
Disturbed ground Cross the Sinde river going west on main road 100m walk left (climb over a fence) lot growing along the edge of the river up to the railway bridge. 0 Zambia 1725D3 LL665289 S 900

0.000000 0.000000 0

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Botswana: Records made by Helen Pickering., retrieved 14 March 2025

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