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Trees, shrubs, or woody climbers. Leaves opposite, whorled, subopposite or rarely alternate, usually entire; petiole sometimes persisting and forming a ± hooked spine. Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic, 4-5-merous. Calyx 4-5 (rarely more). Petals usually 4-5, variously coloured. Stamens twice as many as petals, in 1 or 2 series. Ovary inferior. Fruit 4-5-winged. A generally recognisable genus but Schrebera trichoclada in leaf looks very similar. The flowers of many species resemble those of willows (Salix species), hence their common name of Bushwillow. Worldwide: 250 species in the tropics, excluding Australia Botswana: 23 taxa. Insects associated with this genus:
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Species | FZ divisions | Content |
adenogonium Steud. ex A. Rich. | N | Description, Image |
albopunctatum Suess. | N | |
apiculatum Sond. subsp. apiculatum | N,SE | Description, Image |
apiculatum Sond. subsp. leutweinii (Schinz) Exell | N,SE | |
celastroides Welw. ex M.A. Lawson subsp. celastroides | N | Description, Image |
collinum Fresen.[Agg] | N,SW | Description, Image |
elaeagnoides Klotzsch | N | Description, Image |
engleri Schinz | ||
erythrophyllum (Burch.) Sond. | SE | Description, Image |
hereroense Schinz subsp. hereroense | N,SW,SE | Description, Image |
imberbe Wawra | N,SE | Description, Image |
microphyllum Klotzsch | SE | Description, Image |
molle R.Br ex G. Don | N,SE | Description, Image |
mossambicense (Klotzsch) Engl. | N | Description, Image |
patelliforme Engl. & Diels | Description | |
platypetalum Welw. ex M.A. Lawson subsp. oatesii (Rolfe) Exell | SE | Description, Image |
platypetalum Welw. ex M.A. Lawson subsp. platypetalum | ||
psidioides Welw.[Agg] | SE | Description, Image |
psidioides Welw. subsp. dinteri (Schinz) Exell | N? | Description |
psidioides Welw. subsp. glabrum Exell | ? | Description |
psidioides Welw. subsp. psidioides | SE | Description |
schumannii Engl. | N | |
zeyheri Sond. | N,SE | Description, Image |
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