Records made by Tracey Parker

Records: 57

The following is a list of the records made by Tracey Parker in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
110386 Acacia gerrardii var. gerrardii 20 Sep 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4208 MS Mothogoane LMU
Mbuna Bay Lodge, ridge east of the lodge. 0 Mozambique 1234D4 N 576

Tree, 7 meters tall, in fruit.

-12.818930 34.801050 6
110392 Acacia polyacantha subsp. campylacantha 16 Sep 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4191 M Lötter LMU
N'tendele Lodge, Lake Niassa shore, south of Meponda. Tree NE of bar. 0 Mozambique 1334B4 N 482

Tree, 10 meters tall. Individuals located at the back edge of the sandy beach. Fruit a legume, brown.

-13.472253 34.863353 6
110416 Albizia versicolor 20 Sep 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4203 JE Burrows LMU
Mbuna Bay Lodge, south along the beach by the vegetation, beside a trail to the village. 0 Mozambique 1234D4 N 479

Tall tree, leaves bipinnate, in fruit. Leaflets with white tomentum on the underside.

-12.794483 34.789250 6
108387 Annona senegalensis subsp. senegalensis 26 Feb 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4052 MS Mothogoane LMU
Quirimbas National Park, base of Mt Mareja, NE side, about 4 km before Mareja Camp. 0 Mozambique 1240C3 N 192

Medium sized tree, 14 meters tall, 25 cm dbh, ill-smelling crushed leaves, fruit green. Growing with Millettia stuhlmannii and Sterculia africana.

-12.861120 40.142030 7
110730 Antidesma venosum 11 Mar 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4118 JE Burrows LMU
Namoto Safari Camp. 0 Mozambique 1040C2 N 9

Small tree to 4 meters tall; pale furrowed bark. Fruit green turning red and then black. Antidesma?

-10.591630 40.457920 7
108393 Artabotrys brachypetalus 20 Sep 2012 T Parker
T Parker 4201 M Lötter LMU
Mbuna Bay Lodge. In front of Centro Seminario building. 0 Mozambique 1234D4 N 478

Tree, 7 meters tall. Fruit woody.

-12.794100 34.788667 6
109024 Bauhinia petersiana 27 Feb 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4067 MS Mothogoane LMU
Quirimbas National Park, ± 4 km along road from Mareja Camp, near Mount Mareja. 0 Mozambique 1240C3 N 195

Small tree, 2-3 meters tall, flowers white.

-12.860200 40.144030 7
109993 Bobgunnia madagascariensis 18 Jun 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4153 MS Mothogoane LMU
Niassa National Reserve, Matimbo Safari, Nungo Camp. Between Inselberg hills. 0 Mozambique 1337B4 N 550

Tree, about 15 meters tall. Snake bean, "cien"

-13.468102 37.811896 6
109209 Boscia salicifolia 20 Sep 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4206 JE Burrows LMU
Mbuna Bay Lodge, ridge east of the lodge. 0 Mozambique 1234D4 N 487

Tree, 4 meters tall with willow-like leaves. In flower.

-12.799200 34.788217 6
109208 Boscia salicifolia 12 Feb 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4031 JE Burrows LMU
Gorongosa National Park, road between Gate 1 and Chitengo, 6.3 km. 0 Mozambique 1934A2 MS 55

Tree, 8 meters tall.

-19.009417 34.253500 7
109038 Brachystegia boehmii 11 Feb 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4028 MS Mothogoane LMU
Gorongosa National Park. On Road from EN1 to Gate 1 on the way to Chitengo Camp. 3.3 km from highway. 0 Mozambique 1834C3 MS 130

Roadside tree. Greenish brown pod.

-18.944350 34.160050 7
108261 Brachystegia boehmii 11 Feb 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4028 T Parker BNRH
Roadside Gorongosa National Park. On Road from EN1 to Gate 1 on the way to Chitengo Camp. 3.3 km from highway. 0 Mozambique 1834C3 MS 130

Tree. Greenish brown pod.

-18.944350 34.160050 7
108262 Brachystegia boehmii 15 Nov 2017 T Parker
T Parker 4405 T Parker BNRH
Road from Mocuba to Nampula. 0 Mozambique 1736C1 N 126

Large tree, flowers in bud.

-17.560889 36.036889 7
110732 Bridelia cathartica subsp. melanthesoides 19 Jun 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4157 MS Mothogoane LMU
Niassa National Reserve, Matimbo Safari, Nungo Camp. Along road to the SSW. 0 Mozambique 1337B4 N 550

Small tree or shrub, 3 meters. Birds eat fruit, fruit green.

-13.479620 37.821240 6
110733 Bridelia cathartica subsp. melanthesoides 25 Jun 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4175 MS Mothogoane LMU
Niassa National Reserve, Mbatamila. Near the Niassa National Reserve headquarters building. 0 Mozambique 1237B1 N 500

Small tree behind NNR HQ buildings. Fruit green in color when immature. Squirrel hanging on the end of branches to eat fruit.

-12.170501 37.548565 6
110734 Bridelia cathartica subsp. melanthesoides 25 Sep 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4217 MS Mothogoane LMU
Mbuna Bay Lodge. Behind forth beach cottage. 0 Mozambique 1234D4 N 479

Small tree, 4 meters tall, multi-stemmed. Fruit dark purple-black.

-12.793476 34.788004 6
109080 Burkea africana 25 Jun 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4174 MS Mothogoane LMU
Niassa National Reserve, Mbatamila. Near the Niassa National Reserve headquarters building. 0 Mozambique 1237B1 N 500

Tree, 8 meters tall.

-12.170501 37.548565 6
109366 Combretum adenogonium 16 Sep 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4185 MS Mothogoane LMU
N'tendele Lodge, Lake Niassa shore, south of Meponda. Near communication site on hill NE of lodge. 0 Mozambique 1334B4 N 515

Small tree, cut and resprouted in corn field. Sprouts about 4 meters tall; flowers with a delicate sweet scent.

-13.468033 34.863750 6
109386 Combretum molle 27 Jun 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4177 MS Mothogoane LMU
Niassa National Reserve, Mbatamila. Near the Niassa National Reserve headquarters building. 0 Mozambique 1237B1 N 500

Medium tree, leaves fuzzy on both surfaces. Combretum molle?

-12.170501 37.548565 6
111119 Crossopteryx febrifuga 19 Jun 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4165 JE Burrows LMU
Niassa National Reserve, Matimbo Safari, Nungo Camp, along road to the SSW. 0 Mozambique 1337B4 N 550

Small tree, 8 meters tall. Fruit green turning dark red and then brown. Miombo woodland.

-13.479620 37.821240 6
109649 Diospyros kirkii 25 Jun 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4171 MS Mothogoane LMU
Niassa National Reserve, Mbatamila. Near the Niassa National Reserve headquarters building. 0 Mozambique 1237B1 N 500

Tree, 8 meters tall. Fruit green.

-12.170501 37.548565 6
108522 Diplorhynchus condylocarpon 25 Jun 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4172 MS Mothogoane LMU
Niassa National Reserve, Mbatamila. Near the Niassa National Reserve headquarters building. 0 Mozambique 1237B1 N 500

Tree, 7 meters tall. Leaves opposite, sap white.

-12.170501 37.548565 6
109119 Erythrophleum africanum 25 Jun 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4173 MS Mothogoane LMU
Niassa National Reserve, Mbatamila. On the edge of the airstrip. 0 Mozambique 1237B1 N 500

Tree, leaves bipinnate.

-12.170501 37.548565 6
109118 Erythrophleum africanum 12 Jun 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4147 JE Burrows LMU
Quirimbas National Park, Taratibu Bush Camp. On road out of Taratibu, about 4 km from the first village. 0 Mozambique 1239D3 N 400

Tree, bipinnate. Miombo woodland.

-12.835671 39.691581 6
109117 Erythrophleum africanum 12 Jun 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4146 JE Burrows LMU
Quirimbas National Park, Taratibu Bush Camp. On road out of Taratibu, about 4 km from the first village. 0 Mozambique 1239D3 N 400

Tree, bipinnate. Miombo woodland.

-12.835671 39.691581 6
109116 Erythrophleum africanum 12 Jun 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4145 MS Mothogoane LMU
Quirimbas National Park, Taratibu Bush Camp, on road out of camp, about 4 km from the first village. 0 Mozambique 1239D3 N 400

Tree, in miombo woodland.

-12.835671 39.691581 6
109115 Erythrophleum africanum 12 Feb 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4030 JE Burrows LMU
Gorongosa National Park. On Road from EN1 to Gate 1, 5.6 km. 0 Mozambique 1834C3 MS 127

Tree, 12 meters tall. Leaves bipinnate; bean pods green; bark gray and warty.

-18.961200 34.169817 7
110438 Faidherbia albida 19 Sep 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4200 MS Mothogoane LMU
Mbuna Bay Lodge, next to 4th beach cabin. 0 Mozambique 1234D4 N 478

Tree, sprawling with a low crown, 4 meters tall. Flowers white, mature fruit turning yellowish and thick when mature, small paired spines at nodes, sometimes with longer white spines.

-12.793476 34.788004 6
110487 Ficus ingens 17 Sep 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4199 MS Mothogoane LMU
N'tendele Lodge, Lake Niassa shore, south of Meponda. At dining patio SE of main beach with bar. 0 Mozambique 1334B4 N 480

Tree, spreading, 7 meters tall. On rocky coast.

-13.473003 34.863931 6
110513 Ficus sycomorus subsp. sycomorus 16 Sep 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4187 JE Burrows LMU
N'tendele Lodge, Lake Niassa shore, south of Meponda. Near bar, 20 meters west. 0 Mozambique 1334B4 N 483

Tree 8 meters tall. Leaves rough. Figs 2-3 cm wide.

-13.472083 34.863128 6
111839 Flacourtia indica 24 Feb 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4042 JE Burrows LMU
Quirimbas National Park, Mareja Camp, S of camp on entry drive. 0 Mozambique 1240C3 N 160

[no information]

-12.850085 40.167281 7
109153 Julbernardia globiflora 19 Jun 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4161 MS Mothogoane LMU
Niassa National Reserve, Matimbo Safari, Nungo Camp. Along road to the SSW. 0 Mozambique 1337B4 N 550

Tree, 4 meters tall, pod brownish green, velvety, leaflets 3-6 pairs. Miombo woodlands.

-13.479620 37.821240 6
108909 Markhamia obtusifolia 25 Sep 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4218 MS Mothogoane LMU
Mbuna Bay Lodge. SE from lodge on tree-covered point on shore. 0 Mozambique 1234D4 N 481

Tree, 4 meters tall. Leafless, with golden velvet fruit.

-12.799761 34.788773 6
108912 Markhamia zanzibarica 21 Feb 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4035 MS Mothogoane LMU
Pemba district, nZuwa Lodge. 0 Mozambique 1340B1 N 2

Small tree, 4 meters tall. Dark purple flowers. With Adansonia digitata and Tamarindus indica.

-13.064928 40.553515 7
111994 Mimusops zeyheri 20 Sep 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4204 MS Mothogoane LMU
Mbuna Bay Lodge. South along the beach at the edge of vegetation. 0 Mozambique 1234D4 N 479

Small tree, fruit orange. In flower.

-12.794483 34.789250 6
111993 Mimusops zeyheri 10 Mar 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4094 JE Burrows LMU
Mount Mabu, along trail down ridge east of Mt Mabu Forest Base Camp. 0 Mozambique 1636A4 Z 0

Understory tree, 8 meters tall, with fruit.

-16.284380 36.404290 7
110620 Olax dissitiflora 20 Sep 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4210 MS Mothogoane LMU
Mbuna Bay Lodge, ridge east of the lodge. 0 Mozambique 1234D4 N 576

Tree 9 meters tall. Flowers white, small, sweet scented, attracting lots of insects.

-12.818930 34.801050 6
109964 Philenoptera violacea 13 Feb 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4033 MS Mothogoane LMU
Gorongosa National Park, Chitenga Camp compound. 0 Mozambique 1834C4 MS 50

Tree, about 7 meters tall. With flat dried fruit pods. Leaves alternate, pinnate, with 3-5 leaflets.

-18.982167 34.353083 7
109965 Philenoptera violacea 20 Sep 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4205 MS Mothogoane LMU
Mbuna Bay Lodge. South of lodge beyond beach to point with mature trees, including Adansonia digitata. 0 Mozambique 1234D4 N 487

Tree, 7 meters tall. Flowers white with purple; fruit with 1 seed.

-12.799200 34.788217 6
109966 Philenoptera violacea 25 Sep 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4222 MS Mothogoane LMU
Mbuna Bay Lodge. SE from lodge, along shore, beyond tree-covered point two bays down. 0 Mozambique 1234D4 N 476

Tree, 6 meters tall. Fruit a flat bean.

-12.801989 34.787625 6
109173 Piliostigma thonningii 19 Jun 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4160 MS Mothogoane LMU
Niassa National Reserve, Matimbo Safari, Nungo Camp. Along road headed SSW. 0 Mozambique 1337B4 N 550

Tree, 5 meters tall, pods green with orange hairs.

-13.479620 37.821240 6
109174 Piliostigma thonningii 25 Jun 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4169 MS Mothogoane LMU
Niassa National Reserve, Mbatamila. Camp Maputo, near the headquarters for Niassa Natural Reserve. 0 Mozambique 1237B1 N 500

Tree, fruit green with orange hairs, turning brown when mature.

-12.182094 37.550162 6
110773 Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia 20 Sep 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4209 MS Mothogoane LMU
Mbuna Bay Lodge, ridge east of the lodge. 0 Mozambique 1234D4 N 576

Small tree, Leaves turing yellow, orange and red. Fruit green in color.

-12.818930 34.801050 6
110772 Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia 25 Jun 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4168 MS Mothogoane LMU
Niassa National Reserve, Mbatamila. Camp Maputo, near the headquarters for Niassa Natural Reserve. 0 Mozambique 1237B1 N 500

Tree, 17 meters tall, fruit yellow, turning orange-brown on the ground. Bark gray, flaking.

-12.182094 37.550162 6
109417 Pteleopsis myrtifolia 12 Jun 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4140 JE Burrows LMU
Quirimbas National Park, Taratibu Bush Camp. Up hill from camp, behind the fire pit. 0 Mozambique 1239D3 N 400

Tree, 10 meters tall (others taller).

-12.815576 39.696572 6
109416 Pteleopsis myrtifolia 26 Feb 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4065 JE Burrows LMU
Quirimbas National Park, edge of Mareja Safari Camp, to the side of ruined house. 0 Mozambique 1240C3 N 197

Medium sized tree.

-12.848114 40.168540 7
110652 Schrebera trichoclada 20 Sep 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4207 MS Mothogoane LMU
Mbuna Bay Lodge, ridge east of the lodge. 0 Mozambique 1234D4 N 487

Small tree, 5 meters tall. Fruit woody, split into 2 parts. Leafless.

-12.799200 34.788217 6
109983 Sesbania sesban var. nubica 16 Sep 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4192 M Lötter LMU
N'tendele Lodge, Lake Niassa shore, south of Meponda. Found at water's edge along rocky shore. 0 Mozambique 1334B4 N 480

Small tree, 7 meters tall, flowers yellow. Tree loaded with draping slim legume pods. Common at water's edge; dense regeneration present.

-13.472596 34.863576 6
108474 Steganotaenia araliacea var. araliacea 16 Sep 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4193 MS Mothogoane LMU
N'tendele Lodge, Lake Niassa shore, south of Meponda. Tree north of the bar, by trail to the dining patio. 0 Mozambique 1334B4 N 482

Medium tree, common in the area. Leafless, with yellow green flowers and fruit.

-13.472637 34.863930 6
110587 Syzygium guineense subsp. guineense 16 Sep 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4188 MS Mothogoane LMU
N'tendele Lodge, Lake Niassa shore, south of Meponda. Near bar, 20 meters west. 0 Mozambique 1334B4 N 483

Tree, 7 meters tall, flowers white.

-13.472083 34.863128 6
110589 Syzygium guineense subsp. guineense 25 Sep 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4219 JE Burrows LMU
Mbuna Bay Lodge. SE from lodge on tree-covered point on shore. 0 Mozambique 1234D4 N 481

Tree, 5 meters tall. Flowers white.

-12.799761 34.788773 6
110588 Syzygium guineense subsp. guineense 24 Sep 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4215 JE Burrows LMU
Beside road between Cobue and Metangula. 0 Mozambique 1234B4 N 667

Tree about 7 meters tall. Flowers white.

-12.316133 34.767033 6
109427 Terminalia sericea 19 Jun 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4159 JE Burrows LMU
Niassa National Reserve, Matimbo Safari, Nungo Camp. Along road to the SSW. 0 Mozambique 1337B4 N 550

Tree, 4 meters tall, with fruit.

-13.479620 37.821240 6
109430 Terminalia trichopoda 25 Sep 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4223 MS Mothogoane LMU
Mbuna Bay Lodge. SE from lodge along shore, beyond tree-covered point two bays down. 0 Mozambique 1234D4 N 476

Tree, 6 meters tall. In fruit, winged.

-12.801989 34.787625 6
110355 Trichilia emetica subsp. emetica 25 Sep 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4220 JE Burrows LMU
Mbuna Bay Lodge. SE from lodge on tree-covered point on shore. 0 Mozambique 1234D4 N 481

Tree, 8 meters tall. Flowers pale green, sweet scented.

-12.799761 34.788773 6
110223 Vitex mombassae 24 Feb 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4041 JE Burrows LMU
Quirimbas National Park, Mareja Camp, S of camp on entry drive. 0 Mozambique 1240C3 N 160

Tree, 8 meters tall, immature fruit, green.

-12.850085 40.167281 7
110001 Xeroderris stuhlmannii 24 Jun 2016 T Parker
T Parker 4167 JE Burrows LMU
Niassa National Reserve, Mbatamila. Camp Maputo, near the headquarters for Niassa Natural Reserve. Below lower end of the camp, to the south. 0 Mozambique 1237B1 N 500

Large tree, 12 meters tall. Patchy flaking bark, imparipinnate. (Fruit collected may be from a vine.)

-12.182094 37.550162 6

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Botswana: Records made by Tracey Parker., retrieved 12 March 2025

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